
  1. What are Neurons?
    • Basic building block of the nervous system
    • Cells that carry information in the for of electrical pulses
  2. What four parts make up the neurons?
    • Dendrite
    • Cell Body
    • Axon
    • Terminal Button
  3. What does the Dendrite do?
    It picks up information.
  4. What is the Cell Body for?
    It organizes the information
  5. What does the Axon do?
    It carries the information
  6. What does the Terminal Button do?
    It passes the information on to organs, muscles, brain, skin, eyes, (everything)
  7. What types of Neurons are there?
    • Sensory Neurons
    • Motor Neurons
    • Interneurons
  8. What do Sensory Neurons do?
    They Transmit information about the inside world to the spinal cord and brain.
  9. What do Motor Neurons do?
    They convey messages from the brain and spine to muscles that control movement.
  10. What do Interneurons do?
    • They connect Neuron to Neuron
    • Inside the spinal cord
    • They help us protect ourselves.
  11. What order do that Neurons work?
    • Sensory Neurons
    • Interneurons
    • Motor Neurons
  12. What kind of beings are we?
  13. How many stages does the electrical current take and what are they?
    • 4
    • 1) Resting potential
    • 2) Depolarization
    • 3) Action Potential
    • 4) Refractory Period
  14. What is Resting Potential?
    When the cell is not sending out any information and is at rest
  15. What is Depolarization?
    When the Neuron is getting ready for the next step.
  16. What is Action Potential?
    When the cell is in action and is sending the message to the specific part of the body
  17. What is Refractory Period?
    Slowing down and stopping, as well as recovery period.
  18. Define Nervous System
    It's an intricate network of neurons that are organized in a complex communication network
  19. What are the two points of the Nervous system?
    Central and Periphiral
  20. What does the Central Nervous system consist of?
    • Brain
    • Spinal Cord
  21. What is the Hind Brain?
    It controls the basic functions
  22. What is the Mid Brain?
    It's the section of the brain that allows us to take control of things.
  23. What is the Forebrain?
    • It's your self of self
    • It's who you are
  24. What is the job of the Spinal Cord?
    • To receive incoming info to be processed
    • Transmits outgoing info
    • Control's spinal reflexes
  25. What is the three parts of the Hind Brain?
    • Medulla
    • Pons
    • Cerebellum
  26. What is the oldest part of the brain?
    The Hind Brain
  27. What does the Mid Brain do?
    • It controls automatic movement of the eye muscles as well as the brain stem
    • It regulates attention, alertness, and arousal
    • (Alcohol interrupts this aspect of the brain-Drowsiness)
  28. What is the largest part of the Brain?
    The Forebrain
  29. What are the parts to the Forebrain?
    • Thalamus
    • Hypothalamus
    • Lymbic
    • Cerebral Cortex
  30. What is the job of the Talamus?
    It route information from the sense receptors
  31. What is the job of the Hypothalamus?
    • Regulates Thirst, Hunger, Body Temperature, and Emotional States
    • (When the Hunger comes, the body stops regulating emotion and temperature to reserve energy)
  32. What is the job of the Lymbic System?
    • Memories
    • Emotional Processing
  33. What is the job of the Cerebral Cortex?
    • Responsible for our ability to:
    • Think
    • Use Language
    • Calculate
    • Organize
    • Create
    • Controls
  34. What does the Cerebral Cortex Control?
    • Voluntary Movement
    • States of Motivation
    • Emotional Arousal
    • Processing of Sensory Information
  35. How many hemispheres are there in the Cerebral Cortex?
  36. How are the two Hemspheres of the Cerebral Cortex Connected?
    By the Corpus Collosum
  37. How Many Lobes does each Hemisphere have?
    And What are they?
    • 4
    • 1) Occipital
    • 2) Parietal
    • 3) Frontal
    • 4) Temporal
  38. Where is the Occipital Lobe located?
    The Back of the Brain
  39. What does the Occipital Lobe do?
    It Processes visual information

    (Found in the back for protection)
  40. Where is the Parietal Lobe located?
    The sides of the Brain
  41. What does the Parietal Lobe do?
    • It processes sensory information from the Body
    • (Hearing, touch, taste)
  42. Where is the Frontal Lobe Located?
    The front of the Brain
  43. What Does the Frontal Lobe do?
    • It is the executive center of the brain
    • Accesses Memories
    • Self awareness
    • Thinks

    (Who you are)
  44. Where is the Temporal Lobe located?
    Beneath and Behind the Frontal Lobe
  45. What does the Temporal Lobe do?
    • Performs higher mental Functions
    • Learning/Abstract thought/Creation

    (Reasoning, and stores memories *Works with the Frontal Lobe*)
  46. What are the Brain Specializations for the LEFT side of the brain?
    • Language
    • Speaking
    • Reading
    • Writing
  47. What are the Brain Specializations for the RIGHT side of the brain?
    • Non Verbal Processing
    • Recognition
    • Processing Musical Sounds
    • Understanding Emotions
  48. What is the Brain Plasticity?
    • Flexibility in Processing
    • Adaptability for functioning (E.g. Stroke recovery)
    • Our mind is constantly figuring out how to communicate with newly formed neurons. It works on arranging where the safest place of the mind that the different parts can be. stops at a certain age
  49. What age does Brain Plasticity stop?
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Eric Model's General Psychology class.