Four levels of anxiety:
- Mild: special attention, increased sensory stimulation, motivational, helps someone grow, learn and change
- Moderate: something definitely wrong, nervousness/agitation, difficulty concentrating, able to be redirected, learning is still possible
- Severe: trouble thinking, tightened muscles, increased vital signs, restless, irritable, angry
- Panic: fight, flight, or freeze response, increased vital signs, dilated pupils
Positive reframing
- turning negative messages into positive ones
- (cognitive behavior therapy)
- Making more realistic appraisal of a situation
- (cognitive behavior therapy)
Assertiveness training
- learn to negotiate interpersonal situations
- (cognitive behavior therapy)
Panic Disorder
- Discrete episodes of panic with no stimulus/reason
- Avoidance behavior
- Primary, secondary gain (sick role is an added benefit for a physical complaint)
Panic Disorder (treatment)
- deep breathing
- relaxation
- benzos
- TCAs
- antihypertensives (clonidine, propanolol)
cognitive behavioral therapy
- Intense illogical persistent fear
- Includes agoraphobia, specific phobia, social phobia
Phobias (treatment)
- behavioral therapy
- positive reframing
- assertiveness traning
- systematic desensitization
- flooding
- antidepressants
- anxiolytics
recurrent, persistent, intrustive, unwanted throughts, images, impulses, causing marked anxiety
ritualistic or repetitive behaviors or mental acts carried out continuously to neutralize anxiety
OCD (treatments)
- medications (table 13.3)
- behavior therapy (exposure, response prevention)
(don't stop a ritual unless it's harmful to the patient -> decreases trauma)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Chronic - longer than 6 months
- Treat with Buspirone (BuSpar) and SSRIs
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- re-experiencing traumatic event
- flashbacks
Acute Stress Disorder
- more dissociative response than PTSD
- emotional detachment
- muddled obliviousness to environment
Psychological Crisis
- An individual's inability to solve a problem, usual coping mechanisms cannot resolve the problem
- Acute event
Gerald Caplan's 4 Phases of Crisis
- 1. Initial threat
- 2. Continuing threat becomes a crisis
- 3. Crisis intensifies to panic
- 4. Serious disorganization and assault
Gerald Caplan's Theory
If an individual is able to constructively solve a crisis, the individual will gain greater personality integration and coping abilities, failure to do so results in disorganization.
Crisis occurance depends on...
the person's perception of the event.
need more of the substance to get the same effect
Tolerance break
- After developing a tolerance, the tolerance is dramatically lowered temporarily
- Person can overdose easily at this time
- CNS depressant -> relaxation/loss of inhibitions
- use: vomiting, unconsciousness
- overdose: respiratory rate depressed
- withdrawal: 4-12 hours after cessation, peak on the second day, lasts about 5 days. Use benzodiazepines (Valium) for safe withdrawal
Kubler-Ross's Stages of Grieving
- 1. Denial
- 2. Anger
- 3. Bargaining
- 4. Depression
- 5. Acceptance
Disenfranchised grief
Grief over a loss that is not or cannot be acknowledged openly, mourned publicly, or supported socially.
Complicated Grieving
Grief that is outside the norm; person may be void of emotion, grieve for prolonged periods, or has ezpressions of grief that seem disproportionate to the event.
Affective/mood disorders
- Pervasive alterations in emotions that are manifested by depression, mania, or both
- Interfere with individual's life
- Alteration in mood, not thought
Depressive Disorders (medications)
- TCAs
- EMSAM (patch version of MAOIs w/o dietary restrictions)
SSRI side effects
- GI distress
- low anticholinergic
- low sedation
- sexual disfunction
- orthostatic hypotension (VITALS)
TCA side effects
- weight gain
- dry mouth
- constipation
- sedation, drowsiness
- hypotension (VITALS)
- blurred vision
- urinary retention
- sinus tachycardia
- decreased memory
Serotonin Syndrome
- occurs from taking a SSRI and MAOI
- change in mental status (confusion and agitation)
- fever, shivering, sweating
- rigidity, jerks (myoclonus), collapse, paralysis, weakness
- sluggish pupils
- tachycardia/pnea, hypersalivation
- treatment: discontinue use, provide supportive treatment, notify physician
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
- potentially lethal reaction to dopamine blocking/antipsychcotic drugs, usally occus in first 2 weeks of therapy
- rigidity
- high fever
- unstable BP
- diaphoresis
- pallor
- elevated enzymes, especially creatine phosphokinase; leukocytosis
- changes in mental status; delirium
- treatment: discontinue use, treat adverse symptoms
Suicidal Ideation (SI)
direct or indirect suicidal thoughts
Suicidal threats
direct verbal or written messages of intent
Suicidal gestures
- actions resulting in minor injury
- no intention to die
Suicidal attempts
serious actions with intention to die
Successul suicide
death of a person who had conscious intent to die
Antidepressants (mechanism of action)
- Block reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin
- SSRIs have fewest side effects (common ones are dizziness, drowsiness, and dry mouth)
- TCAs and MAOIs take a while to kick in
Bipolar Disorder (meds)
- lithium (serum lithium maintenance level is 0.5 - 1.5 mEq/L)
- anticonvulsants raise brain's stimulus threshold
The use of a substance that results in maladaptive behavior.
The negative psychologic and physical reactions that occur when use of a substance ceases or dramatically decreases
The process of safely withdrawing from a substance
Substance abuse
Using a drug in a way that is inconsistent with medical or social norms and despite negative consequences
Substance dependence
Problems with addiction like tolerance, withdrawal, and unsuccessful attempts to quit
Substance Abuse vs. Substance Dependence
- Abuse: creates problems in social, vocational, or legal areas of a person's life
- Dependence: creates physical problems like tolerance, withdrawal, and unsuccessful attempts to quit
Symptoms of alcohol/sedative/anxiolytic withdrawal
- N/V
- tremors
- sweating
- anxiety
- agitation
- tactile/auditory/visual disturbances
- elevated pulse and BP
- insomnia
- HA
- disorientation
use benzos for safe withdrawal
You can have a fatal withdrawal to...
What drug can you use for n/v/d during withdrawal?
Stages of Change
- precontemplation
- contemplation
- determination/preparation
- action, maintenance
- relapse/recycle
To avoid Korsakoff's psychosis and Wernicke's encephalopathy...
give vitamin B1, or thyamine (banana bag)
Stimulant intoxication
- euphoria
- hyperactivity
- hypervigilance
- talkativeness
- anxiety, anger
- hallucinations, grandiosity
- stereotypic/repetitive behavior
- impaired jugment
- tachycardia
- dilated pupils
Stimulant withdrawal
- dysphoria
- fatigue
- vivid/unpleasant dreams
- insomnia/hypersomnia
- increased appetite
- psychomotor retardation
What is disulfiram (Antabuse)?
- drug prescribed to create an adverse reaction while drinking:
- flushing
- throbbing HA
- sweating
- n/v
- confusion
- coma/death
The return to drug use after a drug-free period
Harm reduction
A way of dealing with behavior that damages the health of the person involved and of their community. Goal is abstinence, but it can help reduce drug use and drug-related deaths, disease, and crime.
- ex. Offering education and referral to drug treatment opportunities.
- Permitting drug users to exchange used syringes for new ones, or buy new syringes.