World Music Ch 3-4

  1. Duration
    How long or short a tone is
  2. Frequency
  3. Amplitude
    How loud or soft tones are
  4. Timbre
    analogous to the actual sound quality or "tone color"
  5. Four Basic Properties of Tone
    • Duration
    • Frequency
    • Amplitude
    • Tone
  6. Rest
    A pause between notes
  7. Sixteenth notes
    faster-moving notes
  8. Eighth Notes
    The medium-speed notes
  9. Quarter Notes
    The slower notes
  10. Beat
    Steady underlying pulse.
  11. When there is more than one note per beat in a piece of music.
  12. Measure
    Each group of beats.
  13. Meter
    Number of beats in a measure defines the music's.
  14. Syncopation
    An accented note that falls between beats.
  15. Tempo
    The rate at which the beats pass in music.
  16. Free Rhythm
    Does not have a discernible beat.
  17. Melody
    Particular sequence of pitches that unfolds.
  18. Melodic Direction
    Some combination of ascending and/or descending movement as the melody progresses from note to note.
  19. Melodic Character
    Melodies in which there are numerous large "leaps" in pitch from one note to the next
  20. Melodic Contour
    The overall "shape" of a melody, which is a producto of its range, direction and character combined.
  21. Scale
    An ascending and/or descending series of notes of different pitch.
  22. Chromatic Scale
    All 12 notes in sequence from low to high or from high to low.
  23. Octave
    Musical phenomenon that is universally recognized. It explains why a man and a woman can sing the exact same melody together even though the woman's voice produces much higher pitches than the man's.
  24. Major Scale
    Produced with the white keys only.
  25. Pentatonic Scale
    Includes just five pitches per octave.
  26. Minor scales
    employ seven pitches per octave, but the sequences of pitches are somewhat different.
  27. Interval
    The distance between two notes, whether in a scale or a melody.
  28. Modulation
    Moving from one key to another during the course of a musical work.
  29. Microtones
    Tiny intervalse. Middle Eastern/Arab music has 24 pitches per octave instead of 22
  30. Ornamentation
    Systems for "decorating" the main pitches are integral to the pitch system overall.
  31. Legato
    The longer sustained treatment of a note.
  32. Staccato
    Shorter, clipped treatment
  33. Mode
    Related to but broader than the idea of a scale. More comprehensive and multidimensional.
  34. Chord
    Group of two or more notes of different pitch sounded simultaneously.
  35. Harmony
    A chord that "makes sense" within the context of its musical style.
  36. Chord Progression
    Movement from one chord to another.
  37. Harmonization
    What results when each melody note is reinforced by an additional note or notes of different pitch to create a chord.
  38. Arpeggio
    Quasi-melodic presentation of a chord.
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World Music Ch 3-4