World Music Ch 1-2

  1. 5 Propositions of music
    • 1. All music is sound
    • 2. All music is organized
    • 3. It is organized by people
    • 4. HIP Human Interpretation and Perception
    • 5. Music is tied to Western Culture
  2. Qur'an
    The holy book of Islam
  3. Tone
    a sound whose pricipal identity is a musical identity, as defined by people (though not necessarily all people) who make or experience that sound.
  4. Ethnocentrism
    we cannot help but impose our own culturally grounded perspectives, biases, and assumptions on practices and life ways that are different from our own.
  5. Ethnomusicology
    an interdisciplinary academic field that draws on musicology, anthropology, and other disciplines in order to study the world's music
  6. Musicultural
    phenomenon where music as sound and music as culture are mutually reinforcing, and where the two are essentially insuperable from one another.
  7. Culture
    That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.
  8. Identity
    Peoples ideas about who they are and what unites them with or distinguishes them from other people and entities.
  9. Society
    A group of persons regarded as forming a single community.
  10. Nation State vs. Nation
    Members of a nation-state share a national society and culture and a national homeland. Canada is a nation-state. Palestine by contrast, is a nation but not a nation-state. They have no homeland.
  11. Diaspora
    An international network of communities linked together by identification with a common ancestral homeland and culture. People in diaspora exist in a condition of living away from their "homeland," often with no gurantee, or even likelihood, of return.
  12. Virtual Communities
    communities forged in the electronic sphere of cyberspace rather than in more conventional ways, represent the latest chapter, in the complex story of transnational identity formation.
  13. Musical Syncretism
    The merging of formerly distinct styles and idioms into new forms of expression.
  14. Fieldwork
    A hallmark of ethnomusicological research.
  15. Musical Cycles
    Patterns that are repeated over and over during the course of a performance while other aspects of the music change and evolve.
  16. Rituals
    Special events during which individuals or communities enact, through performance, their core beliefs, values, and ideals.
  17. Two basic features of music transmission
    Production and Reception
  18. Composition
    Planning out the design of a musical work prior to its performance.
  19. Interpretation
    the process through which music performers or music listeners take an existing composition and in a sense make it their own through the experience of performing or listening to it.
  20. Improvisation
    composing in the moment of performance.
  21. Arranging
    The craft of taking an existing musical work and transforming it into some thing new, while still retaining its core musical identity.
  22. Tradition
    a process, in particular a process of creative transformation whose most remarkable feature is the continuity it nurtures and sustains.
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World Music Ch 1-2
Key terms