1. What is blood pressure
    Blood pressure is the force exerted on the blood vessel wall by the pumping of the heart
  2. Reading of blood pressure
    Systolic and diastolic
    • Systolic during heartbeat pressure
    • Diastolic during rest period heartbeat pressure
  3. Normal range and high range are blood pressure
    • Normal range
    • 120.   High.     140
    •   ------------ ------------ 80.                    90
  4. Factors affecting blood pressure
    • Cardiac output
    • Artery arteriolar resistance
    • Total blood volume
    • Viscosity of blood
    • Electricity of vessel walls
    • Systolic and diastolic phases
  5. High blood pressure is called?
    Name some causes?
    • Hypertension
    • causes and hereditary factors
    • Narrowing hardening of arteries
    • Stationary lifestyle
    • Diet overweight
    • Excess alcohol intake
    • Age smoking and stress
  6. Effects of high blood pressure
    Angina heart attack blood clot stroke organ problems ie kidneys
  7. Low blood pressure is called?
    name some causes and effects?
    • Hypotension - low blood pressure
    • causes shock, blood fluid loss, hormonal problems and underactive adrenaline glands, injury to brain /spinal cord certain heart conditions severe insufficient food and fluid intake starvation effects dizziness and fainting
  8. How exercise help or slow heart diseases effects of appropriate exercise related to
    blood pressure
    body composition
    Heart heart becomes more effective and does not need to work hard increase output leading to decrease resting heart rate

    Blood pressure lowers blood pressure reducing strain on the heart reduces all the other risk associated with hypertension

    Cholesterol increases good cholesterol hdl which helps prevent fat build up in the arteries may help reduce levels of bad cholesterol LDL

    Circulation improved by reducing risk of clotting less strokes and heart attacks

    Body composition fat loss less strain on the heart

    Stress releases endorphins
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