CDS 621 - Chapter 7

  1. Hearing Loss
    • one of the most common disabilities among children 4/1000
    • associated with otitis media
    • if kids can't hear they won't learn
  2. Conductive Hearing Loss
    Problem with the outer or middle ear
  3. Sensorineural Hearing Loss
    problem with the inner ear system
  4. Mixed hearing Loss
    problems with conductive or sensorineural systems of hearing
  5. Intermittent/Transient Hearing Loss
    temporary hearing loss as a result of a sickness or trauma
  6. Degree of Hearing Loss
    • determines which sounds will be inaudible 
    • determines hearing threshold: loudness level at which sound is heard
    • may cause audio perceptual problems
  7. Auditory Processing Disorder
    • hear sounds but can't discriminate 
    • difficulty synthesizing output to get meaningful info 
    • can't link or tell the difference between individual sounds in C-A-T
  8. Auditory Neuropathy/dys-synchrony (AN/AD)
    • hears sound but there is a problem with auditory nerve (8th cranial)
    • doesn't pick up sound for interpretation
    • at all levels: inner, middle, outer
  9. Parental Involvement
    • decides which was treatment will progress 
    • learning to listen, sign, or both
  10. Co-occurring Conditions
    impacts how HL affects comm development and how we would assess and treat it
  11. Neural Plasticity
    auditory nerve may develop appropriately even after trauma
  12. Listening and Spoken Lang
    • develop listening skills 
    • learn from the hearing age, not chron age
  13. Visual learning and Manual Communication
    • various types (ASL, ESL)
    • pidgin: make up own sign system
  14. Skills for Counseling Parents
    • tolerate convo silence 
    • reflect feeling: respond to the emotions rather than the content of the message  
    • ask open ended questions
  15. Family Role
    • parents are primary language teachers 
    • maximize early lang experiences 
    • use scaffolding, imitation, and closed questions 
    • frequent storybook reading
  16. Cottage Acquisition Scales for Listening, Learning, and Speech (CASLLS)
    • developmental checklists for assessment and planing for diagnostic therapy
    • includes cognition, play, and convo skills 
    • designed for kids with HL
    • describe abilities along the continuum of lang milestones  (developmental approach)
    • language and cognition co dependent
    • early lang, expanding lang, complex lang
  17. Ling Test
    • tests ability to detect and discriminate sounds across the speech spectrum 
    • (m, ah, oo, ee, sh, s)
  18. MacArthur Inventory
    • standardized 
    • parent report assists in screening emerging lang and comm skills
  19. Learning to Listen
    sound object association to learn new sounds and vocab
  20. Acoustic Highlighting
    • slower rate
    • increased pitch contrasts in sets of words (no rhyming words)
  21. Hand Cue
    use hand placement to alert listeners
  22. Sound Sandwich
    combining visual and audio cues
  23. Sabotage
    make deliberate mistake to give child chance to repair it
  24. Language Experience Books
    • photos and mementos to doc and describe experiences 
    • use to address past and future, abstract and other lang concepts
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CDS 621 - Chapter 7
CDS 621