History 201-03

  1. Three involvements in Economic Nationalism
    • Second Bank of the US
    • Tariff of 1816
    • Internal Improvements Bill
  2. Second Bank of the US
    • Built in Philadelphia
    • Modeled after Alexander Hamilton's first Bank
    • Established to unite the states and give the federal government the power to regulate trade and coin money
  3. Tariff of 1816
    • Taxed all goods coming into the US that the country could make themselves
    • It equalized the cost of American and British goods
    • Americans were more likely to buy American made goods
  4. Internal Improvements Bill
    • John C. Calhoun supported it
    • It established a better trade route within the US so goods could move faster and be cheaper
  5. Two cases in Judicial Nationalism
    • Dartmouth vs Woodward
    • McCulloch vs Maryland
  6. John Marshall
    • Supreme Court Chief Justice
    • Helped establish the Supreme Court as the body of government that determined legality and constitutionality of laws
  7. Dartmouth vs Woodward case
    • Dartmouth College was chartered by the British
    • The states wanted to interfere with the college and take control
    • Supreme Court ruled that a state cannot interfere with a private contract without permission
  8. McCulloch vs Maryland case
    • Determined the constitutionality of the National Bank
    • Deemed the Bank constitutional because the goal was constitutional although a national bank wasn't specified in the Constitution
  9. Four agreements in Diplomatic Nationalism
    • Rush-Bagot Agreement
    • Anglo-American Accords
    • Adams-Onis Treaty
    • Monroe Doctrine
  10. John Quincy Adams
    • Secretary of State
    • Sons of former president John Adams
    • Set up agreements and treaties with foreign governments
  11. Rush-Bagot Agreement
    The American-British agreement limiting the amount of Navy ships in the seas to prevent confrontations
  12. Anglo-American Accords
    • Solved the dispute over the Canada and Louisiana Purchase boundary line
    • Established the boundary line at the 49th parallel
    • Gave America and Britain joint custody over the Oregon country
  13. Adams-Onis Treaty
    It secured the eastern seaboard except Canada to the US
  14. Monroe Doctrine
    Was established to restrict any other countries from colonizing in South America by promising that the US wouldn't interfere in the affairs of foreign countries
  15. James Monroe(US) and George Canning(GB)
    • Planned to rid North America of Spanish claim
    • Would allow Britain to have part control over Spanish territories
    • John Quincy Adams suggested to Monroe to decline offer because he believed US could take over Spanish territory with British help
  16. Russo-American Treaty
    The US bought Alaska from Russia
  17. Panic of 1819
    • Land speculation in the West
    • Bank of US couldn't back up loans
    • Banks went bankrupt
  18. Tallmadge Amendment
    • Proposed that no more slaves could be brought into the Missouri territory
    • Gave gradual emancipation to children born of slaves
    • Unsuccessful
  19. Missouri Compromise
    • Henry Clay came up with it
    • Missouri could be admitted as a slave state but Maine would have to separate from NY
    • Deemed the 36/30 parallel the boundary between free and slave states
  20. Cyrus McCormick
    Invented the mechanical reaper to harvest crops efficiently
  21. Transportation Achievements
    • Lancaster Pike
    • National Road
    • Claremont Steamboat
    • Erie Canal
    • Railroads
  22. Irish Immigrants to the US
    • Came because of potato famine
    • Were under British rule
    • Were poor, lived in slums
    • Mostly Catholic
    • Lived in NY
  23. German Immigrants to the US
    • Came because of political revolution
    • Regarded with suspicion
    • Settled in the West, farming
  24. What is Nativism?
    • Citizens of the US felt that the immigrants were inferior
    • Order of the Star Spangled Banner became the Know Nothing political party
    • They wanted it to be easier to deport foreigners
  25. How did the Industrial Revolution in the US take off?
    • Through spies delivering secrets from British factories
    • Samuel Slater and Francis Cabot Lowell
  26. Lowell Factory
    • Young single women lived in dormitories and worked in the factory
    • Made a dollar a week working 6 days a week from dusk until dawn
  27. Eli Whitney
    • Invented the cotton gin
    • Invented interchangeable parts
  28. Samuel Morse
    Invented Morse code telegraphs
  29. Cyrus Field
    Invented the transatlantic cable connecting America and Europe
  30. Isaac Singer
    Invented the sewing machine
  31. Second Great Awakening
    The Mormon faith
  32. Mormons
    • Founder: Joseph Smith
    • Polygamy
    • Brigham Young led them to Utah
  33. Temperance
    • Practice of not drinking alcohol
    • Successful
  34. Sabatarian Movement
    • Evangelicals
    • Wanted to stop the post office from delivering mail on Sundays
    • Wanted to prevent businesses from opening on Sundays
    • Wanted to restrict recreational activities on Sundays
  35. School Reforms
    • Wanted a tax supported public school system
    • Poor needed their children to work
    • Catholic created own schools to avoid Protestant teachings
  36. Prison Reforms
    • Rehabilitation instead of death penalty
    • Dorthea Dix helped institute asylums for the mentally insane to stay out of jail
  37. Emma Willard
    Troy Seminary opened to offer collegiate studies to women
  38. Mary Lyon
    Mt Holyoke School
  39. Lucretia Mott
    Opened her home to escaped slaves
  40. Lucy Stone
    Kept her maiden name
  41. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
    • Advocated suffrage
    • Left "obey" out of wedding vows
  42. Susan B. Anthony
    Lectured for women's rights
  43. Grimke Sisters
    lectured to mixed audiences that men and women were equal
  44. Amelia Bloomer
    Created pants for women to wear underneath shorter skirts
  45. Seneca Falls
    • Women's Right Convention
    • Demanded right to vote
  46. Shakers
    • Created own society
    • "shook" off sin
    • Women and men were separated
    • Prohibited individual ownership of property
    • Relied on new members coming in
  47. Oneida
    • Polygamy
    • Communal ownership of property
    • Leader was arrested for adultery
  48. New Harmony Vision
    • Established in Indiana
    • Vision had a protective wall around the community
  49. Uncle Tom's Cabin
    • Harriett Beecher Stowe wrote it
    • Made slavery a personal issue
  50. Republic of Liberia
    • Community of freed slaves in Africa
    • Capital was Monrovia after James Monroe
    • Unsuccessful
  51. William Lloyd Garrison
    • Radical, militant abolitionist
    • Published The Liberator
  52. Fredrick Douglass
    • Escaped slave
    • Lectured against slavery
  53. Nat Turner
    • A black preacher who stirred up support for the antislavery movement
    • The rebellion failed
    • Slave owners disallowed black preachers to hold services
  54. Sojourner Truth
    A freed slave who traveled North to speak about slavery and women's rights
  55. Pro Slavery Justification
    • Religion
    • Prior societies held slaves
    • Northern workers were depicted as tired and unhappy, but Southerners were depicted as happy and healthy
    • Biology
  56. New Democracy
    • "politics of the common man"
    • Led by Andrew Jackson
  57. Election of 1824
    • All Republican candidates
    • Andrew Jackson
    • Henry Clay
    • William Crawford
    • John Quincy Adams
    • Jackson won the popular vote, but there was no majority vote in the Electoral College
    • House of Representatives chose Adams as president
  58. Corrupt Bargain between John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay
    • Clay was the Speaker of the House and helped persuade the House to choose Adams as president
    • Adams chose Clay as his Secretary of State
  59. Clay's American System
    • Nationalistic
    • Pro Tariff
    • Pro national bank
  60. Why was John Quincy Adams an ineffective president?
    Adams' nationalistic views weren't shred by the public
  61. Tariff of Abomination
    • Taxed imported goods to help raise American economy
    • South relied on these importations because they didn't manufacture their own goods
    • North benefited from the tax because their goods were being bought
  62. South Carolina Expedition
    • Vice President John C. Calhoun secretly wrote it
    • A pamphlet against the Tariff of Abomination
    • Claimed tariff was unconstitutional
    • Stated that the tariff should be declared null and void by the states
  63. Election of 1828
    • Two new parties: Jacksonian Democrats and National Republicans
    • Campaign was vicious with personal attacks
    • Jackson's wife was rumored to be an adulteress and died of a broken heart right after Jackson took office
    • Jackson won
  64. Spoils System
    • politicians rewarded their loyal supporters with positions in government
    • Jackson justified the system
    • It was said to strengthen the political machine
  65. Martin Van Buren
    Secretary of State under Jackson
  66. Jackson's kitchen cabinet
    An informal group of people Jackson went to for advice
  67. Eaton Affair
    • Peggy O'Neil was the daughter of a tavern owner
    • Peggy married Secretary of War Eaton
    • Calhoun's wife created rumors about Peggy
    • Jackson ordered his cabinet to be nice to Peggy
    • Only Van Buren was nice to her
  68. Maysville Road Bill
    • Written by Henry Clay
    • Promoted the federal funding of a road in Kentucky
    • Jackson vetoed it
  69. Webster-Hayne Debates
    • North-Daniel Webster
    • South- Robert Hayne
    • Defined the line between North and South
  70. Webster's views at the Debate
    • People created the Constitution, not the states
    • Supreme Court was final word on constitutionality
    • Against nullification of federal laws by the states
  71. Hayne's views at the debate
    • New England disloyalty in War of 1812
    • Condemned Tariff of Abominations
    • Supported states' right to nullify federal law
  72. Nullification Crisis
    • Whether states could nullify federal law or not
    • A banquet was held to get Jackson's stand on the issue
    • Jackson stood up for federal government
    • South Carolina nullified the Tariff of Abominations
  73. Compromise Tariff of 1833
    Written by Henry Clay to ease the tension over the nullification crisis
  74. Force Bill
    • Called the Bloody Bill bu South Carolina
    • Authorized the president to use force to collect federal tariff duties
    • South Carolina nullified it
  75. Bank War
    • Clay brought up the recharter of the national bank early
    • Jackson vetoed the Bank's recharter
    • Jackson declared the Bank unconstitutional
    • Jackson took out the federal money and put it in pet banks
  76. Election of 1832
    • Anti-masonic party was created in opposition to Jackson
    • Jackson won popular vote
  77. Anti-Masonic Party
    • Originated in New York
    • Wirt was their candidate
    • Merged into the Whig Party
  78. Specie Circular
    Required all public land to be purchased with hard money
  79. Indian Removal Act
    • Trail of Tears
    • Removed Native Americans from their homes to Oklahoma
    • Cherokees, Seminoles, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws
  80. Cherokee Nation vs Georgia and Worcester vs. Georgia
    • Cherokees fought back against the Indian Removal Act using the law
    • John Marshall sided with the Cherokees
    • Jackson told Marshall to try to enforce the law
  81. Stephen Austin
    • Mexico gave him permission to settle Texas as long as the settlers were Catholic, became Mexicanized, and didn't own slaves
    • Mexican dictator Santa Ana put Austin in jail because the settlers weren't following the rules
  82. Revolution in Texas
    • Texas declared independence from Mexico and called it the Republic of Texas
    • Some states wanted to annex Texas, but the issue of slavery was stalling the process
    • Battle of the Alamo
    • Santa Ana was captured in San Jacinto where he agreed to remove troops from Texas and recognize the Rio Grande as the official border to Mexico
    • Santa Ana took back his word after his release
  83. Election of 1836
    • Whig Party was created in opposition to Jackson
    • Whigs: William Henry Harrison, Hugh Lawson White, and Daniel Webster
    • Democrats: Martin Van Buren
    • Van Buren won the election
  84. Whig Party
    • States' rights supporter
    • Clay's American System
    • Included reformers, evangelists, Anti-masonic party
  85. Whig Party's plan to win election of 1836
    Wanted to split the vote to prevent a majority vote and force the House to choose the president
  86. Panic of 1837
    • An abundance of land
    • Easy credit terms
    • Lots of debt
    • Britain stopped buying cotton and tightened their credit terms
    • Bank failures
    • Foreclosures
  87. Divorce Bill
    Van Buren took federal money out of the pet banks and put it into an independent treasury
  88. Gag rule
    • Any antislavery petition that was brought up in Congress was immediately tabeled without discussion
    • South supported it
  89. Election of 1840
    • Whigs: William Henry Harrison and John Tyler as VP
    • Democrat: Martin Van Buren
    • Harrison won, but died of pneumonia after his inauguration speech which gave Tyler the presidency
  90. The Caroline
    • An American steamer that helped send supplies to Canadian rebels in the fight against Britain
    • Britain set the steamer on fire
  91. The Creole
    • An American ship stolen by Virginian escaped slaves
    • The British gave the slaves asylum in the Bahamas
  92. Aroostook War
    Between American and British lumberjacks in the land disputed between Maine and New Brunswick
  93. Webster-Ashburton Treaty
    Fixed the boundary line dispute between Maine and New Brunswick
  94. Election of 1844
    • Whigs: Henry Clay
    • Democrats: James K. Polk
    • Manifest Destiny
    • Polk won
  95. Texas Question
    • Tyler wanted to annex Texas
    • Pro-slavery/Anti-slavery
  96. Oregon Question
    • Americans were winning population battle over Britain
    • Wanted annexation up to the 54/40 parallel
  97. Manifest Destiny
    The idea that Americans had the right from God to expansion of territory
  98. Compromise Line in Oregon
    49th parallel
  99. What was Polk's goal as president?
    To annex California
  100. Mexican War
    Over the California territory, the boundary line for Texas, and the Southwest territories
  101. John Slidell
    • Sent by Polk to negotiate the purchase of California and the boundary of Texas at the Rio Grande
    • Offered $30 million plus the cancellation of Mexican debt to the US
    • Was rejected
  102. Zachary Taylor
    • American general who marched his men into the disputed land in Texas
    • Was attacked, but the attack failed
  103. John C. Fremont
    American who helped overthrow the Mexican government in California
  104. Winfield Scott
    American general who traveled from New Orleans to Mexico City with American state department diplomat Nicholas P. Trist to negotiate
  105. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    • Ended Mexican War
    • Gave US Utah, California, and New Mexico
    • Mexico recognized American claim to Texas
    • US agreed to pay $15 million for land and free Mexico of their debt to the US
  106. Wilmot Proviso
    Stated that slavery could not exist in any land taken from Mexico
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History 201-03
Era of Good Feeling