Getting Food

  1. Foraging
    Food collection may be generally defined as a food-getting strategy that obtains wild plants and animals resources though gathering, fishing, scavenging, or hunting.
  2. Hunter-gatherers
    Contemporary Foragers who are not very numerous, and most of them live in what have been called the marginal area of earth, which are deserts, arctic, and dense tropical forests.
  3. Horticulture
    Vision of people with "green thumbs" growing of crops all kinds with relatively simple tools and methods, in the absence of permanently cultivated fields. There are two types of horticultures. However, many of them don't rely on crops alone for food, they also hunt or fish.
  4. Extensive (shifting) Cultivation
    The land is worked for short period of time and then left idle for some years. Uses slash and burn technique to clear the wild plants.
  5. Slash-and-burn
    Slashing the undergrowth, felling trees, and using, controlled burning to clear a garden spot.
  6. Intensive Agriculture
    Use techniques that enable them to cultivate fields permanently. Essential nutrients may be put back in the soil though the use of fertilizers, which may be organic material or inorganic fertilizers.
  7. Cash Crops
    Crops, which are raised for sale such as cotton and tobacco.
  8. Commercialization
    World wide trend for for intensive agriculturists to produce more and more for the market, which may occur in any are of life, involving increasing dependence on buying and selling.
  9. Pastoralism
    Most agriculturalists keep and breed some animas, but small number of societies depend mostly for their living on domesticated herds of animals that feed on natural pasture. Uses extensive and extensive system to herd.
  10. Pairie
    Regions of taller, better-watered grass land.
  11. Steppe
    Regions of dry, low grass covered lands.
  12. Subsistence economies
    Economics in which almost all able-bodied adults are largely engaged in getting food for themselves and their families.
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Getting Food
Anthropology chapter 16