Logic Chcapter 1

  1. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Fred the Fox has recently published an essay arguing that prison guards systematically abuse the rights of prisoners. Of course, there can be absolutely no reason to read Mr. Fox‟s argument since he was convicted of fifteen counts of robbery and spent ten years in prison himself.
  2. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    The Nazis used to send the following notice to German readers who let their subscriptions lapse: “Our paper certainly deserves the support of every German. We shall continue to forward copies of it to you, and hope that you will not expose yourself to unfortunate consequences in the case of cancellation.”
  3. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    If you look around at what‟s happening in the world you see more and more countries adopting democratic institutions and practices. Obviously, democracy is the best form of government.
  4. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Surely you will not hold architect Norris responsible for the collapse of the Central Bank Tower. Norris has had nothing but trouble lately. His daughter eloped with a child molester, his son committed suicide, and his alcoholic wife recently left for Las Vegas with his retirement savings.
  5. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    It is ridiculous to hear that man from Peru complaining about America‟s poverty. Peru has twice as much poverty as America has ever had.
  6. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    The only reason people believe in God is because they have grown up in families and cultures where such a belief is common place and where the understanding of modern science is virtually nil.
  7. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    There is obviously much truth in Rush Limbaugh‟s criticisms of Obama‟s health care proposal—after all, he has more listeners than any other talk show host.
  8. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Mr. Jones, surely you will find me qualified for the open position in your accounting department. I need the money desperately, and if I don‟t get a job soon I know I‟ll have a nervous breakdown.
  9. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Dr. Harrison has argued that the open position in the mathematics department should be given to Dr. George. But Harrison‟s arguments should be ignored since Harrison and George are good friends.
  10. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    I.R.S. attorney to tax accountant: “I would urge that you stop informing taxpayers of the „loopholes‟ we have been discussing. I am confident you will comply, since surely you want to avoid an audit of your last year‟s return.”
  11. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Ms. Frenway has defended in Congress the government subsidies of passenger trains and subways. Frenway is obviously a socialist at heart. If she had her way, she would probably nationalize all industry and have the government take care of everyone from the cradle to the grave. Doesn‟t she understand that it is the competition of the free market system that made this country great? Clearly we must vote her out of office.
  12. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Mr. Black: Partial birth abortions are not morally distinct from infanticide. Since infanticide is a form of murder which is illegal, partial birth abortions should also be outlawed. Ms. White: I‟m glad you‟re so concerned to protect the “rights” of the unborn. But I understand that you defend the use of nuclear weapons to deter North Korean aggression. But any use of nuclear weapons would kill many more innocent peoples than partial birth abortions.
  13. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    You can‟t believe what Professor Threadbare says about the importance of higher salaries for teachers. As a teacher himself he would naturally be in favor of increasing teachers‟ pay.
  14. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    I‟m absolutely certain about how fast I was driving, officer, and it was well below the speed limit. I‟ve had tickets before, and if you give me one now it will cost me over a hundred dollars. And if I have to pay a hundred-dollar fine I won‟t be able to afford to have my wife operated on—and she‟s been sick a long time and needs that operation desperately!
  15. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Friedrich Nietzsche‟s philosophy is not worth the paper it‟s printed on. Nietzsche was an immoral reprobate who went completely insane from syphilis before he died.
  16. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Fred: The most practical reason for not smoking marijuana is simply that it‟s illegal. Sally: Don‟t talk to me about obeying the law! You rarely drive within the legal speed limit, and you frequently drive with more than the legal limit of alcohol in your system.
  17. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Dr. MacIntyre‟s proposal that we should screen for the Tay-Saks gene in high risk populations must be rejected out of hand by all right thinking people. What he is really talking about is genetic engineering and what‟s worse, “high risk populations” is nothing more than a code word for anti-Semitism. Doesn‟t he understand that Hitler started his campaign against the Jews with the same sort of reasoning?
  18. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    There is a God, for if you don‟t believe in Him, He‟ll damn you to Hell.
  19. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Mr. Smith‟s argument in favor of gun control is clearly fallacious since he fails to mention a far more deadly killer. Thousands of adults and children are killed or injuredfor life by autos. If he is right, we should start a “ban-the-car” movement and then we can all go back to riding horses.
  20. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Scientific tests clearly demonstrate that Laetrile (a chemical compound found in apricot pits) is absolutely useless in the treatment of cancer. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that cancer patients would travel to Mexico seeking Laetrile treatments.
  21. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Ms. Belford thinks that Robert Crenshaw is one of the finest pianists in the country. But no one with an ounce of sense should take Belford‟s arguments seriously. That woman has no musical taste whatever and some of her recent reviews in the local paper have been utterly ridiculous.
  22. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Of course Sally thinks it is wrong to sleep with a man before she‟s married. But what do you expect? She was raised by “Victorian” parents and attends a fundamentalist church.
  23. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Three months ago the newspapers all ran reports revealing that the Pentagon spent a hundred dollars each for toilet seats which could have be purchased for fifteen dollars at the local hardware store. Now they are running stories reporting that the Pentagon is spending ten dollars apiece for run-of-the- mill nuts and bolts that could be purchased for under a dollar at the local hardware store. Obviously, the Pentagon has out lived its usefulness.
  24. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    People have been debating the immortality of the soul for ages and philosophers don‟t appear to be reaching any sort of consensus. Obviously, we will never know whether the soul is immortal until we die.
  25. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    It would not be a good idea to appoint Pam Peterson to the office of city manager. During the past fifteen years Peterson has managed five different businesses, and all of them declared bankruptcy as a direct result of her inept leadership.
  26. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    “Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of living in a city with a good subway system like the Washington Metro understands how efficient a good public transportation system is. Not only does it clear the streets from congestion, but also it allows both the rich and the poor to arrive at their jobs rested and ready for work. Just think of how much the productivity of the Los Angles worker would improve if they didn't have to fight an hour or more of rush hour traffic before they even began work. Therefore, I urge you all to vote for Assembly Bill 1726, which provides funding for a subway in the greater Los Angles area.
  27. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Gentlemen, I am sure that if you think it over you will see that my suggestion has real merit. It is only a suggestion of course, and not an order. As I mentioned at our last conference, I am planning to reorganize the whole business. I still hope, however, that it will not be necessary to curtail the operations of your departments.
  28. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    “Well, I guess the paper is graded accurately,” said the student, “but a 63 will give me a `C` in the course, and I desperately need a „B‟ to get into medical school. I‟ve worked so hard for four years, couldn‟t you raise the exam grade to a nice, round 80?”
  29. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Many prisoners have complained that conditions in the county jail are unsanitary. However, these persons are outlaws, so we can safely deny the truth of their charges.
  30. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    We should reject Mr. Walker‟s suggestions for increasing the efficiency of our colleges. As a manufacturer he cannot be expected to realize that our aim is to educate the youth, not to make a profit. His recommendations can have no value for us.
  31. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    My client is the sole support of his aged parents. If he is sent to prison it will break their hearts, and they will be left homeless and penniless. You surely cannot find it in your heart to reach any other verdict than “not guilty.”
  32. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Though Richard Dawkins is a professor of zoology at Oxford University, he is also an atheist, so there is no reason that we Christians should waste our time examining his arguments.
  33. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    The fact that cheap handguns are responsible for the majority of murders in Chicago is hardly a good reason to make them illegal. After all, drunk drivers cause many more deaths than handguns—so does that mean that we ought to make cars illegal?
  34. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    Memo from the college president to all faculty: “While faculty participation in commencement ceremonies is not required by the contract, let me remind you that students greatly value your participation and that I personally take very seriously the students‟ point of view in evaluating all promotions.”
  35. Pity, Force, Nose Counting, Ad hominem, Genetic, Non Sequitur, Strawman /red herring

    You have all heard Ms. Smith argue that women on average are only paid 68% of what men are paid and that therefore the federal antidiscrimination laws aren‟t working and need to be rewritten. But I happen to know that she has never earned a college degree. Furthermore, while we are politely listening, her children are in a state subsidized day- care program and she is collecting a monthly welfare check. So why should we take her arguments seriously?
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Logic Chcapter 1