Laura Vocab 2

    • gui4
    • v. to kneel, fell on one's knees
    • pa1
    • v. to lie prone, bend over
  1. 趴着
    • pa1 zhe
    • phr. be lying on one's stomach
    • chou3
    • v. (oral) to look at
  2. 悄悄话
    • qiao1 qiao1 hua4
    • n. whisperings, private words
    • yang3
    • adj. itchy
  3. 马戏团
    • ma3 xi4 tuan2
    • n. circus
  4. 歇业
    • xie1 ye4
    • v. close up shop, close down a business
  5. 筹集
    • chou2 ji2
    • v. to raise (money)
  6. 筹集资金
    • chou2 ji2 zi1 jin1
    • phr. to raise funds
  7. 饲料
    • si4 liao4
    • n. fodder, feed (animal)
  8. 托付
    • tuo1 fu4
    • v. to entrust, to hand over to
  9. 打量
    • da3 liang
    • v. to size up (visually)
  10. 的确
    • di2 que4
    • adv. indeed, certainly, surely
  11. 逗乐
    • dou4 le4
    • v. to amuse, clown around, provoke laughter
  12. 信誓旦旦
    • xin4 shi4 dan4 dan4
    • phr. pledge in all sincerity and seriousness
  13. 拉扯
    • la1 che3
    • v. to pull, raise (a child), drag in
  14. 撒腿
    • sa1 tui3
    • v. to start running, to scram
    • sa1
    • v. to cast, release, urinate (oral), let go, run wild
    • sa3
    • v. scatter (granular) sprinkle, drop, spill
  15. 眼下
    • yan3 xia4
    • n. at the moment, at present, now
  16. 溜圆
    • liu1 yuan2
    • adj. perfectly round and smooth
    • deng4
    • v. to stare at, glare at, give a hard look, open one's eyes wide
    • cai3
    • v. to step on, to trample, to tread on, to degrade, to belittle, to demean
  17. 不依不饶
    • bu4 yi1 bu4 rao2
    • phr. unwilling to forgive, treat severely without listening to excuses
  18. 丝毫
    • si1 hao2
    • n. (not even) the slightest (ammount, degree), bit
  19. 绝对
    • jue2 dui4
    • adv. absolutely
    • guan4
    • mw. can, jar (of soda, beer etc...)
  20. 凑够
    • cou4 gou4
    • ph. to scramble together, to round up, to gather
  21. 情不自禁
    • qing2 bu2 zi4 jin4
    • phr. can't help but... (unable to restrain emotions)
  22. 放声大哭
    • fang4 sheng1 da4 ku1
    • phr. to cry out loud and shed tears
  23. 打嗝
    • da3 ge2
    • v. to hiccup, burp
  24. 来龙去脉
    • lai2 long2 qu4 mai4
    • n. sequence of events, how things came to be, the whole story, the cause and effect
  25. 怀里
    • huai2 li3
    • n. embrace, bosom
  26. 劝解
    • quan4 jie3
    • v.  help sb. to get over his worries, etc.; mediate; make peace between; bring people together;
  27. 安慰
    • an1 wei4
    • v/n to comfort, console, consolation
    • cha1
    • v. insert, interpose
    • ben1
    • v. to run, rush, hasten or flee to
    • ben4
    • v/prep. head to, be close to, towards
  28. 紧紧
    • jin3 jin3
    • adv. closely, tightly
  29. 别抱太大希望
    • bie2 bao4 tai4 da4 xi1 wang4
    • phr. don't get your hopes up
  30. 拨号
    • bo1 hao4
    • v. to dial (a phone)
  31. 经历
    • jing1 li4
    • v/n. to go through, experience
  32. 仿佛
    • fang3 fu2
    • v. be similar, be more or less the same
  33. 守在...旁
    • shou3 zai4... pang2
    • to stick to sth/sb.
  34. 目不转睛
    • mu4 bu4 zhuan3 jing1
    • phr. to look with a fixed gaze, regard with rapt attention
  35. 迅速
    • xun4 su4
    • adj. rapid, quick
  36. 惊喜
    • jing1 xi3
    • n. pleasent surprise
  37. 白斑
    • bai2 ban1
    • n. white dot, mark
    • sha3
    • adj. stupid, muddle headed
  38. 傻子
    • sha3 zi
    • n. fool, blockhead
  39. 余地
    • yu2 di4
    • n. room, margin, leeway
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Laura Vocab 2
More Vocab from the children's book about Laura.