Intro to Regional Back Pain Scheme

  1. Describe the organization of the regional back pain scheme
    • Cervical, thoracic, lumbar/sacral
    • Acute or chronic
    • Infections, neurologic, musculoskeletal, vascular
  2. What is the medical term for neck pain?
  3. What is the medical term for low back pain?
  4. What is the most common MSK complaint in primary care?
    Lumbago (low back pain)
  5. In the cervical spine, how is pain classified as either acute or chronic?
    • Acute: less than 6 weeks
    • Chronic: more than 6 weeks
  6. In the thoracic spine, how is pain classified as either acute or chronic?
    • Acute: less than 4/6 weeks
    • Subacute: 4/6 weeks – 12 weeks
    • Chronic: more than 12 weeks
  7. In the lumbar spine, how is pain classified as either acute or chronic?
    • Acute: less than 4/6 weeks
    • Subacute: 4/6 weeks – 12 weeks
    • Chronic: more than 12 weeks
  8. What are the red flags in the history for back pain? (7)
    • Duration
    • Age of patient
    • Trauma
    • Cancer
    • Fever and chills
    • Weight loss
    • Pain even when supine
  9. What are the components of a physical exam to evaluate neck and pack pain?
    • HEENT
    • Cardio
    • Lungs
    • Abdomen
    • Neck and Back MSK
    • Neurologic
  10. What are the components of a neurologic exam?
    • Sensory
    • Reflexes
    • Strength
    • Special tests
  11. What does the straight leg raise test evaluate? What does a positive straight leg raise indicate?
    • Radicular pain
    • Lumbar or sacral nerve irritation
  12. What does a positive opposite crossed straight leg raise indicate?
    Lumbar disc herniation
  13. What are the red flags on physical exam for back pain? (5)
    • Fever
    • Incontinence
    • Anal sphincter laxity
    • Positive straight leg test
    • Major motor weakness
  14. What are the red flags for neck/back pain that indicate infection? (4)
    • Fever and chills
    • Night sweats
    • Pain despite analgesics
    • Recent bacterial infection
  15. What are the red flags for neck/back pain that indicate a neurologic component? (4)
    • Trauma
    • Incontinence
    • Decreased anal sphincter tone
    • Major motor weakness
  16. What are the red flags for neck/back pain that indicate cancer? (4)
    • Above 50
    • Chronic pain
    • Night sweats
    • Pain despite analgesics
  17. Describe the recommendations for imaging for chronic neck pain
    Five-view X ray, if normal no further imaging, if abnormal, MRI follow up
  18. Describe the recommendations for imaging for acute low back pain
    Not indicated, unless you suspect patient has a serious underlying condition
  19. What is spondylosis?
    Arthritis of the spine (disc space narrowing)
  20. What is spondylitis?
    Arthritis of spine from an inflammatory cause
  21. What is spondylolisthesis?
    Anterior displacement of a vertebra on the one beneath it
  22. What is spondylolysis?
    A fracture in the pars interarticularis where vertebral body and the posterior elements protecting the nerves are joined
  23. What is spinal stenosis?
    Narrowing of central spinal canal
  24. What is radiculopathy?
    Impairment of a nerve root
  25. What is cauda equina syndrome?
    Abnormal pressure on bottom of spinal canal resulting in incontinence
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Intro to Regional Back Pain Scheme