DRUGS ibhs test 2

  1. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • Pro-hormone
    • corticosteroid that inhibits cytokine production
  2. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-hormone
    • estrogen receptor antagonist for some tissues
  3. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-tumor cell surface
    • antibody that binds to HER2 on breast cancer cells
  4. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-tumor cell signaling
    • inhibits a tyrosine kinase
  5. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-mitosis
    • inhibits tubulin from depolymerizing
  6. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-metabolites
    • inhibits formation of precursors of nucleotides
  7. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-metabolites
    • inhibits purine synthesis
  8. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-metabolites
    • inhibits DNA/RNA synthesis
  9. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-metabolites
    • inhibits topoisomerase I
  10. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-metabolites
    • inhibits topoisomerase II
  11. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-DNA
    • cross-links DNA
  12. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-DNA
    • cross-links DNA (RNA and protein also)
  13. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-DNA
    • intercalates into DNA, inhibits topo II
  14. context: anti-cancer drugs (Richard)
    • anti-DNA
    • formation of free radicals --> damage DNA
  15. Context: Defense type 3: Free Radical Scavengers Cells (Richard)
    Vitamin A
    • beta carotene
    • fat-soluble
    • Stop chain reaction in lipid concentrated areas (membranes)/ protect against lipid peroxidation
    • ex: sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, spinach
  16. Context: Defense type 3: Free Radical Scavengers Cells (Richard)
    Vitamin C
    • ascorbic acid
    • water soluble
    • defense floating around
    • ex: citrus, peppers, broccoli, cabbage
  17. Context: Defense type 3: Free Radical Scavengers Cells (Richard)
    Vitamin E
    • alpha tocopherol
    • fat soluble
    • Stop chain reaction in lipid concentrated areas (membranes)/ protect against lipid peroxidation
    • ex: margarine, vegetable oil, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables.
  18. context: bacterial treatment (Munson)
    • beta-lactam antibiotic
    • prevent cross-linking of peptidoglycan cell walls (gram +/-)
  19. context: bacterial treatment (Munson)
    • beta-lactam antibiotic
    • prevent cross-linking of peptidoglycan cell walls (gram +/-)
  20. context: bacterial treatment (Munson)
    cephalosporins (cephems)
    • beta-lactam antibiotic
    • prevent cross-linking of peptidoglycan cell walls (gram +/-)
  21. context: bacterial treatment (Munson)
    • beta-lactam antibiotic
    • prevent cross-linking of peptidoglycan cell walls (gram +/-)
  22. context: bacterial treatment (Munson)
    • beta-lactam antibiotic
    • prevent cross-linking of peptidoglycan cell walls (gram +/-)
  23. context: bacterial treatment (Munson)
    • O2 requirements
    • reduced by the pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase system (cytochromes in ETC)
    • toxic to DNA = anaerobic in mitochondria
  24. context: bacterial treatment (Munson)
    • aminoglycosides - protein synthesis inhibitors
    • binds bacterial 16S(small) subunit and prevents ribosomal translocation
  25. context: bacterial treatment (Munson)
    • aminoglycosides - protein synthesis inhibitors
    • binds bacterial 16S(small) subunit and prevents ribosomal translocation
  26. context: bacterial treatment (Munson)
    • lincosamides - protein synthesis inhibitors
    • binds bacterial 23S(large) subunit and prevents ribosomal translocation
  27. context: protozoal treatment: Malaria (Munson)
    primaquine phosphate
    • hepatic stages
    • attack ETC of parasite
  28. context: protozoal treatment: Malaria (Munson)
    chloroquine phosphate
    • blood stages
    • prevents biocrystallization of heme (hemozeme..)
  29. context: protozoal treatment: Malaria (Munson)
    mefloquine (Lariam)
    • blood stages
    • phospholipid uptake (cell membrane)
  30. context: protozoal treatment: Malaria (Munson)
    atovaquone + proguanil (Malarone)
    • atovaquone = inhibits ATP and nucleic acid synthesis
    • proguanil = inhibits dihydrofolate reductase (shut down DNA replication)
  31. context: protozoal treatment: Giardiasis (Munson)
    Metronidazole (Flagyl)
    reduced by the pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase system
  32. context: protozoal treatment: Giardiasis (Munson)
    Nitazoxanide (Alinia)
    INHIBITS the pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase system
  33. context: protozoal treatment: Giardiasis (Munson)
    Albendazole (Albenza)
    inhibits tubulin assembly into microtubules (stop it's movement)
  34. context: fungal treatment: yeast (Munson)
    fluconazole (Diflucan)
    • oral
    • inhibits 14 alpha demethylase = prevents ergosterol synthesis
  35. context: fungal treatment: yeast (Munson)
    ticonazole (Monistat)
    • topical
    • inhibits 14 alpha demethylase = prevents ergosterol synthesis
  36. context: fungal treatment: yeast (Munson)
    • oral
    • binds to ergosterol = ergosterol aggregation in cell membrane (leaky)
  37. context: fungal treatment: mold (Munson)
    • oral
    • inhibits 14 alpha demethylase = prevents ergosterol synthesis
  38. context: fungal treatment: mold (Munson)
    • oral or topical
    • inhibits 14 alpha demethylase = prevents ergosterol synthesis
  39. context: fungal treatment: mold (Munson)
    • topical
    • inhibits 14 alpha demethylase = prevents ergosterol synthesis
  40. context: fungal treatment: mold (Munson)
    • topical
    • inhibits squalene epoxidase = prevents ergosterol synthesis
  41. context: fungal treatment: mold (Munson)
    • oral or topical
    • inhibits squalene epoxidase = prevents ergosterol synthesis
  42. context: helminth treatment: tapeworm (Munson)
    albendazole (Albenza)
    • intestinal
    • inhibits tubulin assembly into microtubules (inhibit glucose uptake = starvation)
    • inhibits helminth specific fumarate reductase
  43. context: helminth treatment: tapeworm (Munson)
    praziquantel (Biltricide)
    • intestinal
    • increases calcium permeability - interfere with neurological function = spasms
    • decreases adenine uptake - no purines
  44. context: helminth treatment: tapeworm (Munson)
    albendazole (Albenza)
    • cystic
    • inhibits tubulin assembly into microtubules (inhibit glucose uptake = starvation)
    • inhibits helminth specific fumarate reductase
  45. context: helminth treatment: hookworm (Munson)
    mebendazole (Vermix)
    blocks uptake of glucose = starvation
  46. context: helminth treatment: hookworm (Munson)
    ascarisis (Ascarid infections)
  47. context: helminth treatment: hookworm (Munson)
    ascarisis (Ascarid infections)
  48. context: helminth treatment: pinworm (Munson)
  49. context: helminth treatment: pinworm (Munson)
  50. context: helminth treatment: pinworm (Munson)
    pyrantel pamoate
    • enterobiasis
    • depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent = paralysis
  51. context: virus treatment: Orthomyxoviruses -Influenza (Munson)
    oseltamivir (Tamiflu)
    neuraminidase inhibitor = prevents budding by interfering of virus = can't infect other cells
  52. context: virus treatment: Orthomyxoviruses -Influenza (Munson)
    zanamivir (Relenza)
    neuraminidase inhibitor = prevents budding by interfering of virus = can't infect other cells
  53. context: virus treatment: Orthomyxoviruses -Influenza (Munson)
    amantadine (Symmetrel)
    • adamantanes
    • M2 ion channel blocker = prevents viral uncoating = can't get DNA out of capsid
  54. context: virus treatment: Orthomyxoviruses -Influenza (Munson)
    rimantadine (Flumadine)
    • adamantanes
    • M2 ion channel blocker = prevents viral uncoating = can't get DNA out of capsid
  55. context: virus treatment: Retroviruses -HIV (Munson)
    enfuvirtide (Fuzeon)
    inhibit entry (inhibit receptor specificity)
  56. context: virus treatment: Retroviruses -HIV (Munson)
    • nucleoside/nucleotide analogues
    • inhibits reverse transcriptase (INHIBIT RNA-->DNA)
  57. context: virus treatment: Retroviruses -HIV (Munson)
    zidovudine (Combivir)
    • nucleoside/nucleotide analogues
    • inhibits reverse transcriptase (INHIBIT RNA-->DNA)
  58. context: virus treatment: Retroviruses -HIV (Munson)
    efavirenz (Sustiva)
    • RT binding agents
    • inhibits reverse transcriptase (INHIBIT RNA-->DNA)
  59. context: virus treatment: Retroviruses -HIV (Munson)
    atazanavir (Reyataz)
    inhibit maturation
  60. context: virus treatment: Retroviruses -HIV (Munson)
    ritonavir (Norvir)
    inhibit maturation
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DRUGS ibhs test 2
IBHS drugs for test 2 good luck! :D