Ectoparasites (mites and ticks)

  1. what is the class name for ticks and mites?
  2. What are the two basic families of mites?
    • -Sarcoptidae 
    • -Demodex sp.
  3. Sarcoptic mange:
    • -contagious to other K-9
    • -Fat and round 
  4. sarcoptic mange in dogs and humans:
    Sarcoptes scabiei 
  5. Sarcoptic mange in Cats:
    Notoedres cati
  6. sarcoptidae info:
    • - primarily found in ears and feet/ anywhere in dogs
    • -burrow into skin
    • -causes: localized alopecia and inflammation 
    • -spreads rapidly
  7. objects that can transmit things are called:
  8. Demodectic mange:
    • -borrow in skin 
    • -primary locations: muzzle & body
    • -Causes: mite+ depressed immune system
  9. Demodectic mange in dogs:
    Demodex canis
  10. Demodectic mange in cats:
    Demodex cati / D. gatoi
  11. What are ear mites called?
    Otodectes cynotis
  12. Ear mites info:
    • -common in cats
    • -easily transmitted
  13. What is the walking Dander mite called?
  14. Tick Families:
    • Argasidae ticks (soft bodied):
    •      -Otobius megnini (ear tick)
    •      -Argas persicus (fowl tick)
    • Ixodidae ticks (hard bodied):
    •      -Rhiphecephalus sanguineus
    •      -Dermacentor variabilis
    •      -Amblyomma americanum
    •      -Ixodes scapularis
  15. Basic Tick Anatomy:
  16. Hard Tick vs. Soft Tick
  17. What is the Brown Dog Tick called?
    • Rhipicephalus sanguines 
    • (looks like raisin)  
  18. What is the American Dog Tick called?
    • Dermacentor variabilis 
    • (Cytauxzoon felis)
  19. What is the Backlegged Tick/Deer Tick called?
    • Ixodes scapularis
    • (long mouth) 
  20. What is a Lone Star Tick called?
    • Amblyomma americium
    • (looks like crab) 
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Ectoparasites (mites and ticks)