A320 Maneuvers

  1. Loss of Braking
    • If Autobrake is selected:
    • 1. Brake Pedals ..........................Press
    • If no braking available:
    • 1. REV .........................................MAX
    • 2. Brake Pedals ......................Release
    • Brake pedals should be released when the A/SKID & N/W STRG selector is switched OFF, since pedal force produces more braking action in alternate mode than in normal mode.
    • 3. A/SKID & N/W STRG........................OFF
    • 4. Brake Pedals .....................Press Lightly
    • Apply brakes with care since initial pedal force or displacement produces more braking action in alternate mode than normal mode.
    • 5. MAX BRK PR......................... 1000 psi
    • Monitor brake pressure on BRAKES PRESS indicator. Limit brake pressure to approximately 1000 psi and at low groundspeed adjust brake pressure as required.

    • If still no braking:
    • 1. Parking Brake ... Short & Successive Application
    • Use short and successive brake applications to stop the aircraft. Brake onset asymmetry may be felt at each parking brake application. If possible delay use of parking brake until low speed, to reduce the risk of tire burst and lateral control difficulties.
  2. Reject Maneuver
    • "Reject, My Aircraft"
    • "This is the Captain. Remain seated. Remain seated. Remain seated."
    • or
    • Call for and accomplish QRH Evacuation checklist

    • FO
    • Contact Tower
    • Accomplish QRH Evacuation checklist, if directed

    • Both
    • ➤ Check brake temperature indication
  3. Windshear Escape Maneuver
    • Call “Escape, TOGA.”
    • Simultaneously:
    • ➤ Advance thrust levers to TOGA
    • ➤ Roll wings level and rotate at normal takeoff rotation rate (2-3°/second) to follow SRS commanded pitch
    • ➤ Utilize autopilot if engaged
    • Note: Automatic disengagement may occur if α > α prot. If SRS is not available, disconnect autopilot and use 17.5° using up to full back stick if required.
    • ➤ Do not:
    • • change gear/flap configuration
    • • attempt to regain lost airspeed until windshear is no longer a factor

    • PM
    • ➤ Ensure all required actions are completed
    • Call out:
    • • any omissions
    • • altitude and trend information based on radio altimeter (e.g.,“300 feet descending.” or“400 feet climbing.”)
  4. EGPWS Recovery Maneuver
    • 1. Thrust “TOGA”
    • • Set TOGA thrust
    • 1. Pitch• Autopilot - disconnect
    • • Roll wings level
    • • Rotate to full back sidestick
    • 2. Configuration
    • • Speedbrakes - retract
    • • Do not alter gear/flap configuration until terrain clearance is assured
    • 3. • Climb to safe altitude
    • 4. After Recovery
    • • Resume normal flight
    • • Retract gear/flaps as required

    • PM
    • Verify all actions have been completed and callout any omissions
    • • Monitor radio altimeter and call out information on flight path (e.g., “300 Feet, Descending; 400 Feet, Climbing”)
    • • Monitor attitude,airspeed, and altitude
    • • Call out the safe altitude (e.g., “MSA is 3,400 Feet”)
    • • Advise ATC
  5. TCAS Warnings
    • • Respond promptly and smoothly to an RA.
    • • Adjust the vertical speed as required to avoid the red area.
    • • Respect stall, GPWS, or windshear warning.

    • PM
    • • Select Both FDs OFF
    • • Notify ATC
    • • Verify all actions have been completed and coordinate with PF to accomplish omitted items.
  6. Driftdown and One Engine Cruise Actions and Callouts
    • ➤ THR LEVER(S) - MCT
    • ➤ A/THR - OFF
    • If not in radar contact:
    • ❖ 30 turn left or right - Initiate
    • ➤ SPD/MACH (on FCU) - SPD
    • ➤ Speed Select - .78/320 if oceanic or Green Dot

    • When reaching green dot
    • ➤ ALT Selector - Set EO REC MAX or lower ALT and Pull (Refer to the MCDU PERF CRZ page in EO condition for the drift down ceiling.

    • PM If in radar contact:
    • ❖ ATC - Notify
    • ➤ External lights - All ON
    • ➤ Apply QRH procedure, “Driftdown and One Engine Cruise”
  7. Emergency Descent
    • — Don oxygen masks and establish crew communications, if required.
    • “Emergency Descent.”
    • Altitude:
    • • Descend to 10,000 ft or minimum safe altitude (whichever is higher)
    • • continue descent to 10,000 ft when able
    • Heading:
    • • Select a turn or proceed straight ahead
    • Airspeed:
    • • SPD ...................VMO/MMO (limit speed and avoid G load if damage suspected)
    • Wait minimum of 10 seconds then slowly:
    • • Speedbrakes ..................Extend (ensure VLS does not exceed indicated airspeed) 
    • Rapid deployment of the speedbrakes at high altitude/slow speed will cause VLS to be greater than the existing speed and may cause autopilot disconnection and speedbrakes auto retraction if angle of attack protection is activated.
    • — If CAB ALT > 14,000 feet, select PAX OXY MASKS to MAN ON.
    • 1000 feet prior to level off:
    • • Speedbrakes ..........................Retract
    • • SPD ......LRC (CI 0) or as appropriate

    • PM
    • Apply the Emergency Descent checklist on the QRC.
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A320 Maneuvers