CAN Test 1

  1. Types of Maltreatment
    • Physical abuse
    • Sexual abuse
    • Neglect
  2. Physical abuse
    • non-accidental injury
    • 17 or younger
    • Munchausen by Proxy
  3. Sexual abuse
    any sexual activity without consent
  4. Neglect
    • act of omission by caregiver, whether intentional or not
    • results in physical, emotional, social, or cognitive harm
  5. Pederasty
    • Men using boys for sexual relationships
    • Greece and Rome
    • Boy Brothels
  6. Infanticide
    • Killing of infants and young children
    • controlling population
    • crude but not all callous
    • sacrifice to gods
  7. Incest Taboo
    • Greeks and Romans
    • Oedipus Rex
    • men visiting brothels
    • Protection from forced sodomy
    • Prohibited forcible rape of girls under 10
  8. Mary Ellen Wilson
    • Prevention of Cruelty to Children 1875
    • Etta Wheeler: 1874 rescue
    • Henry Bergh and Elbridge Gerry, Judge Abraham Lawrence
    • Marked beginning of child protection in US
  9. Henry Bergh
    • Helped rescue Mary Ellen Wilson
    • protection of Animals
    • got with Elbridge Gerry- attorney
  10. American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
    Henry Bergh was president and helped Etta Wheeler fight for Mary Ellen Wilson
  11. Children's Bureau
    • 1912- oversee welfare of children.
    • switch from non-governmental societies for Prevention of cruelty to children to governmental agencies leading to Children's Bureau
  12. Child Welfare League of America
    result of Carl Christian's paper proposing standards for services and aid provided to children
  13. John Caffey
    • doctor, studied x-rays
    • 1946
    • non accidental; calcium deposits
    • shaken baby syndrome
  14. "The Battered Child"
    • Henry Kempe: director of APA
    • spring board for child protection
  15. Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act 1974
    federal government assumes a leadership role in child protection with this act
  16. digital communication
    spoken word
  17. analogic communication
    • nonverbal
    • mannerisms
  18. double bind communication
    • paradoxical
    • incongruent or impossible to understand
    • hearing 2 things
  19. meta-communication
    • using actions to emphasize a point
    • punctuate our sentences
    • "no cost too high"
    • sending of a message about a message
  20. Family Subsystems
    • 1. spousal
    • 2. parental
    • 3. sibling
  21. spousal
    • couple focused
    • provide emotional and sexual intimacy
  22. parental
    • child focused
    • guide and control
    • provide nurture
    • guidance and care
  23. sibling
    • children's relationship with each other
    • peer relationships
    • learning to fight, negotiate, compete, etc
  24. Four categories of failure/dysfunction in overwhelmed families
    • failure to complete basic family functions
    • failure to dealing with changes associated with developmental tasks: potty training
    • failure to deal with crises
    • failure to deal with social pressures
  25. "Beyond the interest of the Child"
    • society's belief in sanctity of family
    • began to make court decisions based on this assumption
    • The book, was a resurrection of the argument
    • and began to influence parental rights over children's rights
  26. Family Scapegoat
    • family member who is blamed for everything
    • Biblical history
  27. Types of family boundaries
    • rigid: allows little contact with outside family
    • open/permeable: open to ideas and infos; sleepovers
    • poorly defined: who is actually part of family??
    • disengaged/differentiated: little interaction between family
    • diffused: too open
    • enmeshed/fused: too close
  28. Role complementarity
    well adjusted and satisfied with role assignments
  29. Role conflict
    not satisfied with role assignments
Card Set
CAN Test 1
Child abuse and Neglect Test 1 Terry smith