Process of determining whether a presenting problem meets the established criteria for a specific psychological disorder.
Dimensional Approach
Method of categorizing characteristics on a continuum rather than on a binary, either-or, or all-or-none basis.
Double-blind control
Procedure in outcome studies that prevents bias by ensuring that neither the subjects nor the providers of the experimental treatment know who is receiveing treatment and who is receiving placebo.
Psychopathology reaserch method examining the prevalence, distribution, and consequences of disorders in populations.
Extent to which research results apply to a range of individuals not included in the study.
Specific genetic makeup of an individual.
Independent Variable
Phenomenon that is manipulated by the experimenter in a research study and expected to influence the dependent variable.
Informed Consent
Ethical requirement whereby research subjects agree to participate in a research study only after they receive full disclosure about the nature of the study and their role in it.
Longitudinal design
Systematic study of changes in the same individual or group examined over time.
Mental status exam
Relatively coarse preliminary test of a client's judgement, orientation to time and place, and emotional and mental state; typically conducted duringan initial interview.
Negative Correlation
Association btwn two variables in which one increases as the other decreases.
Sophisticated computer aided procedures that allow nonintrusive examination of nervous system structure and function
Observable characteristics or behaviors of an individual
Placebo control group
In an outcome experiment,a control gropu that does not receive the experimental manipulation but is given an similar procedure with an identical expectation of change, allowing the researcher to assess any placebo effect
Placebo Effect
Behavior change resulting from the persons expectation of change rather than from the experimental manipulation
Positive Correlation
Association btwn two variables in which one increases as the other increases
Projective Test
Psychoanalytically based measures that present ambiguous stimuli to clients on the assumption that their responses will reveal their unconscious conflicts. Lack high reliability and validity
Method for placing individuals into research groups that assures each one of an equal chance of being assigned to any group, to eliminate any systematic differences across gropus.
Degree to which a measurement is consistent ie over time or among different raters
Single-case experimental design
Research tactic in which an independent variable is manipulated for a single individual, allowing cause-and-effect conclusions but with limited generalizability
Statistical significance
Probability that obtaining the observed research findings merely by chance is small
Twin study
In genetics research, comparisons of twins with unrelated or less closely related individuals. If twins, particularly monozygotic twins who share identical genotypes, share common characteristics such as a disorder even if they were reared in different environments, this is strong evidence of genetic involvement in those characteristics.
Degree to which a technique actually measures what it purpots to measure.