C. Myelinated A fibers are late to innervate pulp, may take up to 5 years (EPT unreliable in young teeth – see Fuss/Trowbridge, Fulling/Andreasen).
D. Threshold stimulus level decreases significantly with apical closure.
A-delta and C Fibers
What percentage of of myelinated A fibers in the delta pulp are A-delta fibers?
Matthews 1994
Matthews 1994
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Innervation
1. Where do sympathetic efferent fibers originate from?
2. What do sympathetic efferent fibers innervate?
3. Innervation of sympathetic efferent fibers has what effect on the pulp?
Edwall 1985
Trowbridge 1986
Edwall 1985 / Trowbridge 1986
1. Sympathetic efferent fibers originating from the superior cervical ganglion.
2. Innervate smooth muscle cells of arterioles and precapillary sphincters.
3. Vasoconstriction and reduction of blood flow to the pulp.
Sassano 1985
Parasympathetic Innervation
There is an absence of parasympathetic vasodilation in the pulp.
Dentinal Tubules and Odontoblastic Processes
Diameter and density of tubules increases towards the pulp.
Density at DEJ / Pulp
Diameter at DEJ / Pulp
Occupied Space at DEJ / Pulp
DEJ – 18,000 tubules/mm2
Pulp – 45,000 tubules/mm2
DEJ – 0.8 μm
Pulp – 2.5 μm
Occupied Space:
DEJ – 1% surface area
Pulp – 22% surface area
To what extent do intratubular A fibers extend into dentinal tubules?
Where are A fibers most numerous? Where are A fibers least numerous?
Intratubular A fibers extend into dentinal tubules as far as 100 μm.
A fibers are most numerous in the pulp horns (40% tubules).
A fibers are least numerous in root dentin (1% tubules).
Odontoblastic process extension:
Sigel – Odontoblastic process extends to DEJ
Holland – Odontoblastic process extends ½ way through the tubule.
Aubin – Odontoblastic process extends to DEJ
Trowbridge - Histopathology of Foreign Body Reactions
Type I Anaphylactic - IgE Mediated
Type II Cytotoxic - IgF, IgM Mediated
Type III Immune Complex (Ag-Ab) reaction
Type IV Delayed Hypersensitivity
Type I Anaphylactic - IgE mediated (Mast cells/Basophils → Histamine, C4 leukotrienes – ↑ vasodilation/vascular permeability and bronchial smooth muscle contstriction), IMMEDIATE ie: drugs, foods, asthma, bites, allergic rhinitis
Type II Cytotoxic - IgG, IgM mediated (complement or phagocytosis)- Transfusion rxn, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenia
Type III Immune complex (Ag-Ab) rxn – IgG form complexes w/ complement, 6-8 hrs, ie: serum sickness, arthus, immune vasiculitis, lupus, viral hepatitis
Type IV Delayed Hypersensitivity rxn - Cell mediated (no Ab): T cell (Killer T cells, Memory T cells), Macrophages; antigen sensitized T cells/Macrophages. More important than anaphylaxis rxn. 24-48 hours DELAYED
Trowbridge - Histopathology of Foreign Body Reactions
Type I Anaphylactic - IgE mediated
Type I Anaphylactic - IgE mediated (Mast cells/Basophils → Histamine, C4 leukotrienes – ↑ vasodilation/vascular permeability and bronchial smooth muscle contstriction), IMMEDIATE ie: drugs, foods, asthma, bites, allergic rhinitis
Trowbridge - Histopathology of Foreign Body Reactions
Type II Cytotoxic - IgG, IgM mediated
Type II Cytotoxic - IgG, IgM mediated (complement or phagocytosis)- Transfusion rxn, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenia
Trowbridge - Histopathology of Foreign Body Reactions
Type III Immune complex (Ag-Ab) rxn
Type III Immune complex (Ag-Ab) rxn – IgG form complexes w/ complement, 6-8 hrs, ie: serum sickness, arthus, immune vasiculitis, lupus, viral hepatitis
Trowbridge - Histopathology of Foreign Body Reactions
Type IV Delayed Hypersensitivity rxn
Type IV Delayed Hypersensitivity rxn - Cell mediated (no Ab): T cell (Killer T cells, Memory T cells), Macrophages; antigen sensitized T cells/Macrophages. More important than anaphylaxis rxn. 24-48 hours DELAYED
Chronic inflammatory response –Initially Odontoblasts, later dendritic cells as most peripheral cells contain PRRs to respond to PAMPs with innate/adaptive immune response
Release of Cytokines, Chemokines – phagocytosis, chemotaxis, recruitment of lymphocytes, macrophages, and plasma cells
Neurogenic inflammation – SP, CGRP, NKA released from pulpal nociceptors (PRRs – TLRs on nociceptors)
Pulpal Reactions to Caries
Deep Caries
Acute excerbation of chronic inflammatory response – Influx of PMNs
PAMPs bind PRRs (TLRs, CD14) on resident immune cells (dendritic cells, macrophages), odontoblasts, and peripheral nociceptors (TRPV1 C fibers)
Pro-inflammatory cytokines (i.e.: IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α) and neuropeptides (CGRP, SP, NKA) are released to activate/recruit immune cells as well as sensitize/activate nociceptors, ↑ nerve sprouting, and effect vasodilatory responses
Complement activation via cytokines and neuropeptides → releasing C3a, C5a → vascular endothelium for chemotaxis, opsonization and killing of foreign antigens
Cytokines (i.e.: IL-1, TNF-α) & C3a/C5a effect endothelial cells for chemotaxis and migration of PMNs, Bradykinin, other pro-inflammatory cells
C3a/C5a & neuropeptides (SP, CGRP) activate mast cells to produce Histamine, Leukotrienes, Platelet Activating Factor (Vasodilation, ↑ Vascular Permeability)
Sensitization/Activation of Nociceptors → Hyperalgesia, Allodynia, Spont. pain
Vasodilation, Vascular Permeability → Edema, Inc. Tissue pressure
Cellular Immune Response – T cell mediated response – CD4+ T cells
1. Antigen presenting cells (APCs), i.e.: Macrophages, Dendritic cells, B cells, present to immature TH0 cells within lymph nodes via MHC II receptor, activating TH0 cells
2. TH0 cells differentiate into TH1or TH2 cells via cytokine regulation: TH1 via IFN-δ, TH2 via IL-4, IL-10 (suppresses IFN-δ and TH1 production)
3. Cellular Immune Response: TH1 → Maximizes killing by Macrophages, CD8+ cells (NKT cells, Cytotoxic T cells), Memory T cell production
4. Humoral Immune Response: TH2 → B cell activation → Plasma Cells → Antibody production (allows binding to antigen for complement killing or phagocytosis), Memory B cell production
Inflammatory Mediators
Main objectives of pro-inflammatory mediators:
1. Vasodilation and Increase Vascular Permeability
Parasympathetic efferent derived (co-localized with Acetylcholine)
↑ Vasodilation (↑Pulpal Blood Flow)
Vascular Response = Localized Inflammation
Kim - Key components of pulpal inflammation
Microcirculation – increased PBF by C fiber stimulation (neurokinin A, substance P, CGRP released from C fiber nerve terminals)
Sensory nerve activity – excitatory effect from increased pulpal blood flow via increased tissue pressure (effect on A delta fibers)
Vascular Response = Localized Inflammation
Van Hassel
Heyeraas (Tonder)
Kim / Takahashi
Van Hassel – 1st to discuss Localized Inflammation – vascular collapse spreads incrementally from the site of injury, not by strangulation at the apex
Heyeraas (Tonder) – Pulpal lymphatics – drainage of interstitial fluid/proteins to ↓ Interstitial tissue pressure
Kim/Takahashi – Pulpal Collateral Circulation circumvents blood flow around the area of injury/inflammation (AV, VV shunts, U-shaped arteriole)
Who studied pulpal vasculature and localized inflammation?
VanHassel – 1st to discuss localized inflammation in pulp – vascular collape spreads incrementally from site of injury (pressure differences)
Heyeraas (Tonder) – localized increased tissue pressure may persist in the inflamed area w/out a circumferential spread to the rest of the pulp. Negative feedback system prevents pulpal strangulation (lymphatic drainage)
Kim & Takahashi
Discovered presence of arteriovenous anastomosis and venous-venous anastomosis and u shaped arterioles (unique feature of pulpal vascular network) = collateral circulation – circumvents blood flow around the area of inflammation (localized)
Also found sympathetic adrenergic vasoconstritor fibers (NPY) = ↓ Vasodilation (↓ Pulpal Blood Flow)
No Pulp Strangulation Theory
Are mast cells found in the pulp?
Farnoush - Yes
Suda - No
Farnoush - Found in inflamed and non-inflamed pulpal tissue
Suda – Mast Cells are NOT present in normal pulps
Lymphatics in the Pulp
Heyeraas Tonder
Bernick – demonstrated lymphatics in the pulp
Heyeraas (Tonder) - Pulp may have a beneficial blood flow increase during inflammation in spite of simultaneously increased tissue pressure. This supports the concept of lymphatic drainage. Localized increased tissue pressure without circumferential spread! Lymphatic drainage of interstitial fluid/proteins prevents spread of tissue pressure
Are antibodies present in the healthy pulp
Jontell / Bergenholtz
Antigens in the root canal system can initiate an immune response with antibodies.
IgG, major class of immunoglobulins in normal and irreversible groups
Normal pulps do NOT have immunoglobulins-containing cells.
In inflamed pulps, IgG most common, IgA, IgE, IgM containing cells are also seen.
Jontell / Bergenholtz
B lymphocytes, mast cells, and Abs are NOT present in normal pulp.
Compliment Cascade
Activated by pro-inflammatory cytokines, neuropeptides, bacterial antigens.