IV Fluids

  1. What are examples of crystalloid fluids?
    • 1. Normal saline (NS)
    • 2. 1/2NS
    • 3. D5W 1/2NS + 20 mEq/L KCL
    • 4. Lactated Ringer (LR)
  2. What are examples of colloid fluids?
    • 1. Albumin
    • 2. FFP
    • 3. Dextran
    • 4. Hydroxyethyl starch
  3. What are the types of electrolyte-free water?
    • 1. D5W
    • 2. D10W
  4. Why is electrolyte-free water (EFW) a bad choice for intravascular volume expansion?
    EFW fully distributes to all 3 fluid compartments.
  5. What are the 2 reasons for using electrolyte-free water?

    1. To correct _______________ _______________.
    2. To quickly lower ____________ ____________ when it is critically elevated.
    • 1. persistent hypoglycemia
    • 2. serum osmolarity
  6. What are the 4 categories of IV fluids?
    • 1. Crystalloid
    • 2. Colloid
    • 3. Electrolyte-free water
    • 4. Blood (packed RBCs)
  7. What are the 5 most relevant constituents of plasma?
    • 1. Na
    • 2. K
    • 3. Ca
    • 4. Glucose
    • 5. HCO3-
Card Set
IV Fluids
Concepts on use of IV fluids for resuscitation, maintenance, or replacement.