Arteries and vein of the pelvis

  1. Common Iliac Divisions
    Internal and External
  2. External Iliac Branches
    Deep circumflex Iliac and the Inferior Epigastrics
  3. Internal Iliac
    • from the common iliac
    • -passes over the pelvic brim
    • -Main blood supply to pelvic organs, gluteal muscles and perineum
  4. Anterior division of internal iliac artery
    passes anteriorly and divides into visceral branches and obturator artery
  5. Umbilical artery
    • anterior division of internal iliac
    • ends as superior vesicular artery in females
    • supplies superior aspect of urinary bladder on females and ductus deferens in males
  6. Obtorator
    off anterior internal iliac
  7. superior vesicular artery
    patent portion of umbilical artery
  8. artery to ductus deferens
    branch of vesical artery
  9. inferior vesical
    anterior division of internal iliac
  10. middle rectal
    anterior division of internal iliac
  11. internal pidendal
    • anterior division of internal iliac
    • leaves through greater sciatic foramen
    • enters perineum through lesser sciatic foramen
    • main artery to perineum,
  12. inferior gluteal
    • anterior division of internal iliac
    • leaves through greater sciatic foramen
  13. Uterine
    • anterior division of internal iliac
    • runs medially to levator ani and crosses ureter to reach base of broad ligament
    • pelvic part of ureter, uterus, ligament of uterus, uterine tube, and vagina
  14. vaginal
    • uterine artery branch
    • vaginal and inferior urinary bladder
  15. gonadal
    • abdominal aorta
    • testicular passes into dee inguinal ring
    • testies and overie
  16. posterior division of internal iliac
    • gives rise to parietal branches
    • pelvic wall and gluteal region
  17. iliolumbar
    • posterior division of internal iliac
    • iliacus, psoas major, quadratus lumborum , and cauda equina
  18. lateral sacral
    • posterior division of internal iliac artery
    • on superficial aspect of piriformis
    • piriformis and vertebral canal
  19. superior gluteal
    anterior division of internal iliac
  20. Important Considerations with Arteries
    • •Sequence of branching of internal iliac is
    • most variable of all arteries
    • •The most constant feature of internal iliac
    • artery is its variability
    • •Female always has inferior vesical
    • artery; origin can be vaginal, middle rectal or internal iliac; vaginal artery
    • does not “replace” inferior vesical, but is the “ORIGIN”
    • •“Abnormal” obturator artery – arises from external iliac –
    • potential problem with repair of femoral hernia
    • •Middle rectal artery – often arises from
    • internal pudendal
    • artery
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Arteries and vein of the pelvis
Arteries and vein of the pelvis