CDS 621 - Chapter 4

  1. Evaluating Research
    • Are the results valid, reliable, and useful?
    • Does the intervention result in positive change? (effective)
    • Is this the most efficient means to rehab the disorder?
    • How beneficial is this instrument under ideal conditions?
  2. Multicultural Factors
    • consider test appropriateness for the child 
    • does their behavior reflect the norm of their cultural group? the school setting?
    • does the family's expectation of the child's communication skill match mine?
  3. Critical Thinking Parameters
    • Accuracy and Scope of Information  
    • Evaluating the Evidence 
    • Change and Adaptability
  4. Accuracy and Scope of Practice
    • Accuracy: get evidence to ID communication problem and make conclusions 
    • Scope of Information: doc comm skills in multiple settings and in regards to cultural differences
  5. Evaluating the Evidence
    evaluate internal and external evidence supporting assessment tools and intervention protocols
  6. Change and Adaptability
    • looks for client change in real-life settings
    • assess client motivation 
    • open to professional development and personal change
  7. Response to Intervention
    • Preventative Measure  
    • Does not wait for student to be significantly behind peers to deliver services 
    • A child's low performance may be due to lack of experience or lack of evidence based instruction 

    • Tier 1: general classroom instuction
    • Tier 2: small group or individualized instruction on a regular weekly basis 
    • Tier 3: intense individualized intervention
  8. Progress Monitoring
    • dynamic assessment 
    • completed regularly
    • allows evidence for students to move up or down the tiers of RTI 
    • informs instruction 
    • helps make decisions about possibility of dismissal
  9. At risk
    • have the possibility of developing a problem 
    • reduce the risk factors as much as possible
  10. Disability
    • there is something that the client cannot do 
    • ex) hearing impairment
  11. Handicap
    the disability prevents them from taking part in an activity
  12. Impairment
    breakdown in a function that can lead to a disability
  13. Primary Prevention
    • attempt to avoid impairment
    • ex) prenatal care
  14. Secondary Prevention
    • early detection 
    • ex) newborn hearing screening
  15. Tertiary Prevention
    • reduce the impact of the disability 
    • ex) therapy
  16. Intervention Goals Should...
    • facilitate communication development 
    • change/eliminate underlying communication problem
    • change communicative function by teaching specific skills 
    • teach compensatory strategies to improve comm function
  17. Differential Instruction
    break down task as much as needed for student to understand
  18. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
    child receives services in the general education setting to the greatest extent possible
  19. FAPE
    Free and Public Education
  20. Inclusion
    include with typically  developing kids as much as possible
  21. Goals of IEP
    • individualized edu program 
    • set reasonable goals 
    • learn in LRE
    • state the school services that will be provided 
    • have input from family and various professionals
  22. Mass Practice
    all practice activities at once
  23. Distributed Practice
    practice activities distributed over time
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CDS 621 - Chapter 4
CDS 621