Chin-Lesson 11

  1. 芥日 or 節日
    • jiérì
    • holiday; festival
  2. 结束 or 結束
    • jiéshù
    • to end; to finish
  3. 继续 or 繼續
    • jìxù
    • to continue; to go on with
  4. 舅舅
    • jiùjiu
    • mother's brother; maternal uncle
  5. 舅妈 or 舅媽
    • jiùmā
    • wife of mother's brother
  6. 小区 or 小區
    • xiǎoqū
    • residential development; residential complex
  7. 环境 or 環境
    • huánjìng
    • environment; surroundings
  8. 除夕
    • chúxī
    • Chinese New Year's Eve
  9. 年夜饭 or 年夜飯
    • niányèfàn
    • Chinese New Year's Eve dinner
  10. 感情
    • gǎnqíng
    • feeling; emotion; affection
  11. 墙 or 牆
    • qiáng
    • wall
  12. 贴 or 貼
    • tiē
    • to paste; to glue
  13. 幸福
    • xìngfú
    • happy; happiness
    • blessing; good fortune
    • dào
    • to turn upside down; to go backwards
  14. 奇怪
    • qíguài
    • strange; odd
  15. 意思
    • yìsi
    • meaning
    • cān
    • meal
  16. 本来 or 本來
    • běnlái
    • original; originally; at first
    • jiā
    • meausure word for familes and commercial establishments such as restaurants, hotels, shops, companies, etc.
  17. 气氛 or 氣氛
    • qìfēn
    • atmosphere; ambiance
    • with
    • dài
    • to replace; to substitute
    • jiǔ
    • alcohol; liquor
  18. 举 or 舉
    • to lift; to raise
  19. 顺利 or 順利
    • shùnlì
    • smooth; successful; without a hitch
  20. 进步 or 進步
    • jìnbù
    • to make progress; progressive
  21. 干杯 or 乾杯
    • gānbēi
    • to drink a toast; cheers!; bottoms up
  22. 成功
    • chénggōng
    • to succeed; successful
  23. 晚会 or 晚會
    • wǎnhuì
    • evening gathering; soiree
  24. 剩 (下)
    • shèng(xia)
    • to leave a surplus; to be left (over)
  25. 浪费 or 浪費
    • làngfèi
    • to waste; to squander; wasteful
  26. 余 or 餘
    • to surplus; to spare
  27. 传统 or 傳統
    • chuántǒng
    • tradition; traditional
  28. 农历 or 農曆
    • nónglì
    • traditional Chinese lunar calendar; literally "agricultural calendar"
    • chū
    • first
  29. 粽子
    • zòngzi
    • pyramid-shaped dumplings of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves
  30. 月饼 or 月餅
    • yuèbǐng
    • moon cake
  31. 团圆 or 團圓
    • tuányuán
    • to reunite (as a family)
  32. 正月
    • zhēngyuè
    • first month of the lunar year; first moon
  33. 元宵
    • yuánxiāo
    • night of the 15th of the 1st lunar month; sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour
    • ma
    • particle used to emphasize the obvious
  34. 计时 or 計時
    • jìshí
    • to count time
  35. 拜年
    • bàinián
    • to wish somebody a happy Chinese New Year; to pay a Chinese New Year's call
  36. 恭喜
    • gōngxǐ
    • to congratulate
  37. 发财 or 發財
    • fācái
    • to get rich; to make a fortune
  38. 红包 or 紅包
    • hóngbāo
    • red envelope containing money to be given as a gift
  39. 热闹 or 熱鬧
    • rènao
    • (of a place or a scene) lively; buzzing with excitement; bustling with activity
  40. 鞭炮
    • biānpào
    • firecracker
  41. 春节 or 春節
    • chūnjié
    • Spring Festival; Chinese New Year
  42. 端午节 or 端午節
    • duānwǔjié
    • Dragon Boat Festival
  43. 中秋节 or 中秋節
    • zhōngqiūjié
    • Mid-Autumn Festival; Moon Festival
  44. 感恩节 or 感恩節
    • gǎn'ēnjié
    • Thanksgiving
  45. 元宵节 or 元宵節
    • yuánxiāojié
    • Lantern Festival
Card Set
Chin-Lesson 11
Chinese vocabulary from Lesson 11. Traditional & Simplified. Pinyin. English definition.