
  1. Dmitry
    CLI, Linux, WHOIS, TCP Ports, email addresses, subdomains
  2. NMAP/Zenmap
    port scans, OS version detection, fingerprinting, Windows, Mac, Linux
  3. Netcat
    packet crafter, listener, executes apps on connection
  4. ncat
    • CLI, included with nmap, similar to netcat
    • supports IPv6, SSL, proxies, chaining of ncat instances
  5. nikto
    GNU web vulnerability scanner, uses SSL, HTTP, CSV, Nessus (NBE), HTML, XML and Metasploit. From CIRT. Also vuln tester.
  6. Nemesis
    CLI, packet generator. generates ARP, Ethernet, TCP and UDP packets (among others) - layer 2 and 3. Linux and Windows
  7. Hping
    test firewalls, OS fingerprinting, packet generator. Linux, Mac and Windows. TCP by Def, -0=RAWIP -1=ICMP -2 = UDP
  8. PackETH
    Linux GUI Ethernet tool for TCP/IP. generates any type of Ethernet packet. can manipulate packet sequences
  9. THCHydra
    password cracker, dictionary attacks
  10. cain and abel
    • Tons of stuff - VOIP, Cisco VPN, databases, WEP, VNC and many more. Also, RDP traffic, collect server certs, ARP poisoning, RSA SecureID, detect WLAN, reveal passwords in text boxes, Windows services and registry manipulation. Abel enables remote console and LSA secrets dumper.
    • Windows only
  11. John the Ripper
    password cracker, Linux, Mac and Windows.
  12. Kismet
    Kismet is a wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet works with Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11) cards, as well as Bluetooth devices for scanning dicoverable BT and BTLE devices, the RTL-SDR radio for detecting wireless sensors, thermometers, and switches, and a growing collection of other capture hardware.
  13. IKE-Scan
    • discover, fingerprint and test IPSec VPN servers using IKE (Internet Key Exchange)
    • Linux, Mac and Windows.
  14. Paros Proxy
    crawl a website and exec vuln tests including fuzzing
  15. Trinoo
  16. TFN - Tribal Flood Network
  17. Stacheldraht
  18. Airsnort
    WEP Cracker
  19. CoWPAtty
    WPA offline brute cracker
  20. tcp-over-dns
    client-server tool used to evade firewall inspection
  21. splint
    source code analyzer for buffer injection
  22. netstumbler
    wardriving, WLAN analyzer
  23. snort
    Sniffer, Packet Logger, and Network Intrusion Detection System
  24. Nessus
    detects vulns in system, patches, apps. virus, malware, etc
  25. metagoofil
    user names, email addies, locations and paths, document software names and versions
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