method evaluations

  1. 1 2s
    rejection warning
  2. 1 3s
    reject a run when control observation is +/- 3s
  3. 2 2s
    reject run when 2 consecutive control observations are on the same side of the mean and > +2s
  4. 4 1s
    reject a run when 4 consecutive controls are on the same side of the mean and > +1s
  5. R 4s
    reject a run if the range or difference between the maximum and minimum controls are >4s
  6. for how long can controls be stable for
    1 yr
  7. what are quality controls used for
    to monitor and determine analytical errors by comparing expected values within control limits (ranges)
  8. Precision error equation
    [(value - mean)/mean]x100%
  9. accuracy equation
    [(value-true value)/true value] x 100%
  10. what is the confidence interval
    +/- 2s, 95% confidence interval
  11. what are the types of systematic errors
    • proportional error
    • constant error
  12. what are the requirements for QC material
    • stable
    • concentration must be within rangeĀ 
    • matrix = synthetic.
Card Set
method evaluations
-QC -systematic error -random error -precision -accuracy