Helping Relationship, Mid Term

  1. Rogers
    • Person Centered/Client Centered
    • Being Present w/ client
    • Congruent - equal w/ client
    • Empathy - putthing yourself in their shoes
  2. Congruent
    Equal w/client
  3. Empathy
    Putting yourself in their shoes
  4. Transference
    Transfering onto the client
  5. Countertransference
    Transference onto the therapist
  6. Immediatcy
    Drawing out what is going on now.....attitude, etc.
  7. What are the 3 goals in counseling?
    • Life-enhancing
    • Learning self-help
    • Prevention
  8. Life-enhancing Outcomes
    Help clients manage their problems in living more effectively and developing unused or underused resources and opportunities more fully.
  9. Why do people seek help?
    • Involved in problem, they can't handle.
    • Not living fully
  10. Learning Self Help
    Help clients become better at helping themselves in their everday life.
  11. Prevention Mentality
    Help clients develop an action-oriented prevention mentality in their lives.
  12. Social-emotinal intelligence
    the process involved in teh recognition, use, understanding, and management of one's own and others' emotional states to solve emotionaladen problems and to regulate behavior.
  13. Optimal Human Functioning, why should we know what this looks like?
    Client may not know or see the optimal human functioning, our job is to teach them.
  14. Positive Psychology
    Contrary to Rogers a postive theraputic relationship is not necessary.
  15. Working knowledge
    • Is the translation of theory and research into the kind of applied understandings that enable helpser to work w/ clients.
    • Putting what you learned into practice.
  16. Abnormal Psychology
    systematic eunderstanding of th ways in which individuals get into cognitive, emotional, behavioral and social trouble.
  17. Shadow side of counseling.
    All those things that adversely affect the helping relationship, process, and outcomes in substantive ways but that are not identified and expolored by helper or client in their session or even by the profession intself in some open or public way.

    beliefs, values and norms, that don't fit the best interest of the client. "Noise" in the system. Doesn't prevent but could hinder
  18. Limitations
    Know you don't know whole story and you have limited info.
  19. Working alliance
    the collaboration between the client and the helper based on theiragreement on th goals and tasks of counseling.

    W/in the working alliance the helping experience shoudl be organized around the clients resources, perceptions, experiences and ideas.
  20. Culture
    shared beliefs and assumptions interact with shared values and produce shared norms that drive shared patterns of behavior.
  21. Values
    the set of practical criteria for making decisions that drive behavior.

    Exp. ask client: What value system says that, that behavior is ok?
  22. What is the first rule of helping?
    Do no harm.
  23. Empowerment
    the value that highlights self-responsibility
  24. What are the norms for empowerment and self-Responsability.
    • Clients can changes if they choose.
    • Don't see clients as victims.
    • Don't be fooled by appearances.
    • Share the helping process w/ clients.
    • Help clients see counseling sessions as work sessions.
    • Become a coach or consultant to clients.
    • Helping is a natural two-way influence process. (equal)
    • Focus on learning instead of helping.
    • Don't see clients as overely fragile.
  25. Precontemplation
    the person in unaware that he /she has a probelm or is only vaguely aware, and has not intention of doing anything.
  26. What are the stages of helping Model?
    • What's going on?
    • What do I need or want?
    • How do I get there?
    • How do I make it all happen?
  27. What's going on stage I.
    • What are my probelms and unused opportunities?
    • Let the client tell their story.
  28. What do I need or want stage II. (what do i do about it)
    • What solutions make sense for me?
    • Focuses on outcomes.
    • Imagine possibilities for a better future.
    • Help clients choose realistic goals.
    • Help them find incentives that will help them commit.
  29. How do I get what I need or want stage III.
    • What action plan makes sense for me.
    • Help client review possible strategies to achieve goals.
    • Help find strategies that fit w/their resources.
    • Pull strategies into a plan.
  30. Visibly "tuning in"......
    expression of empathy that tells the client you are w/ them
  31. S.O.L.A.R.
    • Square
    • Open
    • Lean In
    • Eye contact
    • Relax
  32. Epathic listening
    allows helper to put aside their own concers in order to be full w/ the client and attain a deep understanding of the client.
  33. Good Starter Empathy statement
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Helping Relationship, Mid Term
Helping Relationship