- spinal accessory nerve
- transverse cerivcal artery
latissimus dorsi
- thoracodorsal nerve
- thoracodorsal artery
levator scapulae
- dorsal scapular nerve
- dorsal scapular artery
rhomboid major
- dorsal scapular nerve
- dorsal scapular artery
rhomboid minor
- dorsal scapular nerve
- dorsal scapular artery
- axillary nerve
- posterior circumflex artery
- (abducts arm)
- suprascapular nerve
- suprascapular artery
- (abducts the arm)
- suprascapular nerve
- suprascapular artery
- (laterally rotates the arm)
teres minor
- axillary nerve
- circumflex scapular artery
- (laterally rotates the arm)
teres major
- lower subscapular nerve
- circumflex scapular artery
- (adducts the arm)
semispinalis capitis
- dorsal rami of cervical spinal nerves and greater occipital nerve
- muscular branch of aorta
splenius capitis
- dorsal rami of cervical spinal nerves
- muscular branch of aorta
rectus capitis posterior minor
- suboccipital nerve
- (flexes head laterally)
rectus capitis posterior major
- suboccipital nerve
- (rotates head laterally)
obliquus capitis superior
- suboccipital nerve
- (rotates head laterally)
obliquus capitis inferior
- suboccipital nerve
- (rotates atlas and skull)
- spinal accessory nerve or cranial nerve XI
- (flex and rotate the head)
serratus posterior superior
- intercostal nerves
- intercostal arteries
serratus posterior inferior
- intercostal nerves
- intercostal arteries
pectoralis major
- medial and lateral pectoral nerves
- pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial artery
pectoralis minor
- medial pectoral nerve
- pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial trunk
serratus anterior
- long thoracic nerve
- lateral thoracic artery
- nerve to subclavius
- clavicular branch of the thoracoacromial artery
biceps brachii
- musculocutaneous nerve
- brachial artery
- musculocutaneous nerve
- brachial artery, radial recurrent artery
- musculocutaneous neve
- brachial artery
triceps brachii
- radial nerve
- profunda brachii
- radial nerve
- profunda brachii artery, interosseous recurrent artery
pronator teres
- median nerve
- ulnar artery
- -median nerve passes between two heads at origin
- (superficial layer of anterior region of forearm)
flexor carpi radialis
- median nerve
- ulnar artery
- -flexes wrist, abducts the hand
- (superficial layer of anterior region of forearm)
palmaris longus
- median nerve
- ulnar artery
- -absent in about 13% of population
- (superficial layer of anterior region of forearm)
flexor carpi ulnaris
- ulnar nerve
- ulnar artery
- -ulnar nerve passes between two heads of origin
- (superficial layer of anterior region of forearm)
flexor digitorum superficialis
- median nerve
- ulnar artery
- -flexor or proximal interphalangeal joints, metacarpophalngeal joints, and the wrist joint
- (intermediate layer of anterior region of forearm)
flexor digitorum profundus
- anterior interosseus nerve branch of median (radial half), ulnar nerve (ulnar half)
- anterior interosseous artery (branch of ulnar artery)
- -flexes the metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphlangeal joints
- (deep layer of anterior region of forearm)
flexor pollicis longus
- anterior interosseous branch of the median nerve
- anterior interosseous artery (branch of ulnar artery)
- -flexes metacarpophalangeal and interphlangeal joints of the thumb
- (deep layer of anterior region of forearm)
pronator quadratus
- median nerve
- anterior interosseous artery (branch of ulnar artery)
- (deep layer of anterior region of forearm)
- radial nerve
- radial recurrent artery
- -primary action is elbow flexion
- (superficial layer of posterior region of forearm)
extensor carpi radialis longus
- deep terminal branch of radial nerve
- radial artery
- -extension and abduction
- (superficial layer of posterior region of forearm)
extensor carpi radialis brevis
- deep terminal branch of radial nerve
- radial artery
- -extension and abduction
- (superficial layer of posterior region of forearm)
extensor digitorum
- deep terminal branch of radial nerve
- anterior and posterior interosseous artery (branch of ulnar artery)
- -extends metacarpophlangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints
- (superficial layer of posterior region of forearm)
anterior interosseous nerve
branch of median nerve
posterior interosseous nerve
branch of the ulnar nerve
extensor digiti minimi
- deep terminal branch of radial nerve
- interosseous recurrent artery (from posterior recurrent artery)
- -extends metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints of the 5th digit
- (superficial layer of posterior region of forearm)
extensor carpi ulnaris
- deep terminal branch of radial nerve
- ulnar artery
- -extends the wrist, adducts the hand
- (superficial layer of posterior region of forearm)
- deep terminal branch of radial nerve
- recurrent interosseous artery (from posterior interosseous artery)
- (deep layer of posterior region of forearm)
abductor pollicis longus
- deep terminal branch of radial nerve
- posterior interosseous artery
- -abducts at carpometacarpal joint of thumb
- (more lateral than extensor pollicis longus)
- (deep layer of posterior region of forearm)
extensor pollicis brevis
- deep terminal branch of radial nerve
- posterior interosseous artery
- -extends at metacarpophalangeal
- (deep layer of posterior region of forearm)
extensor pollicis longus
- deep terminal branch of radial nerve
- posterior interosseous artery
- -extends at interphalangeal
- (deep layer of posterior region of forearm)
extensor indicis
- deep terminal branch of radial nerve
- posterior interosseous membrane
- -extends index finger at metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints
- (deep layer of posterior region of forearm)
abductor pollicis brevis
- recurrent branch of median nerve
- superficial palmar branch of radial artery
- -abducts thumb
flexor pollicis brevis
- recurrent branch of median nerve
- superficial palmar branch of the radial artery
- -flexes the carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joints of the thumb
opponens pollicis
- recurrent branch of median nerve
- superficial palmar branch of the radial artery
- -opposes the thumb
adductor pollicis
- ulnar nerve, deep branch
- deep palmar arterial arch
- -adducts the thumb
- (not a thenar muscle)
abductor digiti minimi
- deep branch of the ulnar nerve
- ulnar artery
- -abducts the 5th digit
flexor digiti minimi brevis
- deep branch of the ulnar nerve
- ulnar artery
- -flexes the carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joints of the 5th digit
opponens digiti minimi
- deep branch of the ulnar nerve
- ulnar artery
- opposes the 5th digit
palmaris brevis
- superficial branch of the ulnar nerve
- ulnar artery
- -draws skin of ulnar side of hand toward center of palm
- median nerve (radial 2) and ulnar nerve (ulnar 2)
- superficial palmar arterial arch
- -first two are unipennate, last two are bipennate
- -flex metacarpophalangeal while extending proximal and distal interphalangeal joints
dorsal interosseous
- deep branch of ulnar nerve
- dorsal and palmar metacarpal arteries
- -abducts digits 2-4
- (4 muscles between metacarpals)
palmar interosseous
- deep branch of ulnar nerve
- palmar metacarpal artery
- -adducts digits 2, 4, 5
- - 3 muscles
quadrangular space
axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral artery leaves this space
triangular space
circumflex scapular artery leaves this space
lateral antebrachial cutaneous is a branch of the...
musculocutaneous nerve
cervical curvature
- convex anteriorly
- from apex of odontoid process of C2 to middle of T2
thoracic curvature
- concave anteriorly
- from the middle of T2 to the middle of T12
lumbar curvature
- convex anteriorly
- from the middle of t12 to the sacral promontory
sacral curvature
- concave anteriorly
- from the sacral promontory to the tip of the coccyx
increased posterior convexity in the thoracic region
exaggerated anterior convexity of the lumbar region
transverse foramen
a hole through the transverse processes to transmit the vertebral artery and vein
thoracic duct
empties into the left subclavian vain (one of two main ducts)
right lymphatic duct
empties into the right subclavian vein (one of two main ducts...drains just the right side of the head and upper extremities)
jugular trunk
drains head and neck region
subclavian trunk
drains upper extremity
bronchomediastinal trunk
drains the thorax
cisterna chyli
- sac by abdomen that serves as a drainage center for the lymph in the abdomen
- intestinal trunks and lumbar trunks empty into it. superiorly, drains into the thoracic duct
iliac trunk
drains the lower extremities and pelvis
lumbar and thoracic vessels
drains thoracic and abdominal walls, but not skin and superficial fascia of thorax or abdomen
one vessel opens into another
collateral circulation
circulation is maintained in small anastomosing vessels when the main vessel is obstructed
portal system
a venous system interrupted by a capillary bed
intravascular clot that remains at its site of formation
clot or plug carried by the blood that lodges in a vessel
large amounts of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the body
deficiency of blood
flattened tendon
thin fibrous region between two flat muscles
permanent, pathologic shortening of a muscle when muscle is replaced by scare tissue
How many ribs? True Ribs? False Ribs?
12, 7 true, 5 false
number of vertebrae and breakdown
- 33
- 7 cervical
- 12 thoracic
- 5 lumbar
- 5 sacral
- 4 coccygeal
articulates with the head of the radius
articulates with the ulna