This allows cells to communicate with each other to regulate body activities
Chemical messengers
It is an organ consisting of epithelial cells that specialize in secretion
Four classes/categories of chemical messengers are?
1. Autocrine chemical messengers
2. Paracrine chemical messengers
3. Neurotransmitters
4. Endocrine chemical messengers
This chemical are listed in multiple categories because they have several functions and cannot be restricted into just one class
They are nerve impulses that trigger the release of mediator (messenger) molecules
Endocrine system controls body activities by releasing mediators called
to excite or get moving
It is a mediator molecule that is released in one part of the body but regulates the activity of cells in other parts of the body. It enters interstitial fluid and bloodstream
This act as both neurotransmitter (released by sympathetic postganglionic neurons) and hormone (released by chromaffin cells of A. Medulla)
It secrete their products into ducts into body cavities, lumen of an organ, outer surface.
Exocrine glands
It includes sudoriferous (sweat), sebaceous (oil), mucous, digestive glands
Exocrine glands
It secretes their products into the interstitial fluid surrounding secretory cells
Endocrine glands
It includes pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and pineal glands.
Endocrine glands
study of endocrine system
If a hormone is present in excess, the number of target cell receptors may decrease ---an effect called ___
It makes a target cell less sensitive to a hormone
It makes a target cell more sensitive to a hormone.
most endocrine hormones; they pass from the secretory cells that make them into interstitial fluid then into blood.
Circulating hormones
act locally on neighboring cells or on the same cell
Local hormones
stimulates the cell that originally secreted it/act on the same cell that secreted them
Autocrine chemical messengers
act locally on neighboring cells; secreted by one cell type into the extracellular fluid and affect surrounding cells
Paracrine chemical messengers
secreted by neurons that activate an adjacent; paracrine agents
secreted into the bloodstream; travel to general circulation to target cells
Endocrine chemical messengers
refers to the total amount of a signal that is produced
the hormones secreted by most endocrine glands; consists of fluctuation in the concentration of hormones in bloodstream
Amplitude-modulated signals
the all-or-none action potentials carried along axons; vary in the number of signals sent but not In the amount of signal sent.
Frequency-modulated signals
refers to how often a signal is sent in a certain period of time
Characteristics of Hormones
1. Stability
2. Communication
3. Distribution
the amount of time it takes for 50% of the circulating hormone to be removed from the circulation and excreted.
Hormones requiring a transport chaperone bind to blood proteins called ___
binding proteins
Once hormones attach to a binding protein they are then called ____
binding hormones
Once the hormones detach from the binding protein, then they are called ____
free hormones
Chemical classes of Hormones
1. Lipid-soluble hormones
2. Water-soluble hormones
include steroid hormones, thyroid hormones, and nitric oxide; nonpolar
Lipid-soluble hormones
include amine hormones, peptide and protein hormones, and eicosanoid hormones; polar
Water-soluble hormones
– results in relatively constant blood levels of hormone over long periods of time
Chronic Hormone secretion
occurs when the hormone’s concentration changes suddenly and irregularly and its circulating levels differ with each stimulus
acute hormone secretion
occurs when hormones are secreted at fairly predictable intervals and concentrations
episodic hormone secretion
they circulate in the blood, and the word _____ refers to body fluids
Humoral Stimuli --- humoral
This stimulates the release of hormones when a change in extracellular fluid is detected
Humoral Stimuli
second type of hormone regulation; neurons release a neurotransmitter into a synapse with hormone-producing cells
Neural Stimuli
neuro-peptides stimulate hormone secretion from other endocrine cells; reserved for hormones from the hypothalamus
releasing hormones
occurs when hormones stimulate the secretion of other hormones.
Hormonal Stimuli
from hypothalamus, prevent the secretion of tropic hormones from pituitary gland
inhibiting hormones
hormone’s secretion is inhibited by the hormone itself; prevent the secretion of the hormone in question; self-limiting system
Negative Feedback
promote the further synthesis and secretion of the tropic hormone; stimulates even more secretion of the original hormone; self-propagating system
Positive Feedback
Hormones exert their actions by binding to target cell proteins called ___
– specific portion of each receptor molecule where a hormone binds
Receptor site
are places where a chemical signal binds onto a receptor
Receptor Sites
The tendency for each type of hormone to bind to one type of receptor, and not to others, is called ___
Lipid-soluble hormones bind to _____
Water-soluble hormones bind to ___
nuclear receptors
membrane-bound receptors
Functions of Endocrine System
1. Regulation of metabolism
2. Control of food intake and digestion
3. Modulation of tissue development
4. Regulation of ion levels
5. Control of water balance
6. Changes in heart rate and BP
7. Control of blood glucose
8. Control of reproductive functions
9. Stimulation of uterine contractions and milk release
10. Modulation of immune system function
Two important structures for integrating the nervous system and the endocrine system are
pituitary gland (hypophysis)
was called the “master” endocrine gland because it secretes several hormones that control other endocrine gland (secretes 7 different hormones)
Pituitary Gland
master of pituitary gland; major link between the nervous system and endocrine system (synthesized 9 different hormones)
It is a pea-shaped structure, lies in hypophyseal fossa of the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone
Pituitary Gland
stalk of tissue that connects the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus
It is a lobe of pituitary gland that is called the neurohypophysis because it is continuous with the hypothalamus in the brain.
Posterior Pituitary
Two parts of posterior pituitary
pars nervosa
pars intermedia
It is a part of posterior pituitary that is larger bulbar portion, and infundibulum
pars nervosa
It is a part of posterior pituitary that
atrophies during human fetal development and ceases to exist as a separate lobe
pars intermedia
It is a lobe of pituitary gland that develops as an outpocketing of the roof of the embryonic oral cavity called the pituitary diverticulum
Anterior Pituitary
It is a lobe of pituitary gland that develops as an outpocketing of the roof of the embryonic oral cavity called the pituitary diverticulum
It is a lobe of pituitary gland that is also called the adenohypophysis; accounts for about 75% of the total weight of the gland and made of epithelial tissue
anterior pituitary
two parts of anterior pituitary gland
pars distalis
pars tuberalis
is one of the major portal systems in the body; system of blood vessel that connects the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland
Hypothalamohypophysial (Hypophyseal) Portal System
Hypothalamic hormones that stimulate anterior pituitary secretion are called ___
releasing hormones
Hypothalamic hormones that decrease anterior pituitary hormone secretion are called ___
inhibiting hormones
a water conservation hormone; prevents the output of large amounts of urine; a hormone which is responsible for the decreasing urine production
Antidiuretic Hormone
– is an important reproductive hormone; stimulates labor in pregnant mammal; causes contraction of uterine smooth muscle in nonpregnant women
THYROID GLAND is Made up of two lobes connected by a narrow band called ___
main function is to secrete thyroid hormone
thyroid gland
small spheres with walls that consist of simple cuboidal epithelium
Thyroid Follicles
cells beside the thyroid follicle
Parafollicular cells
lack of thyroid hormones
elevated rate of thyroid hormones
Embedded on the lobes of the thyroid gland, and are made up of two cell types: oxyphils and chief cells
Parathyroid gland
function to secrete parathyroid hormone
chief cells
abnormal increase in the secretion of PTH = tumor
increased PTH mean increase in bone resorption making the bones become soft and easily fractured; muscle and nerves become less excitable
abnormal decrease in PTH secretion which results to a decrease in blood calcium levels
a condition that happens when the parathyroid gland is inactive which causes symptoms of nervousness, spasms, convulsions.
two small glands located superior to each kidney
Adrenal glands
two parts of Adrenal gland
Adrenal Medulla (inner)
Adrenal Cortex (outer)
produces the hormone Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
first class of hormones secreted by the outer layer of the adrenal cortex; helps regulate blood volume/levels
major hormone of first class; causes Na+ and water to be retained in the body and increases the rate at which K+ is eliminated
act as an enzyme; causes blood protein called angiotensinogen to be converted to angiotensin I
protein causes angiotensin I to be converted to angiotensin II
ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme)
causes smooth muscle in blood vessels to constrict; acts on the A. cortex to increase aldosterone secretion
Angiotensin II
second class of hormones secreted by middle layer of A. cortex; helps regulate blood nutrients levels
major hormone of 2nd class, increase the breakdown of proteins and lipids and increases their conversion to forms of energy the body can use; reduced inflammatory/immune response
reduce inflammation caused by injuries; reduce immune/inflammatory responses
bind to membrane-bound receptors and regulate the secretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Molecules
third class of hormones secreted by the inner layer of A.cortex; stimulate the development of male sexual characteristics
dispersed throughout the exocrine portion of the pancreas; secrete three hormones: insulin, glucagon, somatostatin
Pancreatic Islets
Pancreatic Islets has four types of cells:
a. Alpha Cells
b. Beta Cells
c. Delta Cells
d. F cells
This type of Pancreatic Islets secretes glucagon
D) Alpha Cells (A Cells)
This type of Pancreatic Islets secretes insulin
D) Beta Cells (B Cells)
This type of Pancreatic Islets secretes somatostatin
D) Delta Cells (D Cells)
This type of Pancreatic Islets secretes pancreatic polypeptide
B) F Cells
a condition where the pH of the body fluids is below normal
response to the elevated blood glucose levels
area of the hypothalamus that controls appetite
Satiety center
when blood glucose levels are low
response to food intake
growth and development of the male reproductive structures; muscle enlargement; growth of body hair; voice changes; male sexual drive
development and function of female reproductive structures and other female sexual characteristics - enlargement of breasts and distribution of adipose tissue; female menstrual cycle
Estrogen & Progesterone
located posterior to the sternum between lungs, largest in infants and children; produces thymosin (WBC. immune system)
found on the third ventricle of the brain;
secretory cells called pinealocytes;
secretes melatonin (body’s wake and sleep cycles)
Pineal gland
intercellular signals; autocrine and paracrine chemical signals; cause relaxation or contraction of smooth muscle; role in inflammation, blood vessel dilation
secreted by kidneys, in response to reduced oxygen levels in the kidney; acts on bone marrow to increase the RBC production
– important source of hormones that maintain pregnancy and stimulate breast development
dysfunction of the posterior pituitary, due to defects in ADH receptors or inability to secrete ADH
Diabetes Insipidus
results from hyposecretion of ADH (brain tumor, head trauma, brain surgery)
Neurogenic Diabetes Insipidus
kidneys do not respond to ADH, kidneys nonfunctional or damaged
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
hypersecretion of cortisol by A.cortex; characterized by breakdown of muscle proteins and redistribution body fat
Cushing's Syndrome
caused by an inability to produce or use insulin
Diabetes Mellitus
excessive urine production
excessive thirst
excessive eating
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - occurs because the person’s immune system destroys the pancreatic beta cells
Type 1 Diabetes
non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus -more common, representing 90% of all cases; often occurs in obese people who are over age 35