Ch 4 part 2

  1. Glandular Epithelium
    • main function is secretions - glandular cells that lie in clusters deep to the covering and lining epithelium
    • gland - cell(s) that secrete substances into ducts (tubes), onto a surface, or into the blood - all glands are endocrine or exocrine
  2. endocrine glands
    • secrete hormones that enter the interstitial fluid and then diffuse directly into the bloodstream without flowing through a duct.
    • the hormones regulate metabolic and psysiological activities to maintain homeostasis
    • endocrine glands - pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal
  3. exocrine glands
    • secrete into ducts that empty onto the suface of covering and lining epithelium (skin surface or the lumen of hollow organs)
    • secretions include mucus, sweat, oil, earwax, saliva, digestive enzymes
  4. classification of exocrine glands
    • 1. unicellular glands - single-celled - ex. goblet cells that secrete mucus onto apical surface of lining epithelium
    • 2. multicellular glands - many cells - salivary and sebaceous
    • a.simple gland - duct does not branch
    • b. compound gland - duct branches
    • c. tubular gland - glands with tubular secretory parts
    • d. acinar glands - glands with rounded secretory parts
    • e. tubuloacinar - have both rounded and tubular secretory parts
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Ch 4 part 2
Part 2 of ch 4 notes covering glandular tissue, connective tissue, bone tissue