small air sacs at the end of the terminal bronchioles that are the site of gas exchange
incomplete expansion or collapse of a part of the lungs
slow rate of breathing
bronchial sounds
those heard over the trachea; high in pitch and intensity
medication that relaxes contractions of smooth muscles of the bronchioles; relating to or causing expansion of the bronchial air passages
normal breath souds heard over the upper anterior chest and intercostal area; medium pitched blowing soun
microscopic hairlike projections that propel musus toward the upper airway so that it can be expectorated
fine crackling sounds made as air moves thru wet secretions in the lungs; occure due to inflammation or congestion and are associated with pneumonia, CHF, bronchitis, COPD
tendency of solutes to move freely throughout a solvent from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration until equilibrium is established
Dry Powder Inhalers (DPI)
method of inhaled meds; breath activated. A quick breath by the pt that activates the flow of medication eliminating the need to coordinate activating the inhaler while inhaling the medicin at the same time
difficult or labored breathing
endotracheal tube
polyvinyl-chloride airway that is inserted thru the nose or the mouth into the trachea using a laryngoscope as a guide
act of breathing out; synonym for exhalation; the passive phase is the movement of air out of the lungs
condition in which there is more than the normal amount of air entering and leaving the lungs
decreased rate or depth of air movement into the lungs
inadequate amount of oxygen available to the cells
act of breathing in; active phase involves movement of musclesand the thorax to bring air into the lungs
metered dose inhaler (MDI)
instrument that delivers a controlled dose of medication to narrowed airways with each compression of the canister
nasal cannula
disposable plastic device that delivers oxygen via two protruding prongs for insertion into the nostrils
instrument that disperses fine particles of medication into the deeper passage of the respiratory tract where absorption occurs
process by which oxygenated blood passes thru body tissues
plerual effusion
fluid in the pleural space
pleural friction rub
continous dry grating sound caused by infalmmation of plerual surfaces and loss of lubricating pleural fluid
aire in the pleural space
pulmonary ventilation
movement of air into and out of the lungs
pulse oximetery
oninvasive technique that measures the oxygen saturation of arteril blood
gas exchange between the atmospheric air in the alveoli and blood in the capillaries
instrument used to measure lung capacities and volumes; one type is used to encourage deep breathing (incentive spirometry)
respiratory secretion expelled by coughing or clearing the throat
detergent-like phospholipid that reduces surface tensionof the fluid lining the alveoli preventing their collapse
rapid rate of breathing
aspiration of fluid or air from the pleural space
artificial opening made into the trachea thru wich a tracheostomy tube is inserted
vesicular breath sounds
normal sound of respirations heard on auscultation over peripheral lung areas
continuous, high pitched squeak or musical sound made as air moves thru narrowed or partially obstructed airway passages