Ch. 1: Microbiology: a human perspective

  1. Vital activities and role of microorganisms: (4 total)
    • - support all living cells
    • - involved in nitrogen fixation
    • -replenish oxygen on Earth
    • - degrade waste materials
  2. Bioremedation-
    degradation (depletion) of toxic material
  3. Biosynthesis
    production of antibiotics, amino acids, etc
  4. genetic engineering
    the process by which genes from one organism are introduced into related or unrelated organisms

    ex. bacteria expressing the human growth hormone gene or insulin or viral protein for vaccines
  5. Bacteria
    single cell prokaryotes (no membrane organelles). Contain peptidoglycan in the cell wall
  6. Eucarya (3 things)
    • - single or multicellular eukaryotes
    • - members include algae, fungi, protozoa
    • - contain membrane organelles (ex. mitochondria)
  7. Taxonomy
    a system for organizing, classifying & naming living things
  8. concerns of taxonomy (3 total)
    • - classification
    • - nomenclature
    • - identification
  9. classification
    putting things in boxes for convenience
  10. nomenclature
    name, binomial, italicized, tells you something about the agent
  11. identification
    recording physical, biochemical or genetic traits of agents so that they may be classified
  12. viruses (4 total)
    • - non-living members of the microbial world
    • - consist of nucleic acid, surrounded by a protein coat
    • - obligate intracellular parasites
    • - infect all forms of life
  13. Prions (3 total)
    • - protein only
    • - causes different neurodegenerative diseases
    • - always fatal
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Ch. 1: Microbiology: a human perspective
Chapter 1 lecture notes