WAPOL BK117 B-2 Flight techniques

  1. BK117 B-2 Vtoss?
    50 KIAS
  2. BK117 B-2 Vy?
    65 KIAS
  3. Cat A CDP?
    40 KIAS / 50ft
  4. Cat A LDP?
    40 KIAS / 50ft
  5. BK117 and AS365 fuel flow for engine start?
    Both 10kgs
  6. BK117 and AS365 fuel flow for taxi?
    Both 10kgs
  7. BK117 and AS365 fuel flow for table off and climb 5000ft?
    • BK: 40kgs
    • AS365: 30kgs
  8. BK117 and AS365 fuel flow for cruise?
    • BK: 240 kgs/hr
    • AS365: 320 kgs/hr
  9. BK117 and AS365 fuel flow for hiding at 5000ft?
    • BK: 180 kgs/hr
    • AS365: 245 kgs/hr
  10. BK117 and AS365 fuel flow for an approach?
    • BK: 60 kgs
    • AS365: 80 kgs
  11. BK117 and AS365 fuel flow when OEI?
    • BK: 145 kgs/hr at 65 kts
    • AS365: 175 kgs/hr at 75 kts
Card Set
WAPOL BK117 B-2 Flight techniques
BK117 B-2 Flight techniques including Cat A asked WAPOL SOPs