1. musical (comedy)
    a popular form of musical theatre of the 20th century, developed chiefly in the US and England; it features spoken dialogue developing dramatic situations appropriate for song, ensemble numbers, and dance.
  2. portamento
    a continuous movement from one pitch to another through all of the intervening pitches
  3. swing
    jazz from the period 1935–45, usually known as the Swing Era; the standard instrumental combination for swing music is the big band
  4. swing feel
    a jazz-specific feeling created by rhythmic contrast within a particular rhythmic framework (usually involving a walking bass and a steady rhythm on the drummer’s ride cymbal); the contrast may be manifested in a variety of relationships between long and short notes
  5. walking bass
    a bass line featuring four equal beats per bar
  6. ride cymbal
    a cymbal with a clear, focused timbre that is played more or less continuously
  7. 32-bar popular song form
    a standard song form, usually divided into shorter sections, such as AABA or AAB
  8. legato
    played smoothly with no separation between successive notes
  9. backbeat
    a sharp attack on beats 2 and 4 of a four beat bar
  10. lindy hop
    an exuberant and often acrobatic social dance for couples that originated in the ballrooms and dance clubs of Harlem in New York City in the late 1920s; it was danced to swing music and by the mid-1930s it became wildly popular and began to include aerial throws and leaps
  11. rhythm and blues (R&B)
    a term applied to certain characteristic African-American musical styles prominent during the late 1940s and the 1950s
  12. stop-time
    in urban blues and related popular genres where, in the four opening bars of the 12-bar blues progression, the group places a heavy accent on the downbeat of each bar and then gives way to the singer
  13. rock and roll (Rock 'n' Roll)
    a type of American popular music of the mid- to late-1950s, based chiefly on elements of Afro-American music; often described as a merger of black rhythm and blues with white country music, with more emphasis on the contributions of black musicians
  14. boogie-woogie
    A percussive and propulsive jazz piano style characterized by forceful, repeated bass figuration, almost always using the 12-bar format of the blues
  15. dance from the 1960s on
    largely bound up with specific youth subcultures and their identification with certain popular music groups or individual vocalists
  16. disco
    a form of dance music that dominated popular music during the late-1970s; it featured regular bass drum accents on every beat and frequent use of orchestral instruments and synthesizers
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