Channel crossing points.txt

  1. 82) All of the following channels cross Ren-3 and Ren-4 EXCEPT:

    A) Foot Taiyin
    B) Foot Jueyin
    C) Foot Shaoyin
    D) Hand Taiyin
    D) Hand Taiyin
  2. 26) The Belt Vessel crosses which one of the following groups of points?

    A) G-27, G-28, and G-29
    B) G-26, G-27, and G-28
    C) G-25, G-26, and G-27
    D) G-24, G-25, and G-26
    B) G-26, G-27, and G-28
  3. 6) The channel that crosses Ren-10, Ren-4, and Ren-3, also crosses which pair of points?

    A) The Front-Mu of the Liver and the Front Mu of the Lung.
    B) The Front Mu of the Kidney and the Front Mu of the Lung.
    C) The Front-Mu of the Spleen and the Front Mu of the Stomach.
    D) The Front Mu of the Gall Bladder and the Front Mu of the Spleen.
    A) The Front-Mu of the Liver and the Front Mu of the Lung.
  4. 63) The Foot Jueyin, the Foot Shaoyin, and the Foot Taiyin all cross the following points EXCEPT:

    A) Ren-3
    B) SP-6
    C) Ren-4
    D) Ren-10
    D) Ren-10
  5. 22) The Front Mu of the Liver is a crossing point for which pair of channels?

    A) Foot Jueyin and Foot Shaoyin
    B) Yin Linking Vessel and Foot Shaoyin
    C) Foot Taiyin and Yin Linking Vessel
    D) Foot Taiyin and Foot Shaoyin
    C) Foot Taiyin and Yin Linking Vessel
  6. 25) What are the crossing points for the Foot Taiyin?

    A) Ren 10, Ren 4, Ren 3, Liv 14, L 1
    B) Du 14, G 1, SJ 22, B 41, B 11, and B 1
    C) Ren 4, Ren 3, and SP 6
    D) There are no crossing points
    A) Ren 10, Ren 4, Ren 3, Liv 14, L 1
  7. 10) What are the crossing points of the Yang Qiao Channel?

    A) Du 16, Du 15, B 63, SI 10, G 13 through G 21, G 35, and S 8
    B) B 59, B 61, B 62, SI 10, S 1, S 3, S 4, LI 15, LI 16
    C) Du 14, SI 12, SI 18, SI 19, G 1, G 3, and G 4
    D) Du 14, SI 12, SI 19, SJ 17, SJ 20, SJ 22, S 7, and S 8
    B) B 59, B 61, B 62, SI 10, S 1, S 3, S 4, LI 15, LI 16
  8. 67) What are the crossing points of the Yin Wei Channel?

    A) Ren 23, Ren 22, SP 13, SP 15, SP 16, and Liv 14
    B) Ren 4, Ren 3, Ren 2, SP 6, SP 12, SP 13
    C) Ren 10, Ren 4, Ren 3, Liv 14, L 1
    D) Ren 7, Ren 1, K 11 through K 21
    A) Ren 23, Ren 22, SP 13, SP 15, SP 16, and Liv 14
  9. 107) What are the signs and symptoms of the channel that crosses Du 16 and Du 15?

    A) Distension and fullness in the abdomen, weakness of the lumbar region, leukorrhea, prolapsed of the uterus, muscular atrophy, and weakness and motor impairment of the lower limbs.
    B) Lower abdominal pain, pain along the waist to the genitals, tightness and spasm of the muscle along the medial aspect of the lower leg while those along the lateral aspect are flaccid or atrophied, seizures, paralysis, hernia, and leukorrhea.
    C) Diseases of the eye, pain in the lumbar region, stiffness in the lumbar region, tightness and spasm of the muscle along the lateral aspect of the lower leg while along the medial aspect are flaccid or atrophied, seizure, and paralysis.
    D) Chills, Fever, Vertigo, Muscular fatigue, stiffness, and pain, Pain and distension in the waist.
    D) Chills, Fever, Vertigo, Muscular fatigue, stiffness, and pain, Pain and distension in the waist
  10. 45) Which channel crosses both S 7 and S 8?

    A) Yang Wei Channel
    B) Foot Shaoyang Channel
    C) Hand Shaoyang Channel
    D) Hand Yangming Channel
    B) Foot Shaoyang Channel
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Channel crossing points.txt
Channel Crossing Point review