Tongue & Pulse Diagnosis.txt

  1. 100) A 37 year old patient started off the other day with fever, aversion to cold, stiff neck, pain in the posterior aspect of the head. They were also sweating and their pulse was superficial and slowing down. They now have feverishness of the body, which is more pronounced in the afternoon, constipation, fullness and pain in the abdomen aggravated by pressure, restlessness and delirium. What do you expect their tongue and pulse to look like now?

    A) Dry, yellow tongue coating and a superficial and forceful pulse
    B) Burnt-yellow tongue coating with thorns on the tongue.
    C) Pale tongue with a white coating and a slow or slowing-down pulse.
    D) Red or deep red tongue with a thready, rapid pulse
    B) Burnt-yellow tongue coating with thorns on the tongue.
  2. 82) A 68 year old female patient comes to you mortified. Her uterus has dropped out of the vulva several inches. The last thing in the world she wants is to have to go through a surgery. She wants to know if there's anything you can do to help her. During the intake she confirms that she's been having shortness of breath, and well, of course a sinking sensation in the lower abdomen. She's been exhausted lately, but "who isn't the days," is her response. She also confirms that she has been having leucorrhea and it started the same time as the sinking sensation. What do you expect her tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Pink tongue and a string-taut pulse
    B) Pale tongue with a thin coating and a weak pulse
    C) Pink tongue and a deep weak pulse
    D) Dark tongue and a deep forceful pulse
    B) Pale tongue with a thin coating and a weak pulse
  3. 79) A 92 year old patient in generally good health comes to you for help. Her children want to put her in a nursing home but she does not want to go. She got so irritable when they approached her about this and her heart started pounding. She hasn't been able to sleep and has even started developing night sweats she's so ticked they would suggest such a thing. Sometimes when she starts to think about the incident the room will start to spin. You offer her a glass of water and she accepts explaining that lately she's been very thirsty as well. Which one of the following tongue and pulse presentation would best match this patient's condition?

    A) A red tongue with a rapid, string-taut pulse.
    B) Dark-red tongue, with dark spots on the sides of the tongue and a string-taut and tense pulse
    C) Tender, red tongue and a weak and rapid pulse
    D) Dry, red tongue and a wiry or thready, rapid pulse
    D) Dry, red tongue and a wiry or thready, rapid pulse
  4. 87) A female patient age 34 comes to you for help. She's concerned because ever since getting off of the birth control pill her menses have been different. They used to come every 28 days while on the pill, but now they're coming sometimes 32, 33, or 34 days. Her menses are scanty and light. Her complexion is sallow and lusterless. During the intake she also reports that she does suffer from insomnia and confirms that she does have an empty and painful sensation in her lower abdomen. What do you expect this patient's tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Thin, white tongue coating and string-taut pulse
    B) Thin and white tongue, deep and slow pulse
    C) Pink tongue with little coating and a weak and thready pulse
    D) Thin white tongue coating and string-taut pulse
    C) Pink tongue with little coating and a weak and thready pulse
  5. 74) A mother bring her child in for help. For the past day and a half her child has been vomiting so much that they have not been able to eat. The child has also been having excruciating epigastric and abdominal pain to the point that the patient cannot tolerate being touched. They have a strong sensation of cold in the epigastrium. You also hear quite a bit of stomach gurgling. What is their tongue and pulse?

    A) White, slippery tongue coating with a thin and tight or slow and wiry pulse.
    B) Pale, red tongue with a dry, thin coating and a deficient rapid or a deficient thin pulse.
    C) The tongue is not red, but has a white, slippery coating. The pulse is thready and slow or thread and wiry.
    D) Pale, swollen tongue with thin, white, and moist coating; Weak pulse which is submerged and faint at the proximal position.
    A) White, slippery tongue coating with a thin and tight or slow and wiry pulse.
  6. 22) A patient comes to you complaining of their 13th cold this month. They also have aversion to drafts, spontaneous sweating, and a shiny, pale complexion. Which one of the following tongue and pulse combinations do you expect them to have?

    A) A swollen tongue with a white, thick, greasy tongue coating and a rolling pulse
    B) A pale tongue with a white coating and a superficial, deficient, and soft pulse
    C) A thin, white tongue coating and a string-taut pulse.
    D) A thin, white tongue coating and a moderate, superficial pulse
    B) A pale tongue with a white coating and a superficial, deficient, and soft pulse
  7. 21) A patient comes to you for help. They have been diagnosed with Meniere's Syndrome. They have been dizzy and have been vomiting. They have also been noticing some focal distension and a stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm. Right before they started having all of these symptoms they developed a cough with a lot of sputum that was very productive and white and it has been persisting this entire time. What do you expect this patient's tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Swollen tongue with a white, thick, and greasy tongue coating and a rolling pulse
    B) Pale swollen tongue with a white, slippery coating and tooth marks and a pulse that is deep, thready, and forceless
    C) Greasy yellow tongue coating and a rapid and rolling pulse
    D) White, greasy tongue coating and a string-taut and rolling pulse
    A) Swollen tongue with a white, thick, and greasy tongue coating and a rolling pulse
  8. 151) A patient comes to you for help. Three weeks ago they began experiencing loose stools, poor appetite, and a disinclination to talk. They have also been having weakness of breath, and some pretty serious fatigue. They also noticed that their vision was getting really blurry. They went to their medical doctor and their medical doctor referred them to an eye specialist. The eye specialist diagnosed them with a form of optic atrophy. One and a half weeks ago their symptoms started to change and their eyes started getting drier and drier. Now they were noticing that their back was aching, they developed a ringing in their ears, and they were really dizzy. Their symptoms have not changed since. What do you expect their tongue and pulse to look like now?

    A) Reddened with a scanty coating and a thready and weak pulse.
    B) Dry tongue and a string-taut pulse.
    C) Pale with a thin, white coating and a thready and weak pulse.
    D) Reddened with a scanty coating and a thready and rapid pulse.
    A) Reddened with a scanty coating and a thready and weak pulse.
  9. 46) A patient comes to you for help with their constipation. They have been really constipated for the past four days and have been absolutely miserable. It started about 5 days ago when they got a fever. It reached to about 102 degrees and they also developed some chills. Their gums swelled up and they developed a nasty toothache that came out of nowhere. The chills and fever subsided after about 36 hours, but they started getting thirstier and thirstier. Their gum swelling subsided, but the toothache did not. Their breath also started to get really bad and you almost threw up it was so rank. All of the following tongue and pulse combinations could be possible except:

    A) Reddened tongue with a superficial and rapid pulse.
    B) Yellow tongue coating and a forceful, rapid pulse
    C) Reddened tongue with a thin yellow coating and a surging and rapid pulse.
    D) Reddened tongue with a yellow coating and a forceful and large and rapid pulse.
    A) Reddened tongue with a superficial and rapid pulse.
  10. 24) A patient comes to you with high fever and severe chills with shivering. They are not sweating. They do, however, have nasal congestion with sonorous breathing, and a productive cough. Which one of the following tongues and pulses do you expect them to have?

    A) Thin, white tongue coating and a superficial and tense pulse
    B) A pale tongue with a white coating and a superficial, deficient, and soft pulse
    C) Greasy, white tongue coating and a superficial and soft pulse.
    D) Swollen tongue with a white, thick, and greasy coating and a rolling pulse
    C) Greasy, white tongue coating and a superficial and soft pulse.
  11. 27) A patient is brought to you for help. They haven't been able to sleep well in several days. You cannot understand what they're saying, they have been delirious and restless and have started developing red blotches/lesions on the skin. What do you expect this patient's tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Red tongue without coating and a thready and rapid pulse
    B) Red tongue in the front or sides with a white sticky coating and a soft and rapid pulse
    C) Dark red tongue without coating and a string-taut and rapid pulse
    D) Dark red tongue without coating and a hidden, slow and scattered pulse
    A) Red tongue without coating and a thready and rapid pulse
  12. 58) A patient presents with a burning in the anus. They have loose stools with an offensive odor, itchy skin, sweating that does not relieve the fever and does not lead to clearing of heat. They have thirst but no desire to drink. They feel nauseated and have been vomiting some. Their abdominal pain is not relieved by a bowel movement and they have had mucus and blood in their stools. What do you expect their tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Red with sticky yellow coating and a Rolling Rapid pulse.
    B) White, sticky tongue coating and a String-taut and Rolling pulse.
    C) Swollen with a thick sticky white coating and a Rolling or Soft pulse
    D) Red, swollen with a sticky yellow coating and a Rolling-Rapid pulse
    A) Red with sticky yellow coating and a Rolling Rapid pulse.
  13. 77) A patient presents with a fever and swollen glands. They are thirsty but don't want anything to drink. They have a pretty bad headache and are wearing a sweater because they have been cold too easily which is odd because when you take their pulse their body feels warm. Their stomach doesn't feel so good. They describe the sensation as something pressing down on their stomach or pushing it down and explain that their entire body feels weighed down. What do you expect this patient's tongue and pulse to lookalike?

    A) Red in the front or sides with a thin white tongue coating and a superficial and rapid pulse
    B) Red tongue with a yellow coating and a rapid pulse
    C) Sticky white tongue coating and a soft pulse
    D) Red in the front or sides with a white sticky coating and a soft and rapid pulse
    C) Sticky white tongue coating and a soft pulse
  14. 78) A patient presents with a fine tremor, facial tic, and dizziness. They also report blurred vision, numbness or tingling of the limbs, poor memory, insomnia, and they have been having scanty periods. What do you expect their tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Pale and thin tongue with a string-taut and thready pulse.
    B) Normal colored tongue without coating or with rootless coating and a superficial and empty pulse
    C) Red tongue with redder sides and a dry yellow coating. They have a string-taut and rapid pulse.
    D) Normal colored tongue without coating and a string-taut and thready pulse
    A) Pale and thin tongue with a string-taut and thready pulse.
  15. 21) A patient presents with a pale complexion along with anxiety and palpitations. They have been so worried and anxious about all of the things going on in their life that they haven't been able to sleep decently at all at night and when she does she'll have nightmares. At times she feels feverish. Sometimes she's gets so overwhelmed that she can't seem to remember anything and will forget to do simple things. She's so worried that she really hasn't been hungry at all. What do you expect her tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Pale tongue with a thin, white coating and a thready, frail pulse
    B) Red tongue with a sparse coating and a thready and rapid pulse
    C) Greasy, yellow tongue and a rapid, pulse that is string-taut
    D) Dry red tongue with a thready, rapid pulse
    A) Pale tongue with a thin, white coating and a thready, frail pulse
  16. 186) A patient presents with anxiety and palpitations. They have been so worried and anxious about all of the things going on in their life that they haven't been able to sleep decently at all at night. Sometimes she gets so overwhelmed that she feels like the room is spinning and other times she feels like she is spinning. She�s so worried that she's just completely sick to her stomach. She can't really eat, but she does have a vague sense of hunger -- yet she's so upset she couldn't possibly eat. She has been so upset that she vomited. What do you expect her tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Red tongue with a sparse coating and a thready and rapid pulse
    B) Pale tongue with a thin, white coating and a thready, frail pulse
    C) Dry red tongue with a thready, rapid pulse
    D) Greasy, yellow tongue and a rapid, pulse that is string-taut
    D) Greasy, yellow tongue and a rapid, pulse that is string-taut
  17. 3) A patient presents with cold from deficiency of the Spleen and Kidneys. You give them Si Shen Wan. What tongue and pulse do you expect for them to have?

    A) Pale tongue with a thin, white coating and a deep, slow, and forceless pulse.
    B) Swollen tongue with a white, thick, and greasy coating. Their pulse is rolling.
    C) White tongue coating and a forceful, superficial, and rapid pulse
    D) White, greasy tongue coating and a string-taut, rolling pulse
    A) Pale tongue with a thin, white coating and a deep, slow, and forceless pulse.
  18. 58) A patient presents with diarrhea with abdominal pain, yellow, hot and fetid stools, burning sensation in the anus, scanty urine, thirst, or accompanied by general feverish feeling. What is this patient's tongue and pulse?

    A) Yellow, dry tongue coating and a rolling and forceful pulse
    B) Pale tongue and a deep and thready pulse
    C) Yellow, sticky tongue coating and a rolling and rapid pulse
    D) White sticky tongue coating and a rolling pulse
    C) Yellow, sticky tongue coating and a rolling and rapid pulse
  19. 28) A patient presents with difficult defecation with white mucus in the stool, preference for warmth and aversion to cold, mostly accompanied with fullness in the chest and epigastrium, lingering abdominal pain, tastelessness in the mouth, and absence of thirst. What is this patient's tongue and pulse?

    A) Pale tongue and a deep and thready pulse
    B) White sticky tongue coating and a rolling pulse
    C) Yellow, sticky tongue coating and a rolling and rapid pulse
    D) White, sticky tongue coating and a deep, slow pulse
    D) White, sticky tongue coating and a deep, slow pulse
  20. 91) A patient presents with difficulty sleeping. They have a bitter taste in the mouth with a desire to vomit along with dizziness of the head and eyes. They have fright palpitations and vexing heat. They also complain of fullness and oppression of the chest and rib-side. What do you expect their tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Yellow and slimy tongue fur and a rolling and slightly rapid pulse.
    B) White and glossy tongue fur and a moderate pulse.
    C) White, sticky tongue coating, string-taut and rolling pulse
    D) Greasy, yellow tongue coating and a rolling pulse
    A) Yellow and slimy tongue fur and a rolling and slightly rapid pulse.
  21. 68) A patient presents with distension, fullness and pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, foul belching, sour regurgitation, vomiting, anorexia, and hesitant bowel movement. What is their tongue and pulse?

    A) Red tongue with yellow-sticky coating, rolling and rapid pulse;
    B) White-slippery coating, Slow Pulse;
    C) Yellow-sticky tongue coating, rolling rapid or soft rapid pulse;
    D) Thick sticky tongue coating, rolling pulse;
    D) Thick sticky tongue coating, rolling pulse;
  22. 22) A patient presents with dyspnea on exertion after long-standing asthma, severe wheezing, in-drawing of the soft tissues of the neck, short breath, lassitude and weakness, sweating, and cold limbs. What is this patient's tongue and pulse?

    A) Pale tongue, deep and thready pulse
    B) White sticky tongue coating and a rolling pulse
    C) Yellow, dry tongue coating and a rolling and forceful pulse
    D) Yellow, sticky tongue coating and a rolling and rapid pulse
    A) Pale tongue, deep and thready pulse
  23. 66) A patient presents with extremely cold extremities, aversion to cold, and they are sleeping with their knees drawn up. They're in a lethargic state and all they want to do is sleep. They've been vomiting, have diarrhea with undigested food particles, and abdominal pain. What does this patient's tongue and pulse look like?

    A) The tongue is not red, but has a white, slippery coating. The pulse is thready and slow or thread and wiry.
    B) Pale tongue with a thin, white coating and a thready, frail pulse.
    C) Pale tongue with a white, slippery coating and a submerged, thready pulse.
    D) Pale tongue and a thin and wiry or thin and choppy pulse.
    C) Pale tongue with a white, slippery coating and a submerged, thready pulse.
  24. 15) A patient presents with feeble cough, shortness of breath worse on exertion, clear dilute sputum, lack of desire to talk, low voice, lassitude, aversion to wind, frigid appearance, and spontaneous sweating. What is their tongue and pulse?

    A) Red tongue with yellow-sticky coating, rolling and rapid pulse;
    B) Pale, thin-white tongue coating, weak-deficient pulse;
    C) White, sticky tongue coating, string-taut and rolling pulse;
    D) Thin yellow coating, superficial, rapid;
    B) Pale, thin-white tongue coating, weak-deficient pulse
  25. 97) A patient presents with fullness and distension in the epigastrium and abdomen, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste and stickiness in the mouth, heaviness of the body, lassitude, loose stools, scanty yellow urine, bright yellow face, eyes, and skin. What is their tongue and pulse?

    A) Yellow-sticky coating, soft, rapid pulse
    B) Red tongue with yellow-sticky coating, rolling and rapid pulse
    C) White-slippery coating, Slow Pulse
    D) Yellow-sticky tongue coating, rolling rapid or soft rapid pulse
    A) Yellow-sticky coating, soft, rapid pulse
  26. 13) A patient presents with infrequent and difficult defecation from every three to five days or even longer. He has fullness and distending pain in the abdomen and hypochondriac regions, frequent belching and loss of appetite. What is this patient's tongue and pulse?

    A) Yellow, sticky tongue coating and a rolling and rapid pulse
    B) Thin, sticky tongue coating and a string-taut pulse
    C) Pale tongue and a deep and thready pulse
    D) White sticky tongue coating and a rolling pulse
    B) Thin, sticky tongue coating and a string-taut pulse
  27. 78) A patient presents with intermittent dull abdominal pain which may be relieved by warmth or by pressure and aggravated by cold or by hunger and fatigue, lassitude, and aversion to cold. What is this patient's tongue and pulse?

    A) Thin, white tongue coating and a deep, thready pulse
    B) White sticky tongue coating and a rolling pulse
    C) Yellow, sticky tongue coating and a rolling and rapid pulse
    D) Pale tongue and a deep and thready pulse
    A) Thin, white tongue coating and a deep, thready pulse
  28. 32) A patient presents with jaundice so intense that their eyes are also yellow. They have been nauseous since the jaundice started and have a fever of 103. You ask them about their fluid intake and they tell you that they have been thirsty, but they haven't really been drinking a lot. You ask them about when this first started happening and they tell you that it started out really oddly. It started with damp papules on their scrotum along with swelling, pain and this terrible heat of their testicles. Their urine was also yellow, short, and turbid. When you ask about any additional signs and symptoms they tell you that they have a really bad pain in their ribs and a bitter taste in their mouth. What do you expect their tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) White, sticky tongue coating, string-taut and rolling pulse
    B) White and glossy tongue fur and a moderate pulse.
    C) Dry red tongue with a rapid, string-taut pulse
    D) Yellow and slimy tongue fur and a string-taut and rapid pulse.
    D) Yellow and slimy tongue fur and a string-taut and rapid pulse.
  29. 36) A patient presents with mental depression and dullness or incoherent speech, weeping and laughing without apparent reason, gurgling with sputum in the throat, sudden collapse and coma. What do you expect their tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Yellow, sticky tongue coating and a rolling, rapid and forceful pulse
    B) Pale, sticky tongue and a thready and weak pulse
    C) White, sticky tongue coating and a string-taut and rolling pulse
    D) Red tongue with a greasy, yellow coating and a rapid pulse
    C) White, sticky tongue coating and a string-taut and rolling pulse
  30. 1) A patient presents with mental depression, irritability, sighing, chest stuffiness, distending or wandering pain in the coastal and hypochondriac regions, stuffiness in the chest, epigastric and abdominal distension and pain, belching, poor appetite, possibly a foreign body sensation in the throat, breast distension, irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhea for a long time. Now they are also developing pricking pain in the hypochondriac regions and palpable masses. What is their tongue and pulse?

    A) Thin, white tongue coating, string-taut pulse
    B) Red tongue with little moisture, thready and rapid pulse
    C) Red tongue with yellow coating, string-taut and rapid pulse
    D) Tongue is purple dark in color with purplish spots on the tongue, string-taut pulse
    D) Tongue is purple dark in color with purplish spots on the tongue, string-taut pulse
  31. 82) A patient presents with palpitations, shortness of breath, pale face, spontaneous sweating, tiredness, and slight depression. What do you expect their tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Pale, slight wet tongue and a deep-weak pulse. In severe cases it is also knotted.
    B) Their tongue is pale, thin, and slightly dry and their pulse is hesitant.
    C) Red tongue with a sparse coating and a thready and rapid pulse.
    D) Pale or normal colored tongue and a deficient pulse.
    D) Pale or normal colored tongue and a deficient pulse.
  32. 72) A patient presents with palpitations with anxiety. They have been so worried and anxious about all the things going on in their life that they haven't been able to sleep decently at all at night and when she does it is very restless. She also reports that she has been really irritable, too. She's been biting off the heads of everyone that she knows. She's really freaking out because she has finals coming up and she finds that she can�t concentrate at all and then when she can actually concentrate she manages to forget everything that she learned. She's just exhausted. She doesn't know what to do. Her stools have been very dry. What do you expect this patient's tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Greasy, yellow tongue and a rapid, pulse that is string-taut
    B) Pale tongue with a thin, white coating and a thready, frail pulse
    C) Dry red tongue with a rapid, string-taut pulse
    D) Red tongue with a sparse coating and a thready and rapid pulse
    D) Red tongue with a sparse coating and a thready and rapid pulse
  33. 47) A patient presents with paroxysmal pain in the epigastrium that radiates to the hypochondriac region, frequent belching accompanied by nausea, vomiting, acid regurgitation, abdominal distension, and anorexia. What is this patient's tongue and pulse?

    A) Yellow, sticky tongue coating and a rolling and rapid pulse
    B) Pale tongue and a deep and thready pulse
    C) White sticky tongue coating and a rolling pulse
    D) Thin, white tongue coating and a deep, string-taut pulse
    D) Thin, white tongue coating and a deep, string-taut pulse
  34. 113) A patient presents with poor appetite, slight abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, lassitude, a desire to lie down, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, and a tendency to obesity. What do you expect their tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Their tongue is pale and wet and their pulse is deep and weak.
    B) Their tongue is pale, wet, and swollen and their pulse is soft.
    C) Their tongue is pale and swollen and their pulse is thready and slow.
    D) Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deficient.
    D) Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deficient.
  35. 81) A patient presents with sallow complexion, vomiting after a big meal, loss of appetite, lassitude, weakness, and slightly loose stool. What is this patient's tongue and pulse?

    A) Yellow, dry tongue coating and a rolling and forceful pulse
    B) Yellow, sticky tongue coating and a rolling and rapid pulse
    C) Pale tongue, thin white tongue coating and a thready and forceless pulse.
    D) White sticky tongue coating and a rolling pulse
    C) Pale tongue, thin white tongue coating and a thready and forceless pulse.
  36. 30) A patient presents with severe dizziness. They have a headache and a stifling sensation in the chest. They have been vomiting and they have copious sputum. What do you expect this patient's tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Greasy, yellow tongue coating and a rapid pulse that is either rolling or string-taut
    B) Swollen tongue with a white, thick, greasy coating and a rolling pulse
    C) White, greasy tongue coating and a string-taut, rolling pulse
    D) Red tongue with a string-taut, rapid pulse
    C) White, greasy tongue coating and a string-taut, rolling pulse
  37. 99) A patient presents with vomiting and diarrhea with cold hands and feet. The patient also has agitation so severe that they want to die. What do you expect their tongue and pulse to be?

    A) White, slippery tongue coating and a thin and tight or slow and string-taut pulse. In especially severe cases, the pulse is hidden.
    B) A pale tongue with a white coating and a deep and thready pulse
    C) The tongue is not red, but has a white, slippery coating and the pulse is thready and slow or thready and string-taut.
    D) Pale or dark swollen tongue with tooth marks, white, slippery tongue coating and a deep, thready, and forceless pulse.
    C) The tongue is not red, but has a white, slippery coating and the pulse is thready and slow or thready and string-taut.
  38. 180) A patient started having an abrupt onset of itching wheals of various sizes. They would have pimples rising one after another that were possibly aggravated or lessened by the change of the weather. At first they had light red rashes and a heaviness of the body, then they had red rashes with severe itching, and finally they had red rashes that were complicated with abdominal pain and constipation. What is the correct progression of the tongues and pulses this patient would have had along with these symptoms?

    A) At first they had a thin, yellow coating and a superficial and rapid pulse and then they had a yellow, sticky coating and a soft and rapid pulse and finally they had a thin, yellow coating and a rapid pulse.
    B) At first they had a thin, yellow coating and a rapid pulse, and then they had a yellow, sticky coating and a soft and rapid pulse, and finally they had a thin, yellow coating and a superficial and rapid pulse.
    C) At first they had a thin, yellow coating and a rapid pulse, and then they had a white and sticky tongue coating and a superficial and slow pulse, and finally they had a red tongue with no coating and a superficial and rapid pulse.
    D) At first they had a white and sticky tongue coating and a superficial and slow pulse, then it was a red tongue and a superficial and rapid pulse, and finally they had a thin, yellow coating and a rapid pulse.
    D) At first they had a white and sticky tongue coating and a superficial and slow pulse, then it was a red tongue and a superficial and rapid pulse, and finally they had a thin, yellow coating and a rapid pulse.
  39. 75) What type of tongue and pulse would you expect to see in a patient that presents with mental restlessness, insomnia, dryness of the mouth and deep yellow urine?

    A) Dry yellow tongue coating and a superficial and forceful pulse
    B) Dark red tongue without coating and a hidden, slow and scattered pulse
    C) Red tongue and a thready, rapid pulse
    D) Dry yellow coating and a deep and forceful pulse of the excess type
    C) Red tongue and a thready, rapid pulse
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Tongue & Pulse Diagnosis.txt
Tongue & Pulse diagnosis review