Point Combination.txt

  1. 4) A 22 year old male patient returns from his trip abroad. He hasn't been feeling so good since he returned. He's had abdominal pain and distension for about 10 days, a bad taste in his mouth, a sallow complexion, and constant hunger. He's already started on some medication from the doctor, so he doesn't want to take herbs. Which one of the following extra points would be best for this patient's condition?

    A) The tender spot 1 - 2 cun above he depression of the midpoint of the superior patellar border
    B) The tender spot about 2 cun below S 36 (Zusanli)
    C) The tender spot 1-2 cun directly below G 34 (Yanglingquan)
    D) The tender spot 1 cun above SP 10 (Baichongwo)
    D) The tender spot 1 cun above SP 10 (Baichongwo)
  2. 72) A 32 year old female patient comes to you for help. Since giving birth to quintuplets six months ago shehas been experiencing frequent and excessive urination. Because she is taking care of so many infants atonce, this has become a major problem in her life. As you continue with the intake, she confirms that sheis also having loose stools. She also mentions that she has been experiencing severe lower back pain thatshe describes as more of a soreness than sharpness. She mentions that in addition to frequent urination,sheis experiencing continuous vaginal discharge that she describes as thin and transparent. She has a paletongue with a thin coating and a deep pulse. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be bestfor the above patient?

    A) S 36 (Zusanli), SP 9 (Yinlingquan), B 30 (Baihuanshu), Ren 6 (Qihai), G 26 (Daimai)
    B) Liv 3 (Taichong), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), B 32 (Ciliao), and Ren 3 (Zhongji)
    C) K 3 (Taixi), Du 20 (Baihui), K 10 (Yingu), K 8 (Jiaoxin), B 23 (Shenshu), and Ren 4 (Guanyuan)
    D) K 7 (Fuliu), G 26 (Daimai), K 12 (Dahe), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), and B 23 (Shenshu)
    D) K 7 (Fuliu), G 26 (Daimai), K 12 (Dahe), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), and B 23 (Shenshu)
  3. 55) A 34 year old female patient comes to you for help. She's had a fever for the past few days with vaginalitching and vaginal discharge for the past week. She's also been suffering from abdominaldistention,anorexia and nausea. You notice that she looks uncomfortable while she's talking to you and shefurther explains that she has fullness and pain in her chest and on the sides right below her ribs. Hertongue has a red body with a sticky-yellow coating and her pulse is rolling, string-taut, and rapid. Whichone of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) Liv 2 (Xingjian), LI 11 (Quchi), SP 3 (Taibai), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), SP 9 (Yinlingquan), Ren12(Zhongwan), Du 9 (Zhiyang), B 19 (Danshu), B 18 (Ganshu), G 34 (Yanglingquan), G 24(Riyue),and Liv 14 (Qimen)
    B) B 21 (Weishu), S 36 (Zusanli), Ren 10 (Xiawan), Ren 13 (Shangwan), G 34 (Yanglingquan), Liv13(Zhangmen), and Liv 14 (Qimen)
    C) G 34 (Yanglingquan), G 24 (Riyue), Liv 14 (Qimen), Liv 13 (Zhangmen), B 20 (Pishu), SP3(Taibai), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), and Ren 12 (Zhongwan)
    D) SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), S 36 (Zusanli), Ren 12 (Zhongwan), Ren 6 (Qihai), Liv 3 (Taichong), G34(Yanglingquan), Liv 13 (Zhangmen), and Liv 14 (Qimen)
    A) Liv 2 (Xingjian), LI 11 (Quchi), SP 3 (Taibai), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), SP 9 (Yinlingquan), Ren 12(Zhongwan), Du 9 (Zhiyang), B 19 (Danshu), B 18 (Ganshu), G 34 (Yanglingquan), G 24 (Riyue),and Liv 14 (Qimen)
  4. 48) A 36 year old male patient comes to you for help. He has been having some strange discomfort in his epigastric area. This started awhile ago, but he couldn't tell you exactly when. He has noticed that this all gets worse whenever he has had anything that is cold. He used to love to eat ice cream, but now he can't stand it. You ask if the discomfort comes and goes and he explains that it is pretty constant. He's also been noticing that he'll get the hiccups. For the most part, the best way to describe these hiccups as slow and forceful. They will get worse with any kind of cold food and feel better after a cup of hot tea and sometimes he'll even use a heating pad. His tongue has a white, moist tongue coating and his pulse is slow. Which one of the following point prescriptions do you expect this patient to have?

    A) Ren 12, S 36, B 20, Liv 3, and SP 3
    B) Ren 12, P 6, S 36, B 17, Ren 13
    C) Ren 12, P 6, S 36, SP 4, and Liv 3
    D) Ren 12, P 6, S 36, SP 4, B 20, and Ren 6
    B) Ren 12, P 6, S 36, B 17, Ren 13
  5. 27) A 56 year old male patient comes to you for help. He has begun an all raw food vegan diet in order to help the environment. He hasn't had any cooked food for about the last six months. Ever since seeing Al Gore's An inconvenient Truth he's been deeply concerned and worried about the state of the environment. However, about three week ago he found out that Al Gore isn't even a vegetarian. This made him furious that he spent all of this time and energy only to discover that Al Gore eats steak. Since then he's been noticing that his stomach has started making lots of gurgling sounds and he's been dealing with some lower abdominal pain that just won't go away. When you ask him more detailed questions about the stomach pain to see whether or not it is sharp, dull, achy, electrical he can't really give you an answer. He's really not sure what kind of pain it is. He finally agrees that it is the most like a tight pain as if someone is twisting something in his lower abdomen. His tongue has a white coating and his pulse is deep and string-taut. Which one of the following is this patient's diagnosis and correct point prescription?

    A) Small Intestine Qi Pain: Ren-6 (Qihai), G-34 (Yanglingquan), Liv-13 (Zhangmen), S-27 (Daju),S-29 (Guilai), SP-6 (Sanyinjiao), Liv-3 (Taichong), S-39 (Xiajuxu)
    B) Small Intestine Qi Tied: S-39 (Xiajuxu), Lanweixue (Extra), Ren-6 (Qihai), G-34 (Yanglingquan),S-25 (Tianshu), SP-6 (Sanyinjiao), Liv-3 (Taichong)
    C) Small Intestine Qi Pain: SP-6, Liv-3, Ren-6, G-34, S-25, S-39, Lanweixue,
    D) Small Intestine Qi Tied: Liv-3 (Taichong), S-39 (Xiajuxu), Ren-6 (Qihai), G-34 (Yanglingquan),S-27 (Tianshu), S-29 (Guilai), Liv-13 (Zhangmen), SP-6 (Sanyinjiao)
    A) Small Intestine Qi Pain: Ren-6 (Qihai), G-34 (Yanglingquan), Liv-13 (Zhangmen), S-27 (Daju),S-29 (Guilai), SP-6 (Sanyinjiao), Liv-3 (Taichong), S-39 (Xiajuxu)
  6. 12) A female patient aged 36 comes to you for help with her amenorrhea. She's also been having lower abdominal distending pain aggravated by pressure, a hard mass in the lower abdomen. As you continue your intake with her you find that she also has been having a difficult time sleeping, is very irritable with extreme mood swings, and is depressed. She also mentions that in addition to the mass in the lower abdomen there is distension and fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region, and she has an awful chronic, stubborn headache with a fixed, piercing quality. She has a dark purple tongue coating with purplish spots on its borders and a deep, string-taut pulse. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best to help address this patient's amenorrhea?

    A) SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), S 36 (Zusanli), B 23 (Shenshu), B 20 (Pishu), B 18 (Ganshu), and Ren 4(Guanyuan)
    B) Liv 3 (Taichong), SP 8 (Diji), SP 10 (Xuehai), LI 4 (Hegu), B 32 (Ciliao), and Ren 3 (Zhongji)
    C) SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), S 36 (Zusanli), B 23 (Shenshu), B 20 (Pishu), and Ren 4 (Guanyuan)
    D) SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), LI 4 (Hegu), Liv 3 (Taichong), SP 10 (Xuehai), S 29 (Guilai), and Ren 3(Zhongji)
    D) SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), LI 4 (Hegu), Liv 3 (Taichong), SP 10 (Xuehai), S 29 (Guilai), and Ren 3(Zhongji)
  7. 90) A female patient age 37 comes to you for help. She's concerned because she has over the past six weekshas noticed that her urine has turned brown. She's also been feeling restless and has been a fullness in herchest with pain in her hypochondriac region. She's also concerned because it appears that her periods havegotten shorter and last month she got her period twice. This has made her very unhappy. She's been feelingvery irritable and has noticed that her temper has been quite short. She describes the menstrual blood asbeing a dark reddish purple with a thick blood flow in large quantities. Her pulse is string-taut,rapid andforceful and her tongue is red with a yellow coating. Which one of the following point prescriptions wouldbe best for treating her?

    A) K 5 (Shuiquan), SP 10 (Xuehai), Ren 3 (Zhongji), and LI 11
    B) Liv 8 (Ququan), SP 1 (Yinbai), SP 10 (Xuehai), and Ren 3
    C) SJ 4 (Yangchi), SP 1 (Yinbai), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), S 36 (Zusanli), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), and Du20(Baihui)
    D) Liv 3 (Taichong), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), B 32 (Xiliao), and Ren 3 (Zhongji)
    A) K 5 (Shuiquan), SP 10 (Xuehai), Ren 3 (Zhongji), and LI 11
  8. 71) A patient comes to you for help. For the past 48 hours they have been experiencing chills, fever, extreme exhaustion, coughing, generalized aches and pains, headache with retrobulbar aching. Their throat is scratchy and sore and their cough is nonproductive. Today their chills haven't been as bad, but their fever is getting worse. They have a thin, yellow tongue coating and their pulse is superficial and slightly surging. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) LI 4 (Hegu), B 12 (Fengmen), Du 16 (Fengfu), L 7 (Lieque), and G 20 (Fengchi)
    B) S 40 (Fenglong), Ren 22 (Tiantu), LI 20 (Yingxiang), SJ 5 (Waiguan), L 7 (Lieque), and G 20(Fengchi)
    C) L 11 (Shaoshang), L 10 (Yuji), SJ 5 (Waiguan), LI 4 (Hegu), LI 11 (Quchi), and Du 14 (Dazhui)
    D) B 12 (Fengmen), G 20 (Fengchi), L 7 (Lieque), Du 14 (Dazhui), and Du 16 (Fengfu)
    C) L 11 (Shaoshang), L 10 (Yuji), SJ 5 (Waiguan), LI 4 (Hegu), LI 11 (Quchi), and Du 14 (Dazhui)
  9. 71) A patient comes to you for help. For the past 48 hours they have been experiencing chills, fever, extreme exhaustion, coughing, generalized aches and pains, headache with retrobulbar aching. Their throat is scratchy and sore and their cough is nonproductive. Today their chills haven't been as bad, but their fever is getting worse. They have a thin, yellow tongue coating and their pulse is superficial and slightly surging. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) LI 4 (Hegu), B 12 (Fengmen), Du 16 (Fengfu), L 7 (Lieque), and G 20 (Fengchi)
    B) S 40 (Fenglong), Ren 22 (Tiantu), LI 20 (Yingxiang), SJ 5 (Waiguan), L 7 (Lieque), and G 20(Fengchi)
    C) L 11 (Shaoshang), L 10 (Yuji), SJ 5 (Waiguan), LI 4 (Hegu), LI 11 (Quchi), and Du 14 (Dazhui)
    D) B 12 (Fengmen), G 20 (Fengchi), L 7 (Lieque), Du 14 (Dazhui), and Du 16 (Fengfu)
    C) L 11 (Shaoshang), L 10 (Yuji), SJ 5 (Waiguan), LI 4 (Hegu), LI 11 (Quchi), and Du 14 (Dazhui)
  10. 85) A patient comes to you for help. She has been experiencing edema in her lower limbs. She has alsobeenhaving loose stools, poor appetite, lassitude, and a pale complexion. Finally she mentions to you thatshehas been having light yellow vaginal discharge without smell. Her tongue is pale with a whitestickycoating and her pulse is slow and weak. Which one of the following point prescriptions would bebest forthis patient?

    A) K 7 (Fuliu), K 12 (Dahe), B 23 (Shenshu), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), and G 26 (Daimai)
    B) Liv 3 (Taichong), B 32 (Ciliao), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), and Ren 3 (Zhongji)
    C) S 36 (Zusanli), SP 9 (Yinlingquan), B 30 (Baihuanshu), Ren 6 (Qihai), and G 26 (Daimai)
    D) Liv 3 (Taichong), SP 8 (Diji), SP 10 (Xuehai), LI 4 (Hegu), B 32 (Ciliao), K 14 (Siman), S28(Shuidao), and Ren 3 (Zhongji)
    C) S 36 (Zusanli), SP 9 (Yinlingquan), B 30 (Baihuanshu), Ren 6 (Qihai), and G 26 (Daimai)
  11. 53) A patient comes to you for help. They have been feeling a strong desire to sleep and have been sleeping all the time. They haven't been very hungry and have even been feeling nauseated. They also have profuse sputum and dizziness with a heavy feeling of the head and a suffocating sensation in the chest. Their tongue has a white, sticky coating and a soft and rolling pulse. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) B 18 (Ganshu), G 20 (Fengchi), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), S 36 (Zusanli), and S 8 (Touwei)
    B) Ren 4 (Guanyuan), S 36 (Zusanli), S 8 (Touwei), B 20 (Pishu), Ren 12 (Zhongwan), and P 6(Neiguan)
    C) S 40 (Fenglong), P 6 (Neiguan), Ren 12 (Zhongwan), B 20 (Pishu), and S 8 (Touwei)
    D) P 6 (Neiguan), Ren 12 (Zhongwan), B 20 (Pishu), S 8 (Touwei), B 18 (Ganshu), and G 20 (Fengchi)
    C) S 40 (Fenglong), P 6 (Neiguan), Ren 12 (Zhongwan), B 20 (Pishu), and S 8 (Touwei)
  12. 30) A patient comes to you for help. They have been suffering from acid regurgitation for a while now. They get irritable and have something that they describe as a oppressed feeling in their stomach area. They have been burping a lot and have a nasty distending pain in the chest and hypochondriac region. They have also been vomiting, which is weird, because they never vomit. Their tongue has a thin, sticky coating and their pulse is string-taut. In addition to Ren 12, P 6, and S 36, what other points should you include in their point prescription?

    A) SP 4 and Liv 3
    B) Ren 6, SP 6
    C) B 20, Liv 13, SP 3
    D) SP 4, B 20, and Ren 6
    A) SP 4 and Liv 3
  13. 39) A patient comes to you for help. They have been suffering from insomnia for almost a week now. They have been having a suffocating feeling and distending pain in the epigastric region. All of this has been accompanied by difficult defecation. They also complain of belching. Their tongue has a sticky coating and their pulse is rolling. In addition to Anmian, SP 6 and H 7 which points should be added to best help this patient?

    A) B 20 and B 21
    B) S 40 and B 20
    C) Ren 12 and S 40
    D) S 36 and B 21
    D) S 36 and B 21
  14. 10) A patient comes to you with a sudden onset of violent abdominal pain which responds to warmth and gets worse with cold. They have loose stools, absence of thirst, clear and profuse urine, and cold limbs. Their tongue had a thin, white tongue coating and their pulse is deep and tense. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) Ren 12, P 6, S 36, SP 4, and Liv 3
    B) Ren 12, S 36, B 20, Liv 13, SP 3
    C) Ren 12, S 36, Ren 8, and SP 4
    D) S 25, S 37, Ren 12, Ren 6, and SP 9
    C) Ren 12, S 36, Ren 8, and SP 4
  15. 73) A patient has been diagnosed with acute pharyngitis. They have a gradual onset without fever. They have a slightly congested throat with intermittent pain, dryness of throat which is more marked at night, and they have a feverish sensation in the palms and soles. Their tongue is red without coating and their pulse is thready and rapid. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) SJ 2, G 2, LI 4, and SJ 5
    B) L 11, LI 4, S 44, and SI 17
    C) K 7, L 6, and LI 18
    D) K 3, L 10, and Ren 23
    D) K 3, L 10, and Ren 23
  16. 4) A patient has been diagnosed with acute tonsillitis. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) SI 17 (Tianrong), L 11 (Shaoshang), LI 4 (Hegu), S 6 (Jiache), S 44 (Neiting), and LI 11 (Quchi)
    B) SI 17 (Tianrong), L 11 (Shaoshang), LI 4 (Hegu), and LI 11 (Quchi)
    C) SI 17 (Tianrong), L 11 (Shaoshang), LI 4 (Hegu), S 6 (Jiache), S 44 (Neiting), and LI 11 (Quchi)
    D) B 13 (Feishu), B 12 (Fengmen), Du 14 (Dazhui), L 7 (Lieque), and LI 4 (Hegu)
    B) SI 17 (Tianrong), L 11 (Shaoshang), LI 4 (Hegu), and LI 11 (Quchi)
  17. 35) A patient has been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) LI 15 (Jianyu), LI 11 (Quchi), SJ 5 (Waiguan), and LI 4 (Hegu)
    B) P 5 (Jianshi), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), Qiying (Extra Point), H 6 (Yinxi), K 7 (Fuliu), P 6 (Neiguan), and LI 4 (Hegu)
    C) P 7 (Daling) and SJ 23 (Sizhukong)
    D) P 7 (Daling), Shangbaxie, P 6 (Neiguan), and SJ 5 (Waiguan)
    D) P 7 (Daling), Shangbaxie, P 6 (Neiguan), and SJ 5 (Waiguan)
  18. 75) A patient has been diagnosed with eczema. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) LI 11 (Quchi), SP 10 (Xuehai), LI 4 (Hegu), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), and points and tenderness
    B) SP 4 (Gongsun), K 1(Yongquan), K 2 (Rangu), S 36 (Zusanli), S 21 (Liangmen), L 10 (Yuji), LI 11 (Quchi), LI 10 (Shosanli), SI 8 (Xiaohai), B 57 (Chengshan), S 40 (Fenglong), G 34 (Yanglingquan), and SP 9 (Yinlingquan)
    C) Du 14 (Dazhui), LI 11 (Quchi), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), H 7 (Shenmen), SP 10 (Xuehai), and S 36 (Zusanli)
    D) LI 11 (Quchi), SP 10 (Xuehai), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), S 36 (Zusanli), Du 14 (Dazhui), and SP 9 (Yinlingquan)
    C) Du 14 (Dazhui), LI 11 (Quchi), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), H 7 (Shenmen), SP 10 (Xuehai), and S 36 (Zusanli)
  19. 75) A patient has been diagnosed with glaucoma. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) G 20 (Fengchi), B 2 (Zanzhu), G 1 (Tongziliao), LI 4 (Hegu), Liv 3 (Taichong), K 3 (Taixi), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), B 18 (Ganshu), Liv 2 (Xingjian), and S 36 (Zusanli)
    B) G 20 (fengchi), Qiuhou (Extra Point), B 1 (Jingming), LI 4 (Hegu), S 1 (Chengqi), B 18 (Ganshu), B 23 (Shenshu), S 36 (Zusanli), and G 37 (Guanming)
    C) LI 4 (Hegu), G 20 (Fengchi), Taiyang (Extra Point), B 1 (Jingming), B 2 (Zanzhu), S 2 (Sibai), and G 37 (Guanming)
    D) G 20 (Fengchi), Taiyang (Extra Point), LI 4 (Hegu), B 1 (Jingming), and G 8 (Shuaigu)
    A) G 20 (Fengchi), B 2 (Zanzhu), G 1 (Tongziliao), LI 4 (Hegu), Liv 3 (Taichong), K 3 (Taixi), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), B 18 (Ganshu), Liv 2 (Xingjian), and S 36 (Zusanli)
  20. 89) A patient has been diagnosed with a stiff neck. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) Luozhen, points of pain, SI 3, and G 39
    B) Luozhen, points of pain, SI 3, and G 34
    C) Luozhen, points of pain, SI 7, and G 34
    D) Luozhen, points of pain, SI 7, and G 39
    A) Luozhen, points of pain, SI 3, and G 39
  21. 78) A patient has been diagnosed with tinnitus and deafness. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) SJ 17 (Yifeng), G 14 (Yangbai), Taiyang (Extra), SI 18 (Quanliao), S 7 (Xiaguan), S 4 (Dicang), S 6 (Jiache), and LI 4 (Hegu)
    B) SJ 17 (Yifeng), G 20 (Fengchi), SJ 3 (Zhongzhu), Liv 2 (Xingjian), S 40 (Fenglong), K 3 (Taixi), and B 23 (Shenshu)
    C) SJ 21 (Ermen), SI 19 (Tinggong), G 2 (Tinghui), SJ 17 (Yifeng), Du 15 (Yamen), and Ren 23 (Liangquan)
    D) G 20, Liv 3, SJ 17, SI 19, P 6, S 36, Ren 12, K 3, Anmian
    B) SJ 17 (Yifeng), G 20 (Fengchi), SJ 3 (Zhongzhu), Liv 2 (Xingjian), S 40 (Fenglong), K 3 (Taixi), and B 23 (Shenshu)
  22. 54) A patient is given Ren 12, P 6, S 36, SP 4, and Liv 3. Which group of signs and symptoms do you expect them to have?

    A) A patient presents with epigastric and abdominal distending pain that is aggravated by pressure. They have anorexia, foul belching, sour regurgitation, and abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea that is relieved after defecation. Their tongue has a sticky coating and their pulse is rolling.
    B) Vomiting after a big meal, loss of appetite, slightly loose stool, lassitude, weakness, and a sallow complexion. Their tongue is pale with a thin, white coating and their pulse is thready and forceless.
    C) Vomiting, distending pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions, frequent belching, irritability with an oppressed feeling, acid regurgitation, and a thick, sticky tongue coating and a string-taut pulse.
    D) Acid fermented vomitus, epigastric and abdominal distension, belching, anorexia, loose stool, and constipation. Their tongue has a thick, granular tongue coating and their pulse is rolling and forceful.
    C) Vomiting, distending pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions, frequent belching, irritability with an oppressed feeling, acid regurgitation, and a thick, sticky tongue coating and a string-taut pulse.
  23. 75) A patient presents with a bitter taste in the mouth. You're shocked. Is this really their chief complaint? Yes, it really bothers them. You are elated that someone has finally come in to see you for a bitter taste in the mouth. They also report that they have a distending pain in their costal region and have fear and right accompanied by a really bad headache. They also have been having terrible nightmares. Their tongue is red and their pulse is string-taut. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) H 7, SP 6, Anmian, B 18, B 19, and G 12
    B) H 7, SP 6, Anmian, B 15, B 20, and SP 1 (moxa)
    C) H 7, SP 6, Anmian, B 15, B 23, and K 3
    D) H 7, SP 6, Anmian, B 21, and S 36
    A) H 7, SP 6, Anmian, B 18, B 19, and G 12
  24. 3) A patient presents with a burning sensation of the chest, palms, and soles. They have a dry mouth with little saliva and are very restless. They also report that they have started getting dizzy often and get this really obnoxious ringing sound in their ears. They have been having nocturnal emissions, and low back pain. They also tell you that they have been having a really hard time sleeping and some nights they don't sleep at all. They have also been noticing that their heart will beat in an odd manner, but only sometimes. You ask when and they cannot recall. They have also noticed that their memory is poor. Their tongue is red and their pulse is thready and rapid. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) H 7, SP 6, Anmian, B 18, B 19, and G 12
    B) H 7, SP 6, Anmian, B 15, B 23, and K 3
    C) H 7, SP 6, Anmian, B 15, B 20, and SP 1 (moxa)
    D) H 7, SP 6, Anmian, B 21, and S 36
    B) H 7, SP 6, Anmian, B 15, B 23, and K 3
  25. 193) A patient presents with a chronic cough comin in bouth with profuse white, sticky sputum that is easy to expectorate. They have a pasty-white complexion, phlegm in the throat, a feeling of oppression in the chest, shortness of breath, dislike of lying down, wheezing, nausea, feeling of heaviness, and muzziness and dizziness in the head. Their tongue is swollen with a thick, sticky white coating and their pulse is rolling or soft. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) L 5, L 7, L 1, Ren 17, S 40, P 6, Ren 22, Ren 12, B 20, Ren 9, B 13
    B) L 5, L 10, L 7, LI 11, L 1, and B 13
    C) L 5, L 7, L 10, LI 11, L 1, B 13, Ren 12, and S 40
    D) L 5, L 7, L 1, Ren 17, S 40, P 6, Ren 22, Ren 12, B 20, Ren 9, B 13, and B 23
    A) L 5, L 7, L 1, Ren 17, S 40, P 6, Ren 22, Ren 12, B 20, Ren 9, B 13
  26. 70) A patient presents with constipation, dark yellow urine, foul breath, belching, abdominal pain, andpersistence of distention and fullness in the upper abdomen, which is aggravated by pressure. Their tonguehas a yellow and thick coating and their pulse is rolling, rapid, and forceful. Which one of the followingpoint prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) S 36 (Zusanli), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), B 21 (Weishu), B 20 (Pishu), S 37 (Shangjuxu), and S25(Tianshu)
    B) K 6 (Zhaohai), SJ 6 (Zhigou), S 25 (Tianshu), B 25 (Dachangshu), LI 4 (Hegu) and LI 11 (Quchi)
    C) SP 9 (Yinlingquan), Ren 6 (Qihai), LI 4 (Hegu), S 37 (Shangjuxu), S 36 (Zusanli), S 25(Tianshu),and Ren 12 (Zhongwan)
    D) SP 3 (Taibai), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), Du 9 (Zhiyang), B 19 (Danshu), B 18 (Ganshu), S 36 (Zusanli),and SP 9 (YInlingquan)
    C) SP 9 (Yinlingquan), Ren 6 (Qihai), LI 4 (Hegu), S 37 (Shangjuxu), S 36 (Zusanli), S 25 (Tianshu),and Ren 12 (Zhongwan)
  27. 57) A patient presents with a dry throat, bitter taste in the mouth, hypochondriac pain, vertigo, dizziness, emotional depression, and blurred vision. They have a wiry pulse. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) G 20, B 1, Qiu Huo, G 37, Liv 3, K 3, B 18, and B 23
    B) G 20, B 1, Qiu Huo, G 37, Liv 14, Liv 3, and G 34
    C) G 20, B 1, Qiu Huo, G 37, Liv 14, SP 6, and B 18
    D) G 20, B 1, Qiu Huo, G 37, S 36, and SP 6
    B) G 20, B 1, Qiu Huo, G 37, Liv 14, Liv 3, and G 34
  28. 63) A patient presents with a headache, dizziness, profuse sweating, hot skin, coarse breathing, dry mouth and dire thirst. Their tongue is dry and their pulse is superficial, large, and rapid. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) Du 26, Du 20, Shixuan, P 3, and B 40
    B) Du 14, P 6, LI 11, B 40
    C) Du 20, Du 26, S 40, Liv 3, K 1, L 11, H 9, P 9, LI 1, SJ 1, and SI 1
    D) Du 26, Du 20, P 6, Ren 6, and S 36
    B) Du 14, P 6, LI 11, B 40
  29. 44) A patient presents with red eyes and tinnitus. They also are experiencing constipation and dryness of themouth. They also have been experiencing a bitter taste along with acid regurgitation. They are irritable andhave hypochondriac distension. You ask if they have any chest symptoms and they reply saying theyexperience chest distress. Their tongue is red with a yellow coating and their pulse is string-taut and rapid.Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) B 18, Ren 17, Ren 12, S 36, SP 4, and Liv 3
    B) Ren 13, SJ 6, Liv 2, G 34, and G 43
    C) Ren 14, SP 6, Liv 3, and H 7
    D) Ren 22, Ren 17, S 40, P 6, and Liv 3
    B) Ren 13, SJ 6, Liv 2, G 34, and G 43
  30. 99) A patient presents with a red face. They also have a cough, slight breathlessness, feeling of heat, chest ache, flaring of nostrils, and thirst. Their tongue is red with a yellow coating and their pulse is surging and rapid. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) SP 10, B 17, SP 1, and SP 4
    B) L 7, B 13, L 1, K 6, L 6, and B 17
    C) L 9, Ren 4, K 6, SP 6, Ren 12, S 36
    D) L 5, L 10, L 7, LI 11, L 1, and B 13
    D) L 5, L 10, L 7, LI 11, L 1, and B 13
  31. 51) A patient presents with abdominal pain and constipation. He'll have a bowel movement anywhere from three to five days, but more towards five days. His urine is dark yellow and he has foul breath. He has also been having belching. When you ask if the pain is persistent or paroxysmal, he explains that it is pretty persistent. When you inquire about where the pain is in the abdomen, he explains that the fullness is in the upper abdomen and is aggravated by pressure. His tongue has a yellow and thick coating and his pulse is rolling, rapid, and forceful. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) K 6 (Zhaohai), SJ 6 (Zhigou), S 25 (Tianshu), B 25 (Dachangshu), LI 4 (Hegu) and LI 11 (Quchi)
    B) SP 9 (Yinlingquan), Ren 6 (Qihai), LI 4 (Hegu), S 37 (Shangjuxu), S 36 (Zusanli), S 25 (Tianshu),and Ren 12 (Zhongwan)
    C) SP 3 (Taibai), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), Du 9 (Zhiyang), B 19 (Danshu), B 18 (Ganshu), S 36 (Zusanli),and SP 9 (Yinlingquan)
    D) S 36 (Zusanli), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), B 21 (Weishu), B 20 (Pishu), S 37 (Shangjuxu), and S 25(Tianshu)
    B) SP 9 (Yinlingquan), Ren 6 (Qihai), LI 4 (Hegu), S 37 (Shangjuxu), S 36 (Zusanli), S 25 (Tianshu),and Ren 12 (Zhongwan)
  32. 5) A patient presents with acute toothache with gingival swelling accompanied by chills and fever, superficial and rapid pulse. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) SJ 2 (Yemen) G 20 (Fengchi), LI 4 (Hegu), S 6 (Jiache), S 7 (Xiaguan), and SJ 5 (Waiguan)
    B) LI 4 (Hegu), S 6 (Jiache), S 44 (Neiting), and S 7 (Xiaguan)
    C) Extra Point Jiachengjiang, S 7 (Xiaguan), S 2 (Sibai), B 2 (Zanzhu), Extra Point Taiyang, G 20(Fengchi), K 3(Taixi), SJ 5 (Waiguan), S 36 (Zusanli), Liv 3 (Taichong), S 44 (Neiting), and LI 4(Hegu)
    D) S 6 (Jiache), S 7 (Xiaguan), and K 3 (Taixi)
    A) SJ 2 (Yemen) G 20 (Fengchi), LI 4 (Hegu), S 6 (Jiache), S 7 (Xiaguan), and SJ 5 (Waiguan)
  33. 81) A patient presents with an insidious onset of edema, at first on the pedis dorsum or eyelids, and then over the whole body, especially remarkable below the lumbar region, accompanied by sallow complexion, aversion to cold, cold limbs, soreness of the back and loins, general weakness, epigastric fullness, abdominal distension, loss of appetite, loose stools, pale tongue, white coating, and a deep, thready pulse. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?Ser165

    A) S 36 (Zusanli), K 7 (Fuliu), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), Ren 9 (Shuifen), B 23 (Shenshu), and B 20 (Pishu)
    B) L 7 (Lieque), LI 4 (Hegu), LI 6 (Pianli), SP 9 (Yinlingquan), and B 39 (Weiyang)
    C) Yishu (Extra Point), B 13 (Feishu), B 20 (Pishu), B 23 (Shenshu), S 36 (Zusanli), Ren 4(Guanyuan), K 7 (Fuliu), K 5 (Shuiquan), and K 3 (Taixi)
    D) B 20 (Pishu), B 23 (Shenshu), Ren 9 (Shuifen), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), K 7 (Fuliu), Du 26 (Shuigou), G 41 (Zulinqi), SP 5 (Shangqiu), and S 36 (Zusanli),
    D) B 20 (Pishu), B 23 (Shenshu), Ren 9 (Shuifen), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), K 7 (Fuliu), Du 26 (Shuigou), G 41 (Zulinqi), SP 5 (Shangqiu), and S 36 (Zusanli),
  34. 77) A patient presents with clear and thin diarrhea. They are also experiencing rumbling instestines. In addition, they have a cold pain of the umbilicus and abdomen. What do you expect their tongue and pulse to look like?

    A) Pale tongue with a thin, white coating and a thready, frail pulse
    B) White and glossy tongue fur and a moderate pulse.
    C) White and glossy tongue fur and a deep-string pulse
    D) Red tongue with a sparse coating and a thready and rapid pulse
    B) White and glossy tongue fur and a moderate pulse.
  35. 80) A patient presents with constipation, dark yellow urine, foul breath, belching, abdominal pain, and persistence of distention and fullness in the upper abdomen, which is aggravated by pressure. Their tongue has a yellow and thick coating and their pulse is rolling, rapid, and forceful. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) SP 9 (Yinlingquan), Ren 6 (Qihai), LI 4 (Hegu), S 37 (Shangjuxu), S 36 (Zusanli), S 25 (Tianshu),and Ren 12 (Zhongwan)
    B) S 36 (Zusanli), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), B 21 (Weishu), B 20 (Pishu), S 37 (Shangjuxu), and S 25(Tianshu)
    C) SP 3 (Taibai), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), Du 9 (Zhiyang), B 19 (Danshu), B 18 (Ganshu), S 36 (Zusanli),and SP 9 (YInlingquan)
    D) K 6 (Zhaohai), SJ 6 (Zhigou), S 25 (Tianshu), B 25 (Dachangshu), LI 4 (Hegu) and LI 11 (Quchi)
    A) SP 9 (Yinlingquan), Ren 6 (Qihai), LI 4 (Hegu), S 37 (Shangjuxu), S 36 (Zusanli), S 25 (Tianshu),and Ren 12 (Zhongwan)
  36. 18) A patient presents with Diabetes Mellitus. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is thready. Which one ofthe following point prescriptions would be the best for this patient?

    A) Yishu (Extra Point), B 13 (Feishu), B 20 (Pishu), B 23 (Shenshu), S 36 (Zusanli), Ren 4(Guanyuan), K 7 (Fuliu), K 5 (Shuiquan), and K 3 (Taixi)
    B) P 5 (Jianshi), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), Qiying (Extra Point), H 6 (Yinxi), K 7 (Fuliu), P 6 (Neiguan), andLI 4 (Hegu)
    C) B 23 (Shenshu), B 30 (Baihuanshu), G 30 (Huantiao), B 50 (Chengfu), B 51 (Yinmen), B 54(Weizhong), and G 34 (Yanglingquan)
    D) Taiyang (Extra Point), B 2 (Zanzhu), S 2 (Sibai), S 7 (Xiaguan), and Jiachengjian (Extra Point), Liv3 (Taichong), and S 44 (Neiting)
    A) Yishu (Extra Point), B 13 (Feishu), B 20 (Pishu), B 23 (Shenshu), S 36 (Zusanli), Ren 4(Guanyuan), K 7 (Fuliu), K 5 (Shuiquan), and K 3 (Taixi)
  37. 31) A patient presents with diffusive swelling in the neck, soft, gradually increasing in size with unclear margins. They have a normal color, absence of pain and in some cases are big and dropping. The patient also has dyspnea and hoarseness of voice. They also tell you that the size of the goiter changes with emotions. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) SJ 13, LI 17, SI 17, Ren 22, LI 4, S 36, SJ 23, B 2, B 1, and G 20
    B) SJ 13, LI 17, SI 17, Ren 22, LI 4, S 36, P 6, and H 7
    C) SJ 13, LI 17, SI 17, Ren 22, LI 4, S 36, SP 6, and K 7
    D) SJ 13, LI 17, SI 17, Ren 22, LI 4, S 36, Ren 17, and Liv 3
    D) SJ 13, LI 17, SI 17, Ren 22, LI 4, S 36, Ren 17, and Liv 3
  38. 41) A patient presents with dizziness accompanied by a pale and lusterless complexion. They appear weak, have palpitations, and cannot sleep. Their lips and nails are also pale. They are very tired. Sometimes the dizziness will get so bad that they actually lose consciousness. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) Du 20, B 20, Ren 4, S 36, and SP 6
    B) S 8, B 20, Ren 12, P 6, and S 40
    C) G 20, B 18, B 23, K 3, and Liv 2
    A) Du 20, B 20, Ren 4, S 36, and SP 6
  39. 132) A patient presents with dry cough but with occaional, difficult expectoration of scanty sputum. They have a shortness of breath, a feeling of oppression of the chest, scanty phlegm in the throat, a feeling of heaviness and muzziness of the head, dizziness, dry throat, wheezing, and a pasty-dry complexion. Their tongue is swollen with a dry, sticky coating and their pulse is thready and rolling. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) L 5, L 7, L 10, LI 11, L 1, B 13, Ren 12, and S 40
    B) L 5, L 9, Ren 17, B 13, S 40, B 43, Ren 12, S 36, Ren 9, SP 9, B 20, and B 23
    C) L 9, L 7, K 6, Ren 12, S 36, SP 6, S 40, B 13, and Ren 17
    D) L 9, L 7, Ren 6, B 13, Du 12, S 36, Ren 12, H 6, P 6, B 15, and Ren 17
    C) L 9, L 7, K 6, Ren 12, S 36, SP 6, S 40, B 13, and Ren 17
  40. 55) A patient presents with dry stools and a burning sensation in the anus. Their tongue has a thick-yellow and dry coating and their pulse is full and rapid. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) LI 11 (Quchi), LI 4 (Hegu), SP 15 (Daheng), SJ 6 (Zhigou), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), LI 2 (Erjian), S 44(Neiting), and S 25 (Tianshu)
    B) SP 9 (Yinlingquan), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), Ren 3 (Zhongji), B 22 (Sanjiaoshu), S 25 (Tianshu), B 25(Dachangshu), B 17 (Geshu), Ren 12 (Zhongwan), LI 11 (Quchi), S 37 (Shangjuxu), and B 20(Pishu)
    C) Ren 4 (Guanyuan), LI 11 (Quchi), S 37 (Shangjuxu), S 44 (Neiting), LI 2 (Erjiao), SP 6(Sanyinjiao), K 6 (Zhaohai), and Ren 12 (Zhongwan)
    D) S 37 (Shangjuxu), S 25 (Tianshu), S 36 (Zusanli), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), Liv 3 (Taichong), and S 27(Daju)
    C) Ren 4 (Guanyuan), LI 11 (Quchi), S 37 (Shangjuxu), S 44 (Neiting), LI 2 (Erjiao), SP 6(Sanyinjiao), K 6 (Zhaohai), and Ren 12 (Zhongwan)
  41. 57) A patient presents with dyspnea on exertion after long standing asthma, severe wheezing, in-drawing ofthe soft tissues of the neck, and shortness of breath. They also have lassitude, weakness and cold limbs.Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deep and thready. Which one of the following point prescriptionswould be best for this patient?

    A) B 13 (Feishu), K 3 (Taixi), B 23 (Shenshu), Ren 17 (Tanzhong), and Ren 6 (Qihai)
    B) B 13 (Feishu), L 9 (Taiyuan), S 36 (Zusanli), and SP 3 (Taibai)
    C) B 13 (Feishu), B 12 (Fengmen), Du 14 (Dazhui), L 7 (Lieque), and LI 4 (Hegu)
    D) B 13 (Feishu), Ren 22 (Tiantu), L 5 (Chize), and S 40 (Fenglong)
    A) B 13 (Feishu), K 3 (Taixi), B 23 (Shenshu), Ren 17 (Tanzhong), and Ren 6 (Qihai)
  42. 19) A patient presents with dyspnea on exertion and sweating. When they breathe you see that there is severe wheezing, shortness of breath, and you notice that they have an in-drawing of the soft tissues of the neck. Their arms and legs are cold and they are very weak and do not appear to have much energy at all. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deep and thready. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) Ren 6, Ren 17, B 23, K 3, and B 13
    B) LI 4, L 7, and B 13
    A) Ren 6, Ren 17, B 23, K 3, and B 13
  43. 19) A patient presents with epistaxis accompanied by fever, cough, reddened tongue, and a superficial and rapid pulse. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) L 7 (Lieque), LI 20 (Yingxiang), Bitong (Extra), LI 4 (Hegu), and Yintang (Extra)
    B) LI 20 (Yingxiang), LI 4 (Hegu), and Du 23 (Shengxing)
    C) Du 20 (Baihui), Ren 6 (Qihai), B 18 (Ganshu), B 20 (Pishu), B 23 (Shenshu), and S 36 (Zusanli)
    D) Yintang (Extra Point), LI 4 (Hegu), LI 20 (Yingxiang), and Bi Tong (Extra Point)
    B) LI 20 (Yingxiang), LI 4 (Hegu), and Du 23 (Shengxing)
  44. 71) A patient presents with fullness and pain of the lower abdomen and difficult and hesitant urination. Their tongue has a thin, white coating and their pulse is deep and string-taut. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) B 39, SP 6, Ren 3, and B 28
    B) S 26, Ren 6, Du 20, SP 9, Ren 3, and B 28
    C) Liv 2, SP 9, Ren 3, B 28
    D) K 6, B 23, SP 9, Ren 3, and B 28
    C) Liv 2, SP 9, Ren 3, B 28
  45. 8) A patient presents with insufficient lactation. They have a shiny, pale tongue with a thin, white coating.Their pulse is deficient, rootless pulse at the middle position on the right. Which one of the followingpoint prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) Ren 12 (Zhongwan), P 6 (Neiguan), SP 4 (Gongsun), Liv 3 (Taichong), S 44 (Neiting), S 40(Fenglong)
    B) Taiyang (Extra Point), B 2 (Zanzhu), S 2 (Sibai), S 7 (Xiaguan), and Jiachengjian (Extra Point), Liv3 (Taichong), and S 44 (Neiting)
    C) Ren 17 (Shanzhong), S 18 (Rugen), SI 1 (Shaoze), B 18 (Ganshu), B 20 (Pishu), and S 36 (Zusanli)
    D) B 23 (Shenshu), B 30 (Baihuanshu), G 30 (Huantiao), B 50 (Chengfu), B 51 (Yinmen), B 54(Weizhong), and G 34 (Yanglingquan)
    C) Ren 17 (Shanzhong), S 18 (Rugen), SI 1 (Shaoze), B 18 (Ganshu), B 20 (Pishu), and S 36 (Zusanli)
  46. 94) A patient presents with loose stool like duck droppings, dull abdominal pain, borborygmi, pale urine, and cold limbs. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deep and thready. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) S 25 (Tianshu), Ren 6 (Qihai), S 36 (Zusanli), S 37 (Shangjuxu), B 25 (Dachangshu), and B 20(Pishu)
    B) S 36 (Zusanli), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), K 6 (Zhaohai), and Ren 4 (Guanyuan)
    C) S 25 (Tianshu), Ren 6 (Qihai), S 36 (Zusanli), SP 3 (Taibai), B 20 (Pishu), B 21 (Weishu), Du 20(Baihui)
    D) S 37 (Shangjuxu), S 25 (Tianshu), S 36 (Zusanli), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), Liv 3 (Taichong), and S 27(Daju)
    A) S 25 (Tianshu), Ren 6 (Qihai), S 36 (Zusanli), S 37 (Shangjuxu), B 25 (Dachangshu), and B 20(Pishu)
  47. 144) A patient presents with loose stool with undigested food, anorexia, epigastric distress after eating, sallow complexion, lassitude, pale tongue, white coating, and a thready, forceless pulse. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) B 20 (Pishu), Liv 13 (Zhangmen), SP 3 (Taibai), Ren 12 (Zhongwan), and S 36 (Zusanli)
    B) S 25 (Tianshu), S 36 (Zusanli), Ren 12 (Zhongwan), Ren 6 (Qihai), S 44 (Neiting), and SP 9 (Yinlingquan)
    C) B 23 (Shenshu), B 20 (Pishu), Du 4 (Mingmen), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), K 3 (Taixi), and S 36 (Zusanli)
    D) S 25 (Tianshu), S 37 (Shangjuxu), LI 11 (Quchi), LI 4 (Hegu), Ren 12 (zhongwan), Ren 6 (Qihai), and SP 9 (Yinlingquan)
    A) B 20 (Pishu), Liv 13 (Zhangmen), SP 3 (Taibai), Ren 12 (Zhongwan), and S 36 (Zusanli)
  48. 73) A patient presents with Meniere's Disease. Their tongue is dark and swollen with tooth marks. They also have a white, slippery tongue coating. Their pulse is deep, thready, and forceless. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) Taiyang (Extra Point), B 2 (Zanzhu), S 2 (Sibai), S 7 (Xiaguan), and Jiachengjian (Extra Point), Liv3 (Taichong), and S 44 (Neiting)
    B) B 1 (Jingming), S 2 (Sibai), Qiuhou (Extra Point), Taiyang (Extra Point), SJ 3 (Zhongzhu), and LI 4(Hegu)
    C) G 20 (Fengchi), Liv 3 (Taichong), SJ 17 (Yifeng), SI 19 (Tinggong), and P 6 (Neiguan)
    D) SJ 21 (Ermen), SI 19 (Tinggong), G 2 (Tinghui), SJ 17 (Yifeng), Du 15 (Yamen), and Ren 23(Liangquan)
    D) SJ 21 (Ermen), SI 19 (Tinggong), G 2 (Tinghui), SJ 17 (Yifeng), Du 15 (Yamen), and Ren 23(Liangquan)
  49. 178) A patient presents with nasal obstruction, loss of the sense of smell, yellow fetid nasal discharge, thick and sticky, accompanied by cough, dull pain in the forehead, rapid pulse, reddened tongue with thin, white and sticky coating. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) Dingchuan (Extra Point), B 12 (Fengmen), B 13 (Fengmen), B 13 (Feishu), and LI 4 (Hegu)
    B) Yintang, LI 4 (Hegu), LI 20 (Yinxiang), Bitong
    C) LI 20 (Yingxiang), LI 4 (Hegu), and Du 23 (Shengxing)
    D) L 7 (Lieque), LI 20 (Yingxiang), Bitong (Extra), LI 4 (Hegu), and Yintang (Extra)
    D) L 7 (Lieque), LI 20 (Yingxiang), Bitong (Extra), LI 4 (Hegu), and Yintang (Extra)
  50. 91) A patient presents with presence of blood in the urine, pain of the lumbus and abdomen, and an unbearable pricking pain during urination. Their urine is dark and turbid with a sudden interruption of urination. They also have dysuria and have even noticed that they have a stone in their urine from time to time. CAM doesn't mention this, but I am quite confident that they're probably in a whole. lot. of. pain. Their tongue has a normal coating. Their pulse is either tense or string-taut. Depending on how much dampness they have it might even be soft and rapid. I'm taking liberties with the tongue and pulse because hopefully you've stopped reading the question by now and are on to figuring out which point prescription would be best for this patient.

    A) B 28, Ren 3, SP 9, and B 39
    B) B 28, Ren 3, SP 9, SP 10, and SP 6
    C) B 28, Ren 3, SP 9, and Liv 2
    D) B 28, Ren 3, SP 9, B 23, and K 6
    A) B 28, Ren 3, SP 9, and B 39
  51. 65) A patient presents with no desire to eat at all. They also have been having terrible night mares and feel restless. They are irritable and appear frightened when talking to you. They also report, and this is the worst of all, that they have been having palpitations. Sometimes they are worried that they may just up and have a heart attack their heart will pound so much. Their tongue has a white, thin coating and their pulse is a little bit rapid. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, B 14, B 23, and K 3
    B) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, H 5, G 40
    C) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, Ren 9, Ren 8, Ren 4, and SP 9
    D) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, B 20, B 21, and S 36
    B) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, H 5, G 40
  52. 162) A patient presents with palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, propensity to be startled, poor memory, anxiety, five-palm heat, feeling hot and bothered, and a feeling of heat especially in the evening. They also have a malar flush, mental restlessness, uneasiness, fidgetiness, dry mouth and throat, along with night sweating. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) H 5, P 6, B 15, Ren 17, Ren 6, and Du 14
    B) Ren 6, Ren 4, Ren 8, Du 4, S 36, P 6, B 23, Du 20, Du 14, and B 15
    C) H 7, P 6, Ren 14, Ren 15, Ren 4, H 6, SP 6, and K 7
    D) H 7, P 6, Ren 14, Ren 15, Ren 4, B 17, and B 20
    C) H 7, P 6, Ren 14, Ren 15, Ren 4, H 6, SP 6, and K 7
  53. 56) A patient presents with palpitations, stabbing or pricking pain in the chest which may radiate to the inner aspect of the left arm or to the shoulder. They have a feeling of oppression or constriction of the chest, shortness of breath, cyanosis of lips and nails, cold hands, painful periods with dark clots. Their tongue is purple in its entirety or only on the sides in the chest area. Their pulse is string-taut. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) P 5, H 7, H 8, H 9, P 7, Ren 15, B 15, Ren 12, S 40, SP 6, B 20, Du 20, Liv 2, G 13, Du 24, and G 17
    B) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, H 5, G 40
    C) P 6, P 4, H 7, Ren 17, B 14, B 17, SP 10, and K 25
    D) P 6, H 5, H 7, Ren 15, Ren 17, L 7, S 40, LI 4, B 15, B 17, and Ren 12
    C) P 6, P 4, H 7, Ren 17, B 14, B 17, SP 10, and K 25
  54. 98) A patient presents with rapid and short breathing, strong and coarse voice, cough with thick yellow sputum, sensation of chest stuffiness, fever, restlessness, and dryness of the mouth. Their tongue has a thick yellow coating and their pulse is rolling and rapid. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) L 7, B 13, L 1, K 6, L 6, and B 17
    B) B 13, Dingchuan, Ren 22, L 5, and S 40
    C) B 13, B 12, Du 14, L 7, and LI 4
    D) B 13, Ren 12, S 36, S 40, L 5
    B) B 13, Dingchuan, Ren 22, L 5, and S 40
  55. 199) A patient presents with scanty and dark red menses in delayed cycle, distending pain in the lower abdomen, mental depression, stuffy chest alleviated by belching, distension in the hypochondria and breast region, thin, white tongue coating and a string-taut pulse. Which one of the following would be the best point prescription for this patient?

    A) S 25 (Tianshu), K 13 (Qixue), SP 8 (Diji), Liv 3 (Taichong), P 6 (Neiguan), and Liv 14 (Qimen)
    B) Ren 6 (Qihai), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), Ren 12 (Zhongwan), and S 36 (Zusanli)
    C) Ren 4 (Guanyuan), B 23 (Shenshu), K 8 (Jiaoxin), Yaoyan (Extra), K 10 (Yingu), Du 20 (Baihui), and K 3 (Taixi)
    D) Ren 6 (Qihai), K 14 (Siman), P 5 (Jiansi), Ren 17 (Tanzhong), Liv 14 (Qimen), H 7 (Shenmen), Liv 3 (Taichong), and Liv 5 (Ligou)
    A) S 25 (Tianshu), K 13 (Qixue), SP 8 (Diji), Liv 3 (Taichong), P 6 (Neiguan), and Liv 14 (Qimen)
  56. 66) A patient presents with Sciatica. Their tongue is pale with a white coating and their pulse is thready,weak, and slow. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be the best for this patient?

    A) G 27 (Wushu), Shuxi (Extra Point), B 51 (Yimen), Zhili (Extra Point), B 49 (Zhibian), G 30(Huantiao), and Liv 9 (Yinbao)
    B) B 27 (Xiaochangshu), G 30 (Huantiao), G 29 (Juliao), B 28 (Pangguangshu), and local points ofpain
    C) G 30 (Huantiao), G 34 (Yanglingquan), G 39 (Xuanzhong), and SP 6 (Sanyinjiao)
    D) B 23 (Shenshu), B 30 (Baihuanshu), G 30 (Huantiao), B 50 (Chengfu), B 51 (Yinmen), B 54(Weizhong), and G 34 (Yanglingquan)
    D) B 23 (Shenshu), B 30 (Baihuanshu), G 30 (Huantiao), B 50 (Chengfu), B 51 (Yinmen), B 54(Weizhong), and G 34 (Yanglingquan)
  57. 27) A patient presents with short and rapid breathing and a feeble voice. They have weak and low sounds of coughing along with sweating on exertion. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deficient. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) B 13 (Feishu), Ren 22 (Tiantu), L 5 (Chize), and S 40 (Fenglong)
    B) B 13 (Feishu), B 12 (Fengmen), Du 14 (Dazhui), L 7 (Lieque), and LI 4 (Hegu)
    C) B 13 (Feishu), K 3 (Taixi), B 23 (Shenshu), Ren 17 (Tanzhong), and Ren 6 (Qihai)
    D) B 13 (Feishu), L 9 (Taiyuan), S 36 (Zusanli), and SP 3 (Taibai)
    • D) B 13 (Feishu), L 9 (Taiyuan), S 36 (Zusanli), and SP 3 (Taibai)
  58. 122) A patient presents with thirst without a desire to drink and scanty urine. They have cold extremities and are weak and languid. They also have palpitations and have been expectorating up mucoid sputum and report a fullness in the chest and epigastric region. Their tongue has a white, slippery coating and their pulse is rapid. I kid you not. That's what CAM says: Rapid. Page, 451. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, Ren 9, Ren 8, Ren 4, and SP 9
    B) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, B 14, B 23, and K 3
    C) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, B 20, B 21, and S 36
    D) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, H 5, and G 40
    A) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, Ren 9, Ren 8, Ren 4, and SP 9
  59. 8) A patient presents with tinnitus and insomnia. Sometimes they can't sleep because of the insomnia and sometimes while they are waiting in bed to fall asleep they notice the tinnitus. They appear very restless and very irritable. They are dizzy and have blurred vision. They also have palpitations. They wonder if there is anything you can do to help them with that, too. Their tongue is red with little coating and their pulse is thready and rapid. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, Ren 9, Ren 8, Ren 4, and SP 9
    B) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, B 20, B 21, and S 36
    C) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, B 14, B 23, and K 3
    D) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, H 5, and G 40
    C) B 15, Ren 14, H 7, P 6, B 14, B 23, and K 3
  60. 34) A patient presents with vomiting, distending pain in the chest and hypochondriac region, frequent belching, irritability with an oppressed feeling, and acid regurgitation. Their tongue has a thin, sticky tongue coating and their pulse is string-taut. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) Ren 12 (Zhongwan), P 6 (Neiguan), S 36 (Zusanli), Sp 4 (Gongsun), and B 20 (Pishu)
    B) Ren 12 (Zhongwan), P 6 (Neiguan), S 36 (Zusanli), SP 4 (Gongsun), and Ren 10 (Xiawan)
    C) Ren 12 (Zhongwan), P 6 (Neiguan), S 36 (Zusanli), Sp 4 (Gongsun), and Liv 3 (Taichong)
    D) Ren 12 (Zhongwan), P 6 (Neiguan), S 36 (Zusanli), SP 4 (Gongsun), Jinjing, and Yuye
    C) Ren 12 (Zhongwan), P 6 (Neiguan), S 36 (Zusanli), Sp 4 (Gongsun), and Liv 3 (Taichong)
  61. 23) A patient wakes up yesterday morning with chills, fever, thirst and a cough. They also have been having asthma attacks. They also have reduced urine output and edema all over their body. This morning they woke up with a puffy face and eyelids. Their tongue has a thin white coating and their pulse is superficial. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) S 36 (Zusanli), K 7 (Fuliu), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), Ren 9 (Shuifen), B 23 (Shenshu), and B 20 (Pishu)
    B) B 23 (Shenshu), B 28 (Pangguangshu), Ren 3 (Zhongji), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), and Liv 1 (Dadun)
    C) B 39 (Weiyang), SP 9 (Yinlingquan), LI 6 (Pianli), Du 26 (Shuigou), LI 4 (Hegu), and L 7 (Lieque)
    D) B 39 (Weiyang), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), B 28 (Panguangshu), and Ren 3 (Zhongji)
    C) B 39 (Weiyang), SP 9 (Yinlingquan), LI 6 (Pianli), Du 26 (Shuigou), LI 4 (Hegu), and L 7 (Lieque)
  62. 77) A patient was outside gardening while it was 95�F outside when suddenly she got a headache and startedto feel really dizzy. She began to really sweat and her skin became really hot. She then became reallythirsty and her breathing became quite coarse. Her tongue and mouth also became really dry. Her pulse issuperficial and her pulse is large and rapid. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be bestfor her?

    A) B 40 (Weizhong), P 3 (Quze), Shixuan (Extra), Du 20 (Baihui), and Du 26 (Shuigou)
    B) K 1 (Yongquan), Liv 3 (Taichong), P 8 (Laogong), P 9 (Zhongchong), LI 4 (Hegu), and Du26(Shuigou)
    C) S 36 (Zusanli), Ren 6 (Qihai), P 6 (Neiguan), Du 20 (Baihui), Du 26 (Shuigou)
    D) B 40 (Weizhong), LI 11 (Quchi), P 6 (Neiguan), and Du 14 (Dazhui)
    D) B 40 (Weizhong), LI 11 (Quchi), P 6 (Neiguan), and Du 14 (Dazhui)
  63. 72) One of your patients is pregnant and has terrible morning sickness. They are in their 9th week of pregnancy. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for this patient?

    A) Du 20 (Baihui), S 30 (Qichong), G 28 (Waidao), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), Ren 6 (Qihai), SP 9 (Yinlingquan), Liv 3 (Taichong), and Liv 8 (Ququan)
    B) Ren 12 (Zhongwan), P 6 (Neiguan), SP 4 (Gongsun), LI 3 (Taichong), S 44 (Neiting), and S 40 (Fenglong)
    C) Ren 4 (Guanyuan), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), SP 10 (Xuehai), Liv 2 (Xingjian), S 36 (Zusanli), SP 4 (Gongsun), Liv 3 (Taichong), Du 4 (Mingmen), and P 6 (Neiguan)
    D) Ren 7 (Yinjiao), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), B 20 (Pishu), B 18 (Ganshu), SP 1 (Yinbai), Du 4 (Mingmen), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), SP 10 (Xuehai), Liv 1 (Dadun), and Du 20 (Baihui)
    B) Ren 12 (Zhongwan), P 6 (Neiguan), SP 4 (Gongsun), LI 3 (Taichong), S 44 (Neiting), and S 40 (Fenglong)
  64. 125) One of your patients was brushing his teeth the other evening when suddenly he felt this incapacitating pain run down the right side of his jaw. It was absolutely excruciated and felt like it lasted forever. He usually sleeps on his right side, but because of his jaw he had to sleep on his left side. Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for helping this patient?

    A) Extra Point Jiachengjiang, S 7 (Xiaguan), S 2 (Sibai), B 2 (Zanzhu), Extra Point Taiyang, G 20(Fengchi), K 3(Taixi), SJ 5 (Waiguan), S 36 (Zusanli), Liv 3 (Taichong), S 44 (Neiting), and LI 4(Hegu)
    B) Extra Point Jiaji from the 3rd to the 5th cervical vertebra, Extra Point Qiying, SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), P 5(Jianshi), H 6 (Yinxi), K 7 (Fuliu), P 6 (Neiguan), LI 4 (Hegu), Liv 3 (Taichong), H 7 (Shenmen),and Extra Point Anmian
    C) S 40 (Fenglong), L 7 (Lieque), L 5 (Chize), Du 14 (Dazhui), LI 11 (Quchi), LI 4 (Hegu), B 13(Feishu), B 12 (Fengmen), and Extra Point Dingchuan
    D) S 27 (Daju), S 29 (Guilai), Liv 3 (Taichong), SP 8 (Diji), SP 10 (Xuehai), LI 4 (Hegu), B 32(Ciliao), Ren 3 (Zhongji)
    A) Extra Point Jiachengjiang, S 7 (Xiaguan), S 2 (Sibai), B 2 (Zanzhu), Extra Point Taiyang, G 20(Fengchi), K 3(Taixi), SJ 5 (Waiguan), S 36 (Zusanli), Liv 3 (Taichong), S 44 (Neiting), and LI 4(Hegu)
  65. 54) Needling which point could puncture the Heart, Liver, or Lung?

    A) K 22
    B) K 21
    C) K 23
    D) K 24
    A) K 22
  66. 62) What is the best point prescription for a patient that has been diagnosed with epigastric pain: attack of the stomach by the liver?

    A) Liv 3, Liv 14, S 36, P 6, and Ren 12
    B) Ren 12, S 36, Ren 6, S 25, and Inner Neiting
    C) Ren 12, P 6, S 36, SP 4, and Liv 3
    D) Ren 12, P 6, S 36, B 17, Ren 14, and Liv 3
    A) Liv 3, Liv 14, S 36, P 6, and Ren 12
  67. 19) Which one of the following point prescriptions is best for a patient that comes in for dull pain appearing by the end of or after menstruation?

    A) Ren-4 (Guanyuan), B-20 (Pishu), B-23 (Shenshu), S-36 (Zusanli), and SP-6 (Sanyinjiao)
    B) Ren-4 (Guanyuan), B-18 (Ganshu), B-20 (Pishu), B-23 (Shenshu), S-36 (Zusanli), SP-6(Sanyinjiao)
    C) Ren-3 (Zhongji), S-29 (Guilai), SP-10 (Xuehai), Liv-3 (Taichong), LI-4 (Hegu), and SP-6(Sanyinjiao)
    D) Ren-3 (Zhongji), B-32 (Ciliao), LI-4 (Hegu), SP-10 (Xuehai), SP-8 (Diji), Liv-3 (Taichong)
    A) Ren-4 (Guanyuan), B-20 (Pishu), B-23 (Shenshu), S-36 (Zusanli), and SP-6 (Sanyinjiao)
  68. 2) Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best for inducing labor?

    A) B 31 (Shangliao), B 32 (Ciliao), LI 4 (Hegu), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao)
    B) B 23 (Shenshu), Ren 7 (Yinjiao), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), B 17 (Geshu), SP 10 (Xuehai), S 30 (Qichong), SP 8 (Diji), and Liv 8
    C) LI 4 (Hegu), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), Du 1 (Changqian), and SP 9 (Yinlingquan)
    D) Ren 7 (Yinjiao), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), B 20 (Pishu), B 18 (Ganshu), SP 1 (Yinbai), Du 4 (Mingmen), Ren 4 (Guanyuan), SP 10 (Xuehai), Liv 1 (Dadun), and Du 20 (Baihui)
    A) B 31 (Shangliao), B 32 (Ciliao), LI 4 (Hegu), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao)
  69. 6) Which one of the following point prescriptions would be best to help the above patient's concerns with his diarrhea that is occurring early in the morning?

    A) B 20, Liv 13, SP 3, Ren 12, and S 36
    B) B 23, B 20, Du 4, Ren 4, K 3, and S 36
    C) K 6, SJ 6, S 25, and B 25
    D) S 37, S 36, S 25, Ren 12
    B) B 23, B 20, Du 4, Ren 4, K 3, and S 36
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Point Combination.txt
Point combination review