Diagnosis Zang Fu.txt

  1. 44) A 32 year old male patient comes to you for help. They have a cough with yellow sputum. This started the night after they got back from boating with some friends. He had eaten some fried chicken and eaten some ice cream. Oddly enough he thought that the ice cream gave him a funny, bitter taste in his mouth. When he woke up the next morning he noticed that his eyes were red and he was dizzy. He figures that it was just because he had been drinking so much the day before. He has a red tongue with a yellow coating and his pulse is string-taut. Which one of the following best describes this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Phlegm Heat Retention in the Lungs
    B) Liver and Spleen Disharmony
    C) Liver Fire Blazing
    D) Liver Fire Insulting the Lungs
    D) Liver Fire Insulting the Lungs
  2. 69) A 33 year old female comes to you for help. Her chief complaint is incontinence since her honeymoon three weeks ago. She's never had any problems like this before and she was fine during her honeymoon. However, when she came back from her trip to Alaska she began having problems. The last day of her period was on the first day they arrived in Alaska. She noted that it was remarkably cold there, even colder than she could have imagined. After two days of honeymoon related activities, she and her husband went ice fishing and they sat outside for about 4 hours. Even though she wore the appropriate clothing she said she felt chilled to the bones. They did lots of outdoor activities. However, when they got back she noticed that her lower back really started to hurt. She's even embarrassed to admit, but she's even wet the bed and has started to wear depends. You ask her about the quality of her urination and she reports that it is frequent, there is a lot of urination each time, and it is clear or pale yellow in color. Her tongue is pale and wet and her pulse is deep and weak. What is the above patient's diagnosis?

    A) Bladder Deficient and Cold
    B) Kidney and Spleen Yang Deficiency
    C) Kidney Qi Not Firm
    D) Damp-Cold in the Bladder
    A) Bladder Deficient and Cold
  3. 40) A 33 year old female patient comes to you for help. She's been having terrible urethral burning when she urinates. She often gets urinary tract infections, but this week has been particularly brutal. What has really been concerning her is that her urine has a milky, almost creamy appearance. This is new and has not happened before. Her tongue is red with a sticky coating and her pulse is thready and rapid. Which one of the following is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Deficiency of Kidney Yin and Stagnation of Damp Heat
    B) Exhaustion of the Kidney Essence
    C) Damp Heat in the Lower Jiao
    D) Accumulation of Heat in the Bladder
    A) Deficiency of Kidney Yin and Stagnation of Damp Heat
  4. 55) A 38 year old male patient comes to you for help. For years now he's been struggling with anger issues and has gone to countless anger management issues. He's managed to keep it under control around his wife and kids but has gotten into countless fights at bars, clubs, and even church a few times. However, during the last fight he almost died because he had an asthma attack while getting the daylights punched out of him. Fortunately, a few of his buddies were around and called 911. He was rushed to the hospital. After that experience, he doesn't think he'll be getting into any fights any time soon. Since this experience though, he's been concerned because even if something makes him even mildly upset or angry he'll start feeling an asthma attack start. He describes it as first he'll fill a fullness in the area around his rib cage, but more towards his abdominal area, then he'll get a pretty bad headache. As you check his pulse, you note that it is String-taut. He'll start to feel breathless. He was wondering if there was anything you could do to help him. Which one of the following is this patient's diagnosis and correct point prescription?

    A) Liver Fire Blazing Upwards:
    B) Liver Yang Rising:
    C) Damp-Heat in the Liver and Gall Bladder:
    D) Liver Fire Insulting the Lungs:
    D) Liver Fire Insulting the Lungs:
  5. 16) A 44 year old female patient comes to you for help. She has been having a bit of acid regurgitation for the past three months. She's been trying all kinds of antacids, but nothing has really helped. They even put her on Prilosec, but again, it didn't even make a dent in how bad it is. The doctors have told her that she will have to get surgery soon if it doesn't get any better because it is eating away at her. The acid regurgitation is bad, but she confesses to you that what is actually worse is her epigastric pain. She has found that it can get really, really bad. She has also been having pain underneath her right ribs on the side. This also bothers her because she isn't able to get comfortable once this happens. Her tongue is normal and her pulse is string-taut. Which one of the following best describes this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    B) Heart and Kidney Not Communicating
    C) Liver and Stomach Disharmony
    D) Liver and Spleen Disharmony
    C) Liver and Stomach Disharmony
  6. 11) A 44 year old male patient comes to you for help with their loose stools. They've had a really poor appetite for the past 3 months because when they eat their abdomen gets distended and they can't fit into their pants very well. This makes them very uncomfortable. Their arms and legs are really cold as well. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deep. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Spleen Yang Deficiency
    B) Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency
    C) Heart Blood and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    D) Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized
    A) Spleen Yang Deficiency
  7. 8) A 47 year old male teacher comes to you for help. While he's been teaching high school English for about 20 years he's now teaching AP English for the first time. He's having a great time, but had no idea that this could be stressful. The parents of the students are really concerned that their children won't do well and this will hurt them when and if their children do get into college. He's been working around the clock on preparing the students for the AP English exam. The biggest problem is that lately he's been losing his voice. He'll notice that his mouth and throat get very dry and that his voice will get really hoarse. He's also been fighting a cough that won't go away. He reports that isn't wet and not productive. So probably the best way he could describe it is dry. His tongue is dry, but not red and his pulse is deficient, especially on the front position. Which one of the following is this patient's diagnosis and correct point prescription?

    A) Lung Qi Deficiency:
    B) Lung Yin Deficiency:
    C) Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat:
    D) Lung Dryness:
    D) Lung Dryness:
  8. 8) A 48 year old patient comes to you for help. They have been having low back pain. Well, they explain, it really isn't a pain it is more of a soreness. They have been dealing with this for several years now and haven't been able to have any long-term relief. They finally want to try acupuncture. You ask about their additional signs and symptoms. They tell you that the odd thing is they have been noticing that they have been having a dry cough with a small amount of sputum that is sometimes worse in the evenings. You find out that they have also been having a ringing in the ears. It is pretty constant but sometimes it isn't as noticeable as other times. They have also been noticing that they get dizzy a decent amount of time. Sometimes it is when they sit up or stand up too quickly but other times it seems to happen for no apparent reason. Their throat is dry and they confirm that they feel warm to the point they would say they feel feverish in the afternoons and evenings mostly. Their urine is scanty even though they say they drink a good amount of water. Their tongue is red with little coating and their pulse is thready and raid. Which one of the following best describes this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    B) Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidney Qi Not Firm
    D) Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized
    A) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
  9. 37) A 48 year old patient comes to you for help. They have been having low back pain. Well, they explain, it really isn't a pain it is more of a soreness. They have been dealing with this for several years now and haven't been able to have any long-term relief. They finally want to try acupuncture. You ask about their additional signs and symptoms. They tell you that the odd thing is they have been noticing that they have been having signs of the room spinning and sometimes they are very tired and feel an ache in their bones. You find out that they have also been having a ringing in the ears. It is pretty constant but sometimes it isn't as noticeable as other times. They have also been noticing that they get dizzy a decent amount of time. Sometimes it is when they sit up or stand up too quickly but other times it seems to happen for no apparent reason. Their throat is dry and they confirm that they feel warm to the point they would say they feel feverish in the afternoons and evenings mostly. Their urine is scanty even though they say they drink a good amount of water. Their tongue is red with little coating and their pulse is thready and raid. Which one of the following best describes this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized
    B) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    D) Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    B) Kidney Yin Deficiency
  10. 157) A 52 year old female patient comes to you for help. Her lower back has been hurting her for quite some time and sometimes her knees hurt, too. This has been happening pretty gradually over the past two years, but she definitely knows that it started when she stood up one afternoon and heard this ringing in her ear. It then made her feel pretty dizzy and her eyes went blurry. As she was trying to steady her balance she ended up tripping over the cat and hurt her back. As you talk with her, she does admit that she has at times had night sweats, but is unsure if she had them last night. She also has been having a pretty chronic dry throat but because she teaches and has to talk a lot this is a fairly normal occurrence. When you ask about her menstruation she has found that it is pretty normal but thinks that it is less than usual. Her tongue is red with little coating and her pulse is rapid. Which one of the following best describes this patient�s diagnosis?

    A) Liver and Stomach Disharmony
    B) Liver and Spleen Disharmony
    C) Heart and Kidney Not Communicating
    D) Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    D) Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
  11. 162) A 53 year old female patient comes to you for help. She's been having heaviness of the head and body. She knows that it sounds weird, but she doesn't know how else to explain it. She feels like she's wearing weights all over her body, or more like there is a magnet that is pulling her down to the ground. She'll get up to do something but have to sit back down in just a little bit. It has become futile to even try and fight this. When you ask about other signs and symptoms, she tell you that she really doesn't have any other complaints. However, when you ask about her bowel movement she does tell you that she has loose stools and come to think of it, she has been noticing this really odd, but fullness of in her abdomen that is impossible to ignore. You ask to have a look at her tongue. You observe that it has a white, sticky coating and her pulse is soft. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Cold Damp Invading the Spleen
    B) Damp-Heat in the Liver and Gallbladder
    C) Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency
    D) Stagnation of Cold in the Liver Meridian
    A) Cold Damp Invading the Spleen
  12. 76) A 53 year old male patient comes to you for help. They have edema in their legs. They're not sure when this started, but it seems like it has been gradually get worse and worse. The first time they noticed this they were at a party in Las Vegas about six months ago. They had woken up after a night of gambling and partying with diarrhea. They had gotten in at 4 am and fallen asleep. Then about an hour after they had fallen asleep they woke up having to run to the bathroom. At first they thought it was something that they ate, but now they're not so sure because it hasn't gone away. They haven't had normal stools since then. They thought it might be Hepatitis A, but they went to the doctor and they tested negative for it. You asked if they could have still been in the incubation period, but they were well outside of it. They ask you if you could turn on the heat because they've been feeling really cold lately. This has been a problem for him at work because he's always turning on the heat and his co-workers yell at him. You watch as he shifts around in his chair. He apologizes but lately his back pain has been getting worse. You decide that you need to take him closer to a window to get a better look at his tongue and in addition to noticing that it is pale you also see that your patient's face is pale. His pulse is deep and weak. Which one of the following best describes this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    B) Lung and Kidney Qi Deficiency
    C) Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency
    D) Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    C) Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency
  13. 84) A 56 year old male patient is brought to you for help. He is already presenting with senility. He has lost his hair and his teeth appear withered. His face is burnt and all of his hair is already white. He is barely able to walk because of the dizziness and his sister tells you that his knees and back always hurt. He shouts when trying to talk, not because he is angry, but because he has a ringing in the ears that makes it hard for him to hear himself talk. Awkwardly enough, he shouts that his semen is scanty. His sister apologizes for his behavior, but you thank her because this does help you make a diagnosis. Which one of the following would cause this?

    A) Insufficiency of Kidney Essence
    B) Kidney Not Absorbing Qi
    C) Insecurity of Kidney Qi
    D) Kidney Yang Vacuity Pattern
    A) Insufficiency of Kidney Essence
  14. 34) A 67 year old male patient comes to you for help. He tells you that he was an alcoholic for 22 years and until two weeks ago he hadn't had a drink since the mid-1980's. He is single and lives alone. He doesn't have any family nearby and works as a night guard at a local bank. He would like for you to help him with his constipation. He swears he'll go back to AA once the holidays are over. He's had constipation for years now, but it seems to get better and then get worse. It varies, understandably, based on his diet. He has been taking fiber as a supplement, but as of late it hasn't been working as well as he thinks it should. You ask him about his diet and he reports that he mainly eats ba and cheese sandwiches with hot sauce. He knows it isn't all that healthy, but that's been his staple for years now. As you inquire more into his bowel movements he describes them as dry and that as of late he's also been experiencing a burning sensation in his anus. You wonder if the hot sauce has anything to do with the burning sensation, but considering that he's been eating the same meal now for years, you rule this out as a possibility. His tongue is thick-yellow and dry and his pulse is forceful and rapid. Which one of the following options is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine:
    B) Large Intestine Dry:
    C) Heat Obstructing the Large Intestine:
    D) Heat in the Large Intestine:
    D) Heat in the Large Intestine:
  15. 24) A 71 year old female patient comes to you for help for her cholelithiasis. She was first diagnosed with it many years early after coming back from living in the Amazon jungle with a research team. She really started struggling with this though, when mother willed all of her money and possessions to her wealthy sister instead of her she's been feeling resentful ever since. She's also been struggling with depression and finds that eating is really the only thing that helps her cope. When you ask her what kind of food she prefers she reports that salty food, and specifically Popeyes fried chicken is her favorite. So in addition to dealing with this her husband just ran off with some young man. She's been experiencing terrible bouts of pain. She's been to the emergency room twice now because the pain was so intense. She hadn't had a lot of signs or symptoms until recently. When you ask her about the location of the pain she says that it is under her ribs and she points to her hypochondriac region. You ask her if she has a bitter taste in her mouth. She looks at you like you're absolutely nuts, but after thinking about it for a bit she agrees that it could be called bitter. Her tongue has a thick sticky yellow coating on the right side. What is the above patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver Invading the Spleen
    B) Damp-Heat in the Gallbladder
    C) Stagnation of Liver Qi
    D) Damp-Heat in the Liver and Gallbladder
    B) Damp-Heat in the Gallbladder
  16. 59) A 73 year old male patient comes to you for help. They have been having asthma attacks. When this happens there is difficulty inhaling. You ask them to take deep breaths and you notice that their exhale tends to last for a long time. Sometimes they notice this is when their allergies flair up, but isn't necessarily related to it all of the time. You ask if this has started suddenly or if this is a gradual onset. They mention that some of the symptoms have been a long time coming, but the asthma attacks are always acute. That is the nature of an asthma attack. The other big problem that this patient mentions is that they will start coughing and wet themselves. As they talk to you they begin to sweat. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Kidney Qi Not Firm
    B) Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    C) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    D) Lung and Kidney Qi Deficiency
    D) Lung and Kidney Qi Deficiency
  17. 25) A man age 67 comes to you for help. He is suffering from chronic lower back pain and tinnitus. His pulse is full, rapid, and wiry. What do you expect for his tongue to look like?

    A) Body color is pale overall, but red on the root, body shape is swollen and tooth-marked. Coating is thin, sticky white overall except on the root, which is peeled.
    B) Body color is normal, red points on the front, body shape is slightly thin, tooth-marked, and coating is geographic.
    C) Body color is dark red, redder on the sides. The body shape is thin, sides slightly swollen, crack in the center to the tip, and slightly swollen in the chest area (between the tip and center all across the tongue), slightly flaccid. Their tongue coating is thin and white.
    D) Body color is pale, body shape is swollen, tooth-marked, with a stomach-heart crack, and the coating is a sticky-white coating overall, slightly yellow in the center toward the root.
    C) Body color is dark red, redder on the sides. The body shape is thin, sides slightly swollen, crack in the center to the tip, and slightly swollen in the chest area (between the tip and center all across the tongue), slightly flaccid. Their tongue coating is thin and white.
  18. 95) A lack of movement of the ethereal soul causing depression can be due to all of the following except:

    A) Spleen and Kidney Deficiency
    B) Liver Blood and Liver Qi Deficiency
    C) Liver Qi Stagnation
    D) Heart Blood Deficiency
    D) Heart Blood Deficiency
  19. 36) A new patient comes to you for help. They've seen another acupuncturist before and bring their patient file with them. Their last acupuncturists moved to Europe to study homeopathy and so they referred their patient to you. You're shocked and appalled when you see the state of this patient's chart because it is so poorly kept. You check for a diagnosis, but nothing is written in any of their treatments. The patient didn't even sign an informed consent and it looks like they mixed up one of their patient's and put those files into this patient's folder. You start searching for any kind of information that will be of use for you. As you talk with your patient he explains that the last treatment he had with his old acupuncturist was the best treatment he's ever had and it really helped him. So you're now even more determined to find their last treatment's notes. Finally, you come across the correct documentation. The only thing that is written in their last treatment is that the patient had hypogastric pain referring to the scrotum and that they used points Ren-3, Liv-5, and Liv-1 with moxa and that the patient's pulse was string-taut, deep, and slow. Fortunately, you know Giovanni inside and out. What is this patient's diagnosis from last time?

    A) Deficiency of Liver Blood
    B) Stagnation of Cold in the Liver channel
    C) Spleen Qi Sinking
    D) Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency
    B) Stagnation of Cold in the Liver channel
  20. 108) A patient come to you for help, because they feel really sad, but admit that really, they have no reason whatsoever to be unhappy with anything in their life. They haven't been sleeping lately and can't go outside. They are afraid of the light and prefer to have all of the blinds in their house closed all the time. They have been having palpitations and they feel an odd, oppression-like sensation in their chest. As they talk to you, you notice that they are frequently yawning and stretching. They have a pale tongue body and a deep and weak pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Yang Vacuity Pattern
    B) Irregularity of the Heart Vessel
    C) Depressed Heart Qi Pattern
    D) Heart Qi Vacuity Pattern
    C) Depressed Heart Qi Pattern
  21. 197) A patient come to you for help with their low back pain. They appear emaciated and also mention that their knees hurt. As you talk with them, you find out that they are also having rough, painful, and turbid urination that is cloudy and almost white in color. They have also had urinary dribbling for a long time and describe it as being like oil. Their tongue is pale with slimy fur and their pulse is thready and rapid. Which one of the following best describes this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Urinary Bladder Damp Turbidity
    B) Insecurity of Kidney Qi
    C) Kidney Vacuity Water Flood
    D) Urinary Bladder Damp-Heat
    A) Urinary Bladder Damp Turbidity
  22. 71) A patient comes in with a yellow, sallow complexion. As you talk with them you learn that they have been suffering from gallstones for the past few weeks. Which one of the following is their five element diagnosis?

    A) Earth Insulting Wood
    B) Water over-acting on Fire
    C) Earth Overacting on Wood
    D) Wood Overacting on Earth
    A) Earth Insulting Wood
  23. 81) A patient comes to you because they have been feeling very depressed lately. Her job is very stressful and it has been getting to her lately. Mainly it is just that she feels that people have been taking advantage other. She knows that she is going to have to lay off a lot of people at work and she really doesn't want to do it. This is really terrible because her boss has been manipulating her and when she has to lay everyone off it is going to look like her fault. As she tells you about this situation she gets more and more irritable. You try to change the subject hoping that she will calm down. When you ask about her appetite she tells you that she hasn't been able to eat and that her lower abdomen feels really distended. her tongue is normal with a thin coating and her pulse is string-taut. Which one of the following best describes this patient�s diagnosis?

    A) Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    B) Liver and Spleen Disharmony
    C) Liver and Stomach Disharmony
    D) Heart and Kidney Not Communicating
    B) Liver and Spleen Disharmony
  24. 7) A patient comes to you for help because they are unable to urinate on their own. They have a cough with copious, foamy phlegm and their breathing is practically panting. They haven't really been able to sleep very well because they cannot lie flat and have to sleep propped up. Their tongue has white and glossy tongue fur and the pulse is string-taut and tense. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Lung and Spleen Qi Vacuity
    B) Heart and Lung Qi Vacuity
    C) Phlegm Turbidity Obstructing the Lung
    D) Water-Cold Shooting into the Lung
    D) Water-Cold Shooting into the Lung
  25. 105) A patient comes to you for help. He has swelling over his lower legs that maintain finger marks after pressing and there is also puffy edema all over his body. He's really dizzy a lot and there is a terrible ringing in his ears. You notice that his eyelids, in fact, do look like sleeping silkworms and his complexion is bright white. He is freezing cold. He his lower abdomen feels full and his back and knees hurt. His breathing is hasty, he's practically panting and it sounds like he has a lot of phlegm. His urine is scanty and he tells you that sometimes his heart will start pounding so hard he thinks it will pop right out of his chest. His tongue is pale and fat with glossy white fur. His pulse is deep, thready, and slow. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Kidney Not Absorbing Qi
    B) Kidney Vacuity Water Flood
    C) Kidney Yang Vacuity Pattern
    D) Insecurity of Kidney Qi
    B) Kidney Vacuity Water Flood
  26. 64) A patient comes to you for help. They are hoping that you can help them with their tinnitus, acid regurgitation, and chest distress. They have been very constipated, have a dryness and bitter taste in their mouth, and are irritable. They have also been dealing with a feeling of hypochondriac distension. After talking with them for awhile, they also explain that they have been feeling pretty depressed about things. This is something they really want help with, but aren't sure what to do. Their tongue is red with a yellow coating and their pulse is string-taut and rapid. Which one of the following is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Hyperactivity of Liver Yang
    B) Transformation of Depressed Qi into Fire
    C) Depression of the Qi in the Liver
    D) Interior Retention of Phlegm Dampness
    B) Transformation of Depressed Qi into Fire
  27. 27) A patient comes to you for help. They have been having night sweating enough that it worries them. They have also been having dryness of the mouth, insomnia, and tinnitus. Sometimes they have been constipated and sometimes they have been having some pretty bad soreness and weakness in their back and knees. They tell you they can't remember when these signs and symptoms really started. Their tongue is red with little coating and their pulse is thready, rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Lung and Kidney Qi Deficiency
    B) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    D) Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized
    C) Kidney Yin Deficiency
  28. 71) A patient comes to you for help. They have been having terrible tinnitus. It will come on in the late afternoon to early evening and is accompanied by dizziness. Their lower back hurts, they have a dry throat and mouth, and they have a dry cough that is worse in the evening. Whenever they walk around too much they will get breathless. You have to speak up because they can't hear you very well. Their tongue is red without any coating and their pulse is superficial, deficient, and slightly rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    B) Lung and Kidney Qi Deficiency
    C) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    D) Lung Yin Deficiency
    C) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
  29. 9) A patient comes to you for help. They have been suffering from insomnia and dizziness for the past few weeks now, but feel that this has been a long time coming. They feel restless, their heart has been pounding, they have a terrible ringing in their ears, and they have been having pretty hefty night sweats. Their tongue has a little, red coating and their pulse is thready and rapid. They have had a sore lower back and a fever that is worse in the afternoon to evening. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Yin Deficiency
    B) Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized
    C) Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    D) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    B) Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized
  30. 93) A patient comes to you for help. They have been suffering from insomnia and dizziness for the past few weeks now, but feel that this has been a long time coming. They feel really tired, their muscles feel weak, their stools are loose, and they haven't wanted to eat much lately. They have also had a lot going on lately that they have been so anxious that their heart will start to pound, and they haven't been able to sleep much. Some nights they can't sleep at all. You accidently drop your pen and they get jump. They apologize and explain that they have noticed it is easy for them to get startled. Their complexion is dull-pale. Their periods have been regular, but they have been very scanty. Their tongue is pale and thin and their pulse is choppy. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Yin Deficiency
    B) Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized
    C) Heart Blood and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    D) Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Heart Blood and Spleen Qi Deficiency
  31. 58) A patient comes to you for help. They have been suffering from insomnia and palpitations. They have been having irregular menstruation, general lassitude, loose stools, and also abdominal distension. They have not wanted to eat much lately and you notice that their complexion is sallow. They have been having terrible dreams and they wake up feeling funky. When you ask them what the dreams are about, they tell you that they really can't remember their memory hasn't been so good lately. Their tongue is pale with a thin, white coating and their pulse is thready, weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Yin Deficiency
    B) Heart Blood and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    C) Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized
    D) Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    B) Heart Blood and Spleen Qi Deficiency
  32. 166) A patient comes to you for help. They have vulvar eczema or sores and vaginal itching. They also are presenting with papular or vesicular skin rashes and itching. Additional signs and symptoms include a fullness of the hypochondrium, abdomen or hypochondrium, a bitter taste, sticky taste, and poor appetite. They are nauseated, a feeling of heaviness of the body, and yellow vaginal discharge. They are also experiencing mid-cycle bleeding and/or pain. They also mention that they are experiencing urinary difficulty, burning on urination, dark urine, and dysuria. Their tongue has a red body with redder sides and a sticky yellow coating and their pulse is rolling, string-taut, and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Dampness in the Gall Bladder
    B) Damp-Heat in the Liver
    C) Damp-Heat in the Gall Bladder
    D) Damp-Heat in the Liver and Gall Bladder
    B) Damp-Heat in the Liver
  33. 91) A patient comes to you for help. They went on a trip to Africa and had a fantastic time. They camped out for three weeks with friends and got to see lots of amazing animals. However, their living conditions weren't very sanitary and about four days after they came home they started having diarrhea with blood coming first, bright red in color and splashing in all direction. This happened for about two days. They thought about going to the emergency room, but gradually started feeling better. However, now they're experiencing diarrhea with stools coming first and then watery blood. Which one of the following best describes this patient's overall situation?

    A) At first they had Spleen Not Controlling the Blood and now they have Large Intestine Damp-Heat
    B) At first they had Large Intestine Damp-Heat and now they have Spleen Not Controlling Blood
    C) At first they had Large Intestine Damp-Heat and now they have Blood Heat
    D) At first they had Blood Heat and now they have Large Intestine Damp-Heat
    B) At first they had Large Intestine Damp-Heat and now they have Spleen Not Controlling Blood
  34. 14) A patient comes to you for help. Three days ago she was walking her dog in the park when a gnat got into her eye. This didn't seem like such a terrible thing at the time, but her eye has been hurting ever since. That same night she was out with friends and she had a spicy Mexican dish and chocolate fudge Sunday. She only had one beer, but when she woke up the following morning she felt completely hung over. Her head was throbbing and she had diarrhea. When she looked in the mirror she noticed that her eye was red and had needle like pain to it. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver Fire
    B) Wind Heat
    C) Fire poison in the Heart
    D) Heat invading the Pericardium
    C) Fire poison in the Heart
  35. 77) A patient comes to you for help with her menses. She's been having scanty periods for the past six months. She's had insomnia and is very tired, too. When she does get to go to sleep she has bad dreams and wakes up with her heart pounding. She hasn't been able to eat much lately and her stools have been loose. Her complexion is a dull-pale or sallow one (it is hard to tell in this light). The other thing she would like help with is her memory. She feels like she forgets everything and was wondering what you could do to help. Her tongue is pale and her pulse is thready. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Blood and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    B) Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    D) Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized
    A) Heart Blood and Spleen Qi Deficiency
  36. 164) A patient comes to you for help with their Bell's palsy. This started one morning when they woke up and found that their eye and mouth was deviated. Her deviated mouth is a sign of which one of the following channels?

    A) The Primary Hand Shaoyang
    B) The Primary Hand Yangming
    C) The Primary Foot Yangming
    D) The Primary Foot Taiyin
    C) The Primary Foot Yangming
  37. 23) A patient comes to you for help with their cough. They've had a cough for about 4 weeks now. It is really dry and their throat is really dry, too. Their voice is pretty weak. You ask if their cough is productive at all, and they say that sometimes a little bit of mucus comes up, but there's really not much. They are having terrible night sweats though and this has them concerned. You notice that only their cheeks are flushed. You take their pulse and notice that their palms are hot. Their pulse is rapid and their tongue is red with practically no coating. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Lung Yin Deficiency
    B) Wind-Heat Invading the Lung
    C) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    D) Lung Qi Deficiency
    A) Lung Yin Deficiency
  38. 30) A patient comes to you hoping that you can help them with their insomnia. They have not been able to fall asleep easily, but when they finally do (around 2:30 in the morning) they have terrible awful nightmares. They'll wake up with their heart racing and they also have three mouth ulcers and a really unpleasant, somewhat better, taste in their mouth. You notice that they have a dark complexion. What is this patient's five element diagnosis?

    A) Fire Over-Acting on Water
    B) Fire Over-Acting on Water
    C) Water Over-Acting on Fire
    D) Water Insulting Wood
    C) Water Over-Acting on Fire
  39. 53) A patient comes to you wondering if you can help them. They are always tired. They don't usually sleep well -- sometimes they have a hard time falling asleep, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they wake up early and have a hard time getting back to sleep and sometimes they don't. They've tried to start exercising, but notice that they'll get short of breath and their heart will start pounding walking around the house -- so they don't think it is a good idea to take up a vigorous exercise regiment, especially with their chronic cough. They've also started getting dizzy if they stand up too quickly and the other night they lost their balance completely. They also report that even with their new glasses that their vision is still blurry. You notice that their complexion is okay, but it is a bit lusterless. Their tongue is pale with tooth prints and their pulse is thready and weak. Which one of the following is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Palpitations: Insufficiency of Blood
    B) Insomnia: Disharmony between the Heart and the Kidney
    C) Asthma: Kidney Deficiency
    D) Cough: Dryness of the Lung with Deficiency of Yin
    A) Palpitations: Insufficiency of Blood
  40. 20) A patient feels worse after swallowing cold fluids, which are quickly vomited. They have sudden pain in the epigastrium, vomiting, and a feeling of cold. Their tongue has a thick white coating and their pulse is deep, tense, and slow. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Stomach Deficient and Cold
    B) Stomach Qi Rebelling Upwards
    C) Cold Invading the Stomach
    D) Small Intestine Qi Tied
    C) Cold Invading the Stomach
  41. 12) A patient has a tender, red tongue and a thready, rapid pulse. Which one of the following groups of symptoms would you most likely see in this patient?

    A) Coughing, reduced appetite, spermatorrhea, weakness of the lower extremities
    B) Intermittent fever (that worsens upon exertion), spontaneous sweating, aversion to cold, thirst for warm beverages, shortness of breath, laconic speech, a tendency to curl up, and weak limbs.
    C) Hiccough, nausea, dry heaves or retching.
    D) Soreness and weakness in the lower back, light-headedness, vertigo, tinnitus, diminished hearing, night sweats, and spontaneous and nocturnal emissions
    C) Hiccough, nausea, dry heaves or retching.
  42. 200) A patient has been diagnosed with deafness and tinnitus. At first their pulse was forceful and string-taut and now their pulse is thready and weak. In addition to protracted deafness and intermittent tinnitus aggravated by strain and can be eliminated by pressing, what kinds of additional symptoms do you expect for them to currently present with?

    A) Dizziness, soreness and aching of the lower back, seminal emission or excessive leukorrhea.
    B) Insomnia, palpitations, poor memory, low back pain, nocturnal emissions, restlessness, dry mouth with little saliva, and a burning sensation of the chest, palms, and soles.
    C) Scanty, light red blood flow in altering cycles, weak and aching lower back and knees, frequent night urination, and loose stools.
    D) Palpitations, blurring of vision, restlessness, irritability, and insomnia only
    A) Dizziness, soreness and aching of the lower back, seminal emission or excessive leukorrhea.
  43. 38) A patient has been diagnosed with Liver Fire Insulting the Lungs. Which one of the following groups of signs and symptoms most accurately describes their condition?

    A) Hemoptysis, hematemesis, epistaxis, dark-yellow urine, constipation with dry stools, dream-disturbed sleep, bitter taste, thirst, red face and eyes, dizziness, temporal headache, deafness, temporal headache, deafness, tinnitus, propensity to outbursts of anger, and irritability.
    B) Constipation, scanty dark urine, bloodshot eyes, bitter taste, thirst, red face, dizziness, headache, cough with yellow sputum, feeling of fullness and distension of the chest and hypochondrium, asthma, and breathlessness
    C) Bitter taste after a bad night's sleep, blood in the urine, dream-disturbed sleep, red face, insomnia, feeling of heat, feeling agitated, mental restlessness, mouth and tongue ulcers, thirst, and palpitations.
    D) Dizziness, feeling of heaviness and muzziness of the head, agitation, insomnia, thirst, feeling of heat, phlegm in the throat, feeling of oppression of the chest, wheezing, shortness of breath, barking cough with profuse sticky yellow sputum.
    B) Constipation, scanty dark urine, bloodshot eyes, bitter taste, thirst, red face, dizziness, headache, cough with yellow sputum, feeling of fullness and distension of the chest and hypochondrium, asthma, and breathlessness
  44. 84) A patient has been diagnosed with Spleen not controlling the blood. What kind of diarrhea do you expect for them to present with?

    A) Diarrhea with blood coming first and is turbid and the anus feels heavy and painful.
    B) Slightly loose stools, but very frequent and the person cannot hold them easily.
    C) Diarrhea with stools coming first and then the blood and this is watery.
    D) Diarrhea with mucus and blood in the stools.
    C) Diarrhea with stools coming first and then the blood and this is watery.
  45. 122) A patient has developed a rapid onset of a well demarcated patch of redness, hotness and burning pain on their skin that is rapidly extending in size. There is a change in color of the patch from bright red to dull red in several days and then there is healing with desquamation. In addition to having a yellow, sticky coating and a soft and rapid pulse, what other signs and symptoms would they need to present with in order for you to diagnose them with damp heat syndrome?

    A) Fever, irritability, thirst, stuffy sensation in the chest, poor appetite, constipation, and dark urine.
    B) Fever, headache, cough, congested throat, thirst, and irritability.
    C) High fever, vomiting, delirium, and convulsions.
    D) Lassitude, palpitations, shortness of breath, frequent urine, leukorrhagia.
    A) Fever, irritability, thirst, stuffy sensation in the chest, poor appetite, constipation, and dark urine.
  46. 25) A patient has loose stool like duck droppings. They have dull abdominal pain and cold limbs. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deep and weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Small Intestine Deficient and Cold
    B) Small Intestine Qi Pain
    C) Large Intestine Cold
    D) Cold Invading the Large Intestine
    C) Large Intestine Cold
  47. 95) A patient is brought to you for help. He is only 63 but he is already presenting with senility. He has lost his hair and his teeth appear withered. His face is burnt and all of his hair is already white. He is barely able to walk because of the dizziness and his sister tells you that his knees and back always hurt. He shouts when trying to talk, not because he is angry, but because he has a ringing in the ears that makes it hard for him to hear himself talk. Awkwardly enough, he shouts that his semen is scanty. His sister apologizes for his behavior, but you thank her because this does help you make a diagnosis. HIs tongue body is pale and his pulse is weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Kidney Not Absorbing Qi
    B) Insufficiency of Kidney Essence
    C) Kidney Yang Vacuity Pattern
    D) Insecurity of Kidney Qi
    B) Insufficiency of Kidney Essence
  48. 9) A patient is diagnosed with Liver Qi Invading the Spleen. Which one of the following would you expect for them to have?

    A) Constipation with small, dry, bitty stools like goat's stool
    B) Constipation with abdominal pain
    C) Alternation of constipation and diarrhea
    D) Constipation with dry stools, with a dry mouth and a desire to drink in small sips
    C) Alternation of constipation and diarrhea
  49. 190) A patient presented with a bright-white complexion for two days. Now the same patient presents with a bluish white complexion. Which one of the following most accurately describes this patient�s progression?

    A) At first the patient had Blood Deficiency and now they have Yang Deficiency.
    B) At first the patient had Yang Deficiency with pronounced cold and now they have Yang Deficiency.
    C) At first the patient had Yang Deficiency and now they have Yang Deficiency with pronounced Cold.
    D) At first the patient had Yang Deficiency and now they had Blood Deficiency
    C) At first the patient had Yang Deficiency and now they have Yang Deficiency with pronounced Cold.
  50. 47) A patient presents with a bearing down sensation in the abdomen. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Retention of Food in the Stomach pressing downwards
    B) Cold Invading the Stomach
    C) Spleen Qi Sinking
    D) Large Intestine Collapse
    C) Spleen Qi Sinking
  51. 2) A patient presents with a burning sensation in the mouth and anus. They have constipation with dry stools. Their tongue has a thick black dry coating and their pulse is excess and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heat in the Large Intestine
    B) Qi Stagnation in the Large Intestine
    C) Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine
    D) Heat Obstructing the Large Intestine
    A) Heat in the Large Intestine
  52. 5) A patient presents with a chronic cough with profuse white sputum. Their tongue is swollen with a sticky white coating and their pulse is soft. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Cold Phlegm in the Lungs
    B) Phlegm-Fluids Obstructing the Lungs
    C) Damp-Phlegm in the Lungs
    D) Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Water
    C) Damp-Phlegm in the Lungs
  53. 10) A patient presents with a cough, feeling of heat, and thirst. Their tongue is red with yellow coating and their pulse is surging and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Phlegm-Heat Obstructing the Lungs
    B) Lung Dryness
    C) Lung Heat
    D) Lung Yin Deficiency
    C) Lung Heat
  54. 60) A patient presents with a cough with green sputum. Their tongue is red, swollen with a sticky yellow coating and their pulse is rolling and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Dry-Phlegm in the Lungs
    B) Invasion of the Lungs by Wind-Heat
    C) Damp-Phlegm in the Lungs
    D) Phlegm-Heat in the Lungs
    D) Phlegm-Heat in the Lungs
  55. 53) A patient presents with a cough with white watery frothy sputum. Their tongue is pale with a thick sticky white coating and their pulse is string-taut. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Water
    B) Phlegm-Fluids Obstructing the Lungs
    C) Cold Phlegm in the Lungs
    D) Phlegm-Heat in the Lungs
    B) Phlegm-Fluids Obstructing the Lungs
  56. 41) A patient presents with a cough with white watery sputum and phlegm in the throat. Their tongue is swollen and wet with a sticky white coating. Their pulse is rolling and slow. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Phlegm-Fluids Obstructing the Lungs
    B) Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Water
    C) Cold Phlegm in the Lungs
    D) Damp-Phlegm in the Lungs
    C) Cold Phlegm in the Lungs
  57. 50) A patient presents with a dry cough, dry throat, and a hoarse voice. Their tongue is dry but not red and their pulse is deficient, especially on the right front position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Lung Yin Deficiency
    B) Lung Dryness
    C) Lung Qi Deficiency
    D) Lung Heat
    B) Lung Dryness
  58. 43) A patient presents with a dry cough with occasional expectoration of scanty sputum, and a feeling of oppression of the chest. Their tongue is swollen with a dry sticky coating and their pulse is thready and rolling. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Dry-Phlegm in the Lungs
    B) Lung Heat
    C) Phlegm-Heat in the Lungs
    D) Lung Dryness
    A) Dry-Phlegm in the Lungs
  59. 129) A patient presents with a feeling of distension and slight pain of the chest. They have a feeling of tightness of the chest, slight shortness of breath, sighing, a feeling of a lump in the throat, palpitations, depression, irritability, poor appetite, weak and cold limbs, and slightly purple lips, and a pale complexion. Their tongue is slightly pale-purple on the sides in the chest area and their pulse is deficient but very slightly surging on the left front position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Qi Stagnation
    B) Heart Blood Stagnation
    C) Blood Stasis of the Pericardium
    D) Qi Stagnation in the Pericardium
    D) Qi Stagnation in the Pericardium
  60. 67) A patient presents with a feeling of distension. They are irritable and they have a feeling of heat. Their tongue is red on the sides and string-taut, especially on the left side and slightly rapid. What is this patient�s diagnosis?

    A) Liver Yang Rising
    B) Stagnant Liver Qi Turning into Heat
    C) Liver Fire Blazing
    D) Liver Qi Stagnation
    B) Stagnant Liver Qi Turning into Heat
  61. 21) A patient presents with a feeling of distension, depression, and moodiness. Their tongue is normal and their pulse is string-taut, especially on the left side. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver Blood Stasis
    B) Phlegm Misting the Mind
    C) Stagnant Liver Qi Turning into Heat
    D) Liver Qi Stagnation
    D) Liver Qi Stagnation
  62. 89) A patient presents with a feeling of oppression and pain of the chest, mental confusion, rash behavior, a tendency to hit or scold people, and uncontrolled laughter or crying. They have mental depression and dullness, along with manic behavior. Their tongue is red, swollen with yellow, dry sticky coating, deep Heart crack. The tip may be redder and swollen with red points. Their pulse is rapid, excess, and string-taut. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Phlegm Misting the Mind
    B) Phlegm-Fire Harassing the Pericardium
    C) Phlegm Fire Misting the Mind
    D) Liver Fire Blazing
    B) Phlegm-Fire Harassing the Pericardium
  63. 160) A patient presents with a fever and bloody urine. They describe their urine as frequent, urgent, scorching, and painful when they urinate. They have also had back pain for a few days now. They have a red tongue body with yellow and slimy tongue fur and a rolling and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Small Intestine Repletion Heat
    B) Urinary Bladder Damp-Heat
    C) Urinary Bladder Heat
    D) Urinary Bladder Damp Turbidity
    B) Urinary Bladder Damp-Heat
  64. 61) A patient presents with a fever at night, and delirium. Their tongue is red and dry without coating and their pulse is thready and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Yin Deficiency
    B) Heat in the Pericardium
    C) Phlegm Fire Misting the Mind
    D) Pericardium Fire
    B) Heat in the Pericardium
  65. 83) A patient presents with a fever, aversion to cold, stiff neck, and pain in the posterior aspect of the head. They also have a superficial pulse. What additional signs and symptoms would they need to show in order to diagnose them with Invasion of Taiyang by Wind?

    A) No sweating and a tense pulse
    B) Sweating and a slowing down pulse
    C) Sore throat and a rapid pulse
    D) Runny nose and a slowing down pulse
    B) Sweating and a slowing down pulse
  66. 59) A patient presents with a fine tremor and a facial tic. They have dizziness, blurred vision, and scanty periods. Their tongue is pale and thin and their pulse is string-taut and thready. What is this patient�s diagnosis?

    A) Liver Fire Generating Wind
    B) Liver Blood Deficiency Generating Wind
    C) Liver Yang Rising
    D) Extreme heat generating Wind
    B) Liver Blood Deficiency Generating Wind
  67. 96) A patient presents with a headache, irritability, red face, and red eyes. Their tongue has a red body, redder on the sides, and a dry yellow coating. Their pulse is excess, string-taut, and rapid. What is this patient�s diagnosis?

    A) Liver Yang Rising
    B) Liver Fire Blazing
    C) Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver Yin Deficiency
    D) Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver Blood Deficiency
    B) Liver Fire Blazing
  68. 91) A patient presents with a string-taut, rapid, and forceful pulse. Their tongue is red with a yellow coating. Of the following options, which group of signs and symptoms would they most likely present?

    A) Pain in the hypochondria, headache, dizziness, red and sore eyes, hearing loss, swelling in the ears, bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, and a short temper.
    B) Epigastric focal distention, fullness and tightness with very slight or no pain, dry heaves or frank vomiting, borborygmus with diarrhea, and a reduced appetite.
    C) Alternating fever and chills, dry throat, bitter or sour taste in the mouth, dizziness, irritability, sensation of fullness in the chest and hypochondria (often experienced as difficulty in taking deep breaths), heartburn, nausea and vomiting, and a reduced appetite.
    D) Continuous menstruation or uterine bleeding that alternates between trickling and gushing of blood. The blood is very red and may contain dark purple clots.
    A) Pain in the hypochondria, headache, dizziness, red and sore eyes, hearing loss, swelling in the ears, bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, and a short temper.
  69. 152) A patient presents with a swollen tongue with a thick, white, and greasy coating. Their pulse is moderate. Of the following options, which group of signs and symptoms would they most likely present?

    A) Dizziness, nausea, palpitations, focal distention and a stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm, and coughing with copious sputum that is easily expectorated.
    B) Vomiting, coughing, palpitations, heavy sensation in the head, dizziness, loose stools, generalized edema, deep aching and heaviness in the extremities, urinary difficulty, and abdominal pain which is aggravated by cold.
    C) Tenseness in the lower abdomen, cold sensation in the lower half of the body, weakness of the lower extremities, and low back pain.
    D) Loose stools, increased desire to sleep, easily-fatigued, heavy sensation in the limbs, acid regurgitation, belching, nausea, loss of taste and appetite, and distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen.
    D) Loose stools, increased desire to sleep, easily-fatigued, heavy sensation in the limbs, acid regurgitation, belching, nausea, loss of taste and appetite, and distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen.
  70. 123) A patient presents with a white, greasy tongue coating and a string-taut and rolling pulse. Which one of the following groups of signs and symptoms would you expect to see this patient present?

    A) Dizziness or vertigo (possibly severe), headache, stifling sensation in the chest, nausea or vomiting, and copious sputum.
    B) Dizziness, vertigo, nausea or vomiting, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, and indeterminate gnawing hunger.
    C) Coughing with copious, white sputum that is easily expectorated. Focal distention and a stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.
    D) Focal distention and fullness in the chest and epigastrium, abdominal distention with occasional pain, rotten smelling belching, acid regurgitation, nausea and vomiting, aversion to food, and they may also have diarrhea.
    A) Dizziness or vertigo (possibly severe), headache, stifling sensation in the chest, nausea or vomiting, and copious sputum.
  71. 65) A patient presents with hypochondrial fullness, a bitter taste in the mouth, and genital skin rashes and itching. Their tongue has a thick, sticky, yellow coating bilaterally and their pulse is rolling, string-taut and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Damp-Heat in the Liver
    B) Damp-Heat in the Gall Bladder and Liver
    C) Damp Heat in the Gall Bladder
    D) Damp-Heat in the Bladder
    B) Damp-Heat in the Gall Bladder and Liver
  72. 55) A patient presents with a lack of taste sensation. They have a poor appetite, epigastric discomfort, and they are tired. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deficient, especially on the right middle position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Cold Invading the Stomach
    B) Stomach and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    C) Stomach Qi Deficiency
    D) Spleen Qi Deficiency
    B) Stomach and Spleen Qi Deficiency
  73. 36) A patient presents with a lower backache, a feeling of cold, and loose stools. Which one of the following would cause this?

    A) Kidney Yang Deficiency
    B) Kidney and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    C) Spleen Yang Deficiency
    D) Kidney and Spleen Yang Deficiency
    D) Kidney and Spleen Yang Deficiency
  74. 6) A patient presents with a lower backache, dizziness, tinnitus, cold and weak knees, a sensation of cold in the lower back, a feeling of cold, weak legs, bright-white complexion, tiredness, lassitude, abundant clear urination, urination at night, apathy, edema of the legs, infertility in women, loose stools, depression, and decreased libido. Their tongue is pale and wet and their pulse is deep and weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency
    B) Kidney Qi Deficiency
    C) Kidney Yang Deficiency
    D) Heart Blood and Spleen Yang Deficiency
    C) Kidney Yang Deficiency
  75. 170) A patient presents with a pale and thin tongue, what signs and symptoms would you expect to see?

    A) Pale face, a weak voice, slight sweating (in daytime), slight shortness of breath, tiredness, a lack of appetite, and a deficient pulse.
    B) Bright Pale face, weak voice, slight sweating in daytime, slight shortness of breath, tiredness, a lack of appetite, chilliness, cold limbs, absence of thirst, a desire for hot drinks, loose stool, and frequent pale urination.
    C) Feeling of heat in the afternoon or evening, a dry mouth with a desire to drink in small sips, a dry throat at night, night sweating, a feeling of heat in the chest, palms and soles, dry stools, and scanty dark urine.
    D) Dull white sallow complexion, dizziness, poor memory, numbness or tingling, blurred vision, insomnia, pale lips, scanty periods or amenorrhea, depression, and slight anxiety.
    D) Dull white sallow complexion, dizziness, poor memory, numbness or tingling, blurred vision, insomnia, pale lips, scanty periods or amenorrhea, depression, and slight anxiety.
  76. 43) A patient presents with a pale, swollen tongue with thin, white, and moist coating. They have a frail pulse which is submerged and faint at the proximal position. Which one of the following groups of signs and symptoms would you most likely see in this patient?

    A) Dizziness, blurred vision, lusterless complexion and nails, generalized muscle tension, irregular menstruation with little flow or amenorrhea, periumbilical and lower abdominal pain.
    B) Pallid or sallow complexion, palpitations with anxiety that may be continuous, reduced appetite, shortness of breath, laconic speech, easily fatigued extremities, light-headedness, and vertigo.
    C) Palpitations with anxiety, irritability, insomnia, emaciation, shortness of breath, constipation, and a dry mouth and throat
    D) Low back pain, weakness of the lower extremities, cold sensation in the lower half of the body, and tenseness in the lower abdomen. They are also irritable to the point of having difficulty lying down and will breathe most comfortably while leaning against something.
  77. 37) A patient presents with a pale, red tongue with a dry, thin coating. Their pulse is deficient and rapid. Of the following options, which one of the following groups of signs and symptoms would they be most likely to present?

    A) Chronic cough with sparse sputum that is difficult to expectorate, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, and a dry mouth and tongue.
    B) Cough with deep-seated sputum that is difficult to expectorate, wheezing, and a dry and sore throat.
    C) Hiccough, nausea, dry heaves or retching. They could also have vomiting resulting from debility after a prolonged illness or heat from deficiency of the stomach.
    D) Irritability, inability to sleep, palpitations, night sweats, dizziness and vertigo, and a dry throat and mouth.
    A) Chronic cough with sparse sputum that is difficult to expectorate, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, and a dry mouth and tongue.
  78. 34) A patient presents with a pale tongue with a white coating. They have a superficial, weak, and soft pulse. Which one of the following groups of signs and symptoms would you expect to see this patient present?

    A) Aversion to drafts, spontaneous sweating, recurrent colds, and a shiny, pale complexion.
    B) Pallid complexion, low and soft voice, reduced appetite, loose stools, and weakness in the limbs.
    C) Abdominal pain which is aggravated by cold, urinary difficulty, deep aching and heaviness in the extremities, and they may also have generalized edema, loose stools, dizziness, and a heavy sensation in the head.
    D) Extremely cold extremities, aversion to cold, sleeping with knees drawn up, lethargic state with a constant desire to sleep, vomiting, diarrhea with undigested food particles, and abdominal pain.
    A) Aversion to drafts, spontaneous sweating, recurrent colds, and a shiny, pale complexion.
  79. 176) A patient presents with a red and thin tongue, what signs and symptoms would you expect to see?

    A) Feeling of heat in the afternoon or evening, a dry mouth with a desire to drink in small sips, a dry throat at night, night sweating, a feeling of heat in the chest, palms and soles, dry stools, and scanty dark urine.
    B) Bright Pale face, weak voice, slight sweating in daytime, slight shortness of breath, tiredness, a lack of appetite, chilliness, cold limbs, absence of thirst, a desire for hot drinks, loose stool, and frequent pale urination.
    C) Pale face, a weak voice, slight sweating (in daytime), slight shortness of breath, tiredness, a lack of appetite, and a deficient pulse.
    D) Dull white sallow complexion, dizziness, poor memory, numbness or tingling, blurred vision, insomnia, pale lips, scanty periods or amenorrhea, depression, and slight anxiety.
    A) Feeling of heat in the afternoon or evening, a dry mouth with a desire to drink in small sips, a dry throat at night, night sweating, a feeling of heat in the chest, palms and soles, dry stools, and scanty dark urine.
  80. 17) A patient presents with a tongue ulcer, thirst, and palpitations. They have a bitter taste in their mouth after a bad night's sleep. Their tongue is red, tip redder and swollen with red points, and a yellow coating. Their pulse is abrupt. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Fire Blazing
    B) Phlegm Fire Misting the Mind
    C) Heat in the Pericardium
    D) Pericardium Fire
    A) Heart Fire Blazing
  81. 8) A patient presents with a tremor, facial tic, severe dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, dry eyes, blurred vision, numbness of limbs, poor memory, backache, scanty urination, and night sweats. Their tongue is normal colored without coating and their pulse is string-taut and thready. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    B) Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver Blood Deficiency
    C) Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver Yin Deficiency
    D) Extreme Heat generating Wind
    A) Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
  82. 39) A patient presents with a tremor, propensity to outbursts of anger, thirst, bitter taste, constipation with dry stools, and hematemesis. Their tongue is red with redder sides and dry yellow coating and their pulse is string-taut and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver Blood Deficiency Generating Wind
    B) Extreme heat generating Wind
    C) Liver Fire Generating Wind
    D) Liver Yang Rising
    C) Liver Fire Generating Wind
  83. 20) A patient presents with a withered, dried-up yellow complexion. What does this indicate?

    A) Stomach and Spleen Deficiency
    B) Heat in the Stomach and Spleen
    C) Damp-Heat, with a prevalence of Dampness.
    D) Damp-Heat, with a prevalence of Heat.
    B) Heat in the Stomach and Spleen
  84. 87) A patient presents with abdominal fullness, and a feeling of heaviness. Their tongue is pale with a sticky white coating and their pulse is rolling and slow. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Cold Invading the Stomach
    B) Cold-Dampness Invading the Spleen
    C) Stomach Deficient and Cold
    D) Retention of Food in the Stomach
    B) Cold-Dampness Invading the Spleen
  85. 31) A patient presents with abdominal fullness, and a feeling of heaviness. Their tongue is red with a sticky yellow coating and their pulse is rolling and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Damp-Heat Invading the Spleen
    B) Damp-Heat in the Stomach
    C) Obstruction of Spleen by Dampness with Stagnation of Liver Qi
    D) Retention of Food in the Stomach
    A) Damp-Heat Invading the Spleen
  86. 39) A patient presents with abdominal pain, a tongue ulcer, and scanty, dark, painful urination. Their tongue is red with a redder and swollen tip with a yellow coating and their pulse is surging, rapid, especially in the front position. It is also string-taut on the left rear position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Damp-Heat in the Bladder
    B) Full-Heat in the Small Intestine
    C) Pericardium Fire
    D) Heart Fire Blazing
    B) Full-Heat in the Small Intestine
  87. 34) A patient presents with abdominal pain and diarrhea with mucus and blood in the stools. Their tongue sired with a sticky yellow coating and their pulse is rolling and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heat Obstructing the Large Intestine
    B) Full-Heat in the Small Intestine
    C) Heat in the Large Intestine
    D) Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine
    D) Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine
  88. 30) A patient presents abdominal pain which is aggravated by cold and urinary difficulty. They have a deep aching and heaviness in the extremities. They have palpitations, coughing, and vomiting. What kind of tongue and pulse would you expect them to have?

    A) Pale or dark swollen tongue with tooth marks, and a white, slippery tongue coating. Their pulse is deep, thready, and forceless.
    B) White, slippery tongue coating and a thready, weak, and slow pulse.
    C) A white greasy tongue coating and a moderate, soft pulse
    D) Yellow, greasy tongue coating and a rolling, rapid pulse
    A) Pale or dark swollen tongue with tooth marks, and a white, slippery tongue coating. Their pulse is deep, thready, and forceless.
  89. 89) A patient presents with acid regurgitation. They have been feeling a sensation of distress in the chest and have been having hypochondriac distension. They have a dryness and bitter taste in the mouth along with constipation and irritability. They have red eyes and also complain of a ringing in their ears. They've also been feeling a bit sad and haven't really been excited about much or interested in doing much. Their tongue is red with a yellow coating and their pulse is string-taut and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Insufficiency of Blood
    B) Depression of Qi in the Liver
    C) Stagnation of Phlegm
    D) Transformation of Depressed Qi into Fire
    D) Transformation of Depressed Qi into Fire
  90. 83) A patient presents with alternation of constipation and diarrhea, abdominal distension, and abdominal pain. Their tongue is normal colored and their pulse is string-taut on the left and weak on the right. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Rebellious Liver Qi
    B) Liver Qi Stagnation
    C) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Spleen
    D) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Stomach
    C) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Spleen
  91. 77) A patient presents with aversion to cold and sneezing. Their tongue has a thin white coating and their pulse is superficial and tense. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Cold
    B) Damp-Phlegm in the Lungs
    C) Lung Qi Deficiency
    D) Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Water
    A) Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Cold
  92. 56) A patient presents with backache and night sweating. Their tongue is normal colored without coating and their pulse is superficial and deficient. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Kidney Yin Deficiency, Empty-Heat Blazing
    B) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency
    D) Kidney Essence Deficiency
    B) Kidney Yin Deficiency
  93. 63) A patient presents with blood spots under the skin. They have a poor appetite, sight abdominal distension after eating. They also have tiredness, lassitude, pale-sallow complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, depression, a tendency to obesity, and blood in the urine. The patient also has excessive uterine bleeding. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is thready or weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver Fire Blazing
    B) Liver Blood Deficiency
    C) Spleen Not Controlling the Blood
    D) Liver and Spleen Blood Deficiency
    C) Spleen Not Controlling the Blood
  94. 80) A patient presents with blurred vision and dry eyes. Their tongue is normal with a rootless coating and their pulse is superficial and deficient. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver Yin Deficiency
    B) Liver Fire Blazing
    C) Liver Blood Deficiency
    D) Liver Blood Stasis
    A) Liver Yin Deficiency
  95. 36) A patient presents with blurred vision, scanty periods, and a dull pale complexion. Their tongue is pale especially on the sides. The tongue is also thin and slightly dry. Their pulse is hesitant. What is this patient�s diagnosis?

    A) Liver Blood Deficiency
    B) Liver Yin Deficiency
    C) Liver Blood Stasis
    D) Liver Qi Deficiency
    A) Liver Blood Deficiency
  96. 47) A patient presents with breathlessness, asthma, fullness of the hypochondrium, and a headache. Their tongue is red with redder sides and a dry, yellow coating. Their pulse is string-taut. What is this patient�s diagnosis?

    A) Liver Fire Insulting the Lungs
    B) Lung Yin Deficiency
    C) Stagnant Liver Qi Turning into Heat with Lung Yin Deficiency
    D) Liver Fire Blazing
    C) Stagnant Liver Qi Turning into Heat with Lung Yin Deficiency
  97. 42) A patient presents with burning on urination, dark urine, and difficult urination. Their tongue has a thick sticky yellow coating on the root with red spots and their pulse is rolling-rapid and slightly string-taut on the left rear position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Damp Heat in the Gall Bladder
    B) Damp Heat in the Liver and Gall Bladder
    C) Damp-heat in the Liver Channel
    D) Damp-Heat in the Bladder
    D) Damp-Heat in the Bladder
  98. 35) A patient presents with burning sensation in the epigastrium, and thirst with a desire to drink cold liquids. Their pulse is rapid and slightly surging on the right middle position. Their tongue is red in the center with a dry yellow coating. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Damp-Heat invading the Spleen
    B) Damp-Heat in the Stomach
    C) Obstruction of Spleen by Dampness with Stagnation of Liver Qi
    D) Stomach Fire
    D) Stomach Fire
  99. 78) A patient presents with chronic diarrhea and a prolapsed anus. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deep, thready, and weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Small Intestine Collapse
    B) Small Intestine Deficient and Cold
    C) Collapse of Large Intestine
    D) Spleen Qi Sinking
    C) Collapse of Large Intestine
  100. 43) A patient presents with chronic tiredness, feeling of oppression of the chest, dizziness, and muzziness. What is their diagnosis?

    A) Retention of Phlegm
    B) Spleen Yang Deficiency
    C) Kidney Yang Deficiency
    D) Retention of Dampness
    A) Retention of Phlegm
  101. 112) A patient presents with constipation. As you start talking with them you quickly notice that they are not normal. They appear confused, say things that do not make sense and have a frenetic movement to them. They laugh and then start crying for no apparent reason. Overall, they seem pretty manic. They have a red tongue body with yellow and slimy tongue fur and a rolling and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Fire Flaming Upward
    B) Irregularity of the Heart Vessel
    C) Phlegm Fire Harassing the Heart
    D) Phlegm Confounding the Heart
    C) Phlegm Fire Harassing the Heart
  102. 24) A patient presents with constipation with bitty stools. They have abdominal distension and pain. Their tongue is normal and their pulse is string-taut on both rear positions. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Qi Stagnation in the Large Intestine
    B) Heat Obstructing the Large Intestine
    C) Heat in the Large Intestine
    D) Large Intestine Dry
    A) Qi Stagnation in the Large Intestine
  103. 64) A patient presents with constipation, sweating especially on the limbs, abdominal pain, and fever. Their tongue has a thick dry yellow coating and a red body. Their pulse is deep and excess. What is this patient�s diagnosis?

    A) Heat Obstructing the Large Intestine
    B) Qi Stagnation in the Large Intestine
    C) Damp-Heat in the Large Intestine
    D) Heat in the Large Intestine
    A) Heat Obstructing the Large Intestine
  104. 94) A patient presents with cough, panting, copious, foamy phlegm, in severe cases an inability to lie flat, no thirst or little thirst, inhibited urination, white and glossy tongue fur and a string-taut and tense pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Water-Cold Shooting into the Lung
    B) Heart and Lung Qi Vacuity
    C) Lung and Spleen Qi Vacuity
    D) Phlegm Turbidity Obstructing the Lung
    A) Water-Cold Shooting into the Lung
  105. 10) A patient presents with difficult urination, a feeling of heaviness, and pale turbid urine. Their tongue has a white sticky coating on the root and their pulse is rolling, slow and slightly string-taut on left rear position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Damp-Cold in the Bladder
    B) Kidney Yang Deficiency
    C) Kidney Essence Deficiency
    D) Bladder Deficient and Cold
    A) Damp-Cold in the Bladder
  106. 190) A patient presents with difficulty sleeping and frequent dreaming when they do actually get to sleep. They are timid and seem to be easily frightened, but this is their first acupuncture treatment, so you're not sure if it is them or just the situation. They appear to be really weak, short of breath, and have a hard time talking. They break out into a sweat while they are talking with you. They have a dry throat and a bitter taste in their mouth. They also mention that they have blurred vision. They have a pale tongue body with white tongue fur and a string-taut, thready and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Gallbladder Heat Congesting and Stagnating
    B) Liver and Gallbladder Damp-Heat
    C) Vacuity Vexation of the Liver and Gallbladder
    D) Depressed Gallbladder with Phlegm Harassing
    C) Vacuity Vexation of the Liver and Gallbladder
  107. 9) A patient presents with discomfort in the epigastrium that is better after eating. They are tired and have cold limbs. Their tongue is pale and wet and their pulse is deep, weak, and slow, especially on the right middle position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Stomach and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    B) Stomach Qi Deficiency
    C) Cold Invading the Stomach
    D) Stomach Deficient and Cold
    D) Stomach Deficient and Cold
  108. 49) A patient presents with discomfort of the chest, palpitations, and insomnia. Their tongue is pale, thin, and slightly dry. Their pulse is hesitant, but very slightly hard on the left front position. What is this patient�s diagnosis?

    A) Blood Deficiency of the Pericardium
    B) Heart Qi Deficiency
    C) Heart Blood Deficiency
    D) Lung Qi and Heart Blood Deficiency
    A) Blood Deficiency of the Pericardium
  109. 55) A patient presents with dizziness of the head and eyes, fright palpitations, vexing heat, difficulty in sleeping, fullness and oppression of the chest and rib-side, a bitter taste in the mouth with a desire to vomit, yellow and slimy tongue fur and a rolling ad slightly rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Vacuity Vexation of the Liver and Gallbladder
    B) Liver and Gallbladder Damp-Heat
    C) Gallbladder Heat Congesting and Stagnating
    D) Depressed Gallbladder with Phlegm Harassing
    D) Depressed Gallbladder with Phlegm Harassing
  110. 32) A patient presents with dribbling after urination, chronic vaginal discharge, and backache. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deep-weak, especially in the rear positions. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Kidney and Spleen Yang Deficiency
    B) Kidneys Failing to Receive Qi
    C) Kidney Essence Deficiency
    D) Kidney Qi Not Firm
    D) Kidney Qi Not Firm
  111. 79) A patient presents with dry cough, dizziness, tinnitus, night sweating. Their tongue is normal colored without coating and the pulse is superficial and deficient. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Lung Dryness
    B) Lung Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency
    D) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency
  112. 97) A patient presents with dry cough, weak-hoarse voice, dry throat, and night sweating. Their pulse is superficial and empty and their tongue is normal colored and dry without coating in the front part. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Lung Yin Deficiency
    B) Invasion of the Lungs by Wind-Heat
    C) Lung Dryness
    D) Lung Qi Deficiency
    A) Lung Yin Deficiency
  113. 41) A patient presents with dry eyes, dry throat, night sweating, and scanty menstruation. Which one of the following would cause this?

    A) Liver Yin Deficiency
    B) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency
    D) Kidney Yin Deficiency, Empty-Heart Blazing
    C) Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiency
  114. 7) A patient presents with dry stools that are difficult to discharge. They have a thin body. Their tongue is dry and pale with rootless coating and their pulse is thready. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heat Obstructing the Large Intestine
    B) Heat in the Large Intestine
    C) Qi Stagnation in the Large Intestine
    D) Large Intestine Dry
    D) Large Intestine Dry
  115. 76) A patient presents with dull abdominal pain, borborygmi, and diarrhea. Their tongue has a pale body and a white coating. Their pulse is deep, weak, and slow. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Small Intestine Deficient and Cold
    B) Large Intestine Cold
    C) Cold Invading the Large Intestine
    D) Small Intestine Qi Pain
    A) Small Intestine Deficient and Cold
  116. 82) A patient presents with dull epigastric pain and a dry mouth. Their tongue is without coating in the center and their pulse is superficial and deficient on the right middle position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Stomach Fire
    B) Stomach Qi Stagnation
    C) Stomach Qi Deficiency
    D) Stomach Yin Deficiency
    D) Stomach Yin Deficiency
  117. 58) A patient presents with epigastric and hypochondrial distension and pain, hiccup, and vomiting. Their tongue is normal colored and their pulse is string-taut on the left and weak on the right. What is this patient�s diagnosis?

    A) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Stomach
    B) Liver Qi Stagnation
    C) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Spleen
    D) Rebellious Liver Qi
    A) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Stomach
  118. 86) A patient presents with epigastric fullness and sour regurgitation. Their tongue has a thick white tongue coating and their pulse is excess and rolling. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Retention of Food in the Stomach
    B) Damp-Heat Invading the Spleen
    C) Stomach Qi Rebelling Upwards
    D) Damp-Heat in the Stomach
    A) Retention of Food in the Stomach
  119. 75) A patient presents with epigastric pain and distension, belching, nausea, vomiting, hiccup, and irritability. Their tongue has no particular signs on it and their pulse is string-taut on the right middle position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Retention of Food in the Stomach
    B) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Stomach
    C) Stomach Qi Stagnation
    D) Stomach Qi Rebelling Upwards
    C) Stomach Qi Stagnation
  120. 84) A patient presents with facial pain. They have a block nose, epigastric fullness, a feeling of heaviness, and nausea. Their tongue is red with a sticky yellow coating and their pulse is rolling and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Damp-Heat Invading the Spleen
    B) Damp-Heat in the Stomach
    C) Obstruction of Spleen by Dampness with Stagnation of Liver Qi
    D) Stomach Fire
    B) Damp-Heat in the Stomach
  121. 153) A patient presents with frequent, clear urination. They are always cold and their limbs are freezing despite the fact that they are wearing a sweater and the heater is on. They also have a bright white facial color. They also have a pale and fat tongue body with moist, white tongue fur and a deep, thready, slow, and weak pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Kidney Not Absorbing Qi
    B) Insecurity of Kidney Qi
    C) Insufficiency of Kidney Essence
    D) Urinary Bladder Vacuity Cold
    D) Urinary Bladder Vacuity Cold
  122. 16) A patient presents with frequent pale abundant urination. Their tongue is pale and wet and their pulse is deep and weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Kidney Yang Deficiency
    B) Kidney Essence Deficiency
    C) Damp-Cold in the Bladder
    D) Bladder Deficient and Cold
    D) Bladder Deficient and Cold
  123. 85) A patient presents with fullness and distension of the hypogastrium with pain which refers downwards to the scrotum and testis and upwards to the hypochondrium. The pain is alleviated by warmth, straining of the testis or contraction of the scrotum. They also report that they have a vertical headache, feeling of cold, cold hands and feet. They have also been vomiting clear watery fluid or dry vomiting. Their tongue is pale and wet with a white coating and their pulse is deep, string-taut, and slow. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Stagnation of Cold in the Liver Channel
    B) Damp-Cold in the Lower Jiao
    C) Stagnation of Damp-Cold in the Liver Channel
    D) Damp-Cold Stagnating in the Spleen and Stomach transferring to the Liver
    A) Stagnation of Cold in the Liver Channel
  124. 52) A patient presents with fullness of the epigastrium, and hypochondrial distension. Their tongue has a thick sticky yellow coating and their pulse is rolling and string-taut. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Stomach
    B) Damp-Heat in the Stomach
    C) Obstruction of Spleen by Dampness with Stagnation of Liver Qi
    D) Stomach Deficient and Cold
    C) Obstruction of Spleen by Dampness with Stagnation of Liver Qi
  125. 15) A patient presents with fullness of the hypochondrium and abdomen, feeling of heaviness, nausea, a bitter and sticky taste in the mouth. Their tongue has a red body with redder sides, and a sticky yellow coating. Their pulse is rolling, string-taut, and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Damp-Heat in the Liver
    B) Damp-Heat in the Liver and Gall Bladder
    C) Stagnant Liver Qi Turning into Heat
    D) Damp Heat in the Gall Bladder
    A) Damp-Heat in the Liver
  126. 78) A patient presents with headache and irritability. Their tongue is normal and their pulse is string-taut. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Extreme Heat generating Wind
    B) Liver Yang Rising
    C) Liver Yang Rising causing Liver Wind
    D) Liver Fire Blazing
    B) Liver Yang Rising
  127. 81) A patient presents with hypochondrial or epigastric distension, hiccup, sighing, nausea, vomiting, belching, and a churning feeling in the stomach. Their tongue is normal and their pulse is string-taut. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Rebellious Liver Qin Invading the Stomach
    B) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Spleen
    C) Rebellious Liver Qi
    D) Liver Qi Stagnation
    C) Rebellious Liver Qi
  128. 31) A patient presents with hypogastric pain referring to the scrotum, and cold hands and feet. Their tongue is pale and wet with a white coating and their pulse is deep, string-taut, and slow. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Stagnation of Cold in the Liver Channel
    B) Liver Yang Deficiency
    C) Liver Qi Stagnation
    D) Liver Blood Deficiency
    A) Stagnation of Cold in the Liver Channel
  129. 15) A patient presents with insomnia in the sense of waking up many times during the night. This could indicate all of the following conditions except:

    A) Lung Yin Deficiency
    B) Heart Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    D) Liver Yin Deficiency
    A) Lung Yin Deficiency
  130. 107) A patient presents with jaundice. They have dull-yellow eyes and skin, hypochondriac pain, fullness and distension, nausea, vomiting, and inability to digest fats. They have dull-yellow sclera, turbid urine, lack of thirst, and a sticky taste. They also have a dull headache and a feeling of heaviness of the body. Their tongue has a thick sticky white coating that is either bilateral in two strips or unilateral. Their pulse is rolling and string-taut. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Damp-Heat in the Liver and Gall Bladder
    B) Dampness in the Gall Bladder
    C) Damp-Heat in the Liver
    D) Damp-Heat in the Gall Bladder
    B) Dampness in the Gall Bladder
  131. 65) A patient presents with lack of appetite, tiredness and breathlessness. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deficient, especially on the right side. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Spleen Qi Deficiency
    B) Lung Qi Deficiency
    C) Stomach Qi Deficiency
    D) Spleen and Lung Qi Deficiency
    D) Spleen and Lung Qi Deficiency
  132. 33) A patient presents with loose stools, feeling cold, cold limbs, and tiredness. Their tongue is pale and wet
    and their pulse is deep and weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Stomach Deficiency and Cold
    B) Cold Invading the Stomach
    C) Spleen Yang Deficiency
    D) Cold-Dampness Invading the Spleen
    C) Spleen Yang Deficiency
  133. 69) A patient presents with loose stools, scanty periods, and blurred vision. Their tongue has a pale body especially on the sides, which, in extreme cases, can assume an orange color and dry. Their pulse is hesitant. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Spleen and Liver Blood Deficiency
    B) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Spleen
    C) Liver Blood Deficiency
    D) Spleen Yang Deficiency
    A) Spleen and Liver Blood Deficiency
  134. 54) A patient presents with loose stools that they have been having for a long time. Sometimes their urine is clear and they have been having instances of incontinence in certain situations and that this has been happening more frequently. They are also very tired, have a pale complexion and their limbs are cold. You also notice that they have a low voice and seem to be having a hard time catching their breath. They apologize because they start sweating in your office. This has been happening to them fairly often lately. As you do their intake and try to figure out how to help them they also tell you that they have had asthma for several years now, but noticing that lately it has been getting worse. Their tongue is pale with a thin coating and their pulse is weak and deficient. Which one of the following best describes this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Kidney Yang Deficiency
    B) Kidney Qi Not Firm
    C) Lung and Kidney Qi Deficiency
    D) Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    C) Lung and Kidney Qi Deficiency
  135. 166) A patient presents with loose stools that they have been having for a long time. They have also been having abundant clear urination and urination at night. They are also very tired, have a pale complexion and their limbs are cold. You find out that they have also been having a ringing in the ears. It is pretty constant but sometimes it isn't as noticeable as other times. They have also been noticing that they get dizzy a decent amount of time. Sometimes it is when they sit up or stand up too quickly but other times it seems to happen for no apparent reason. They have also been feeling fairly depressed lately and lastly they were wondering if there was anything you could do to help them with their impotence. They have noticed that their libido has decreased. Their tongue is pale with a thin coating and their pulse is weak and deficient. Which one of the following best describes this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Lung and Kidney Qi Deficiency
    B) Kidney Yang Deficiency
    C) Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    D) Kidney Qi Not Firm
    B) Kidney Yang Deficiency
  136. 36) A patient presents with lower abdominal twisting pain, and borborygmis. Their tongue has a white coating and their pulse is deep, string-taut, especially on the rear positions. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Cold Invading the Small Intestine
    B) Small Intestine Qi Pain
    C) Small Intestine Qi Tied
    D) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Spleen
    B) Small Intestine Qi Pain
  137. 26) A patient presents with malar flush, dizziness, tinnitus, and a feeling of heat in the afternoon. Their tongue is red, cracked with a red tip, and without coating. Their pulse is superficial, deficient, and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver Yin Deficiency
    B) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidney Yin Deficiency, Empty-Heat Blazing
    D) Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidney Yin Deficiency, Empty-Heat Blazing
  138. 76) A patient presents with malar flush, night sweating, and a heat sensation in the chest, palms and soles. Their tongue is red with little coating and their pulse is thready and rapid. What additional signs and symptoms would they need to present with in order for you to diagnose them with Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency?

    A) Dry throat, blurred vision, dry eyes, numbness or tingling of the limbs, hypertension, headache, tremor, tinnitus, dizziness, and tinnitus.
    B) Dry throat, spermatorrhea in dreams, soreness in the lumbar region, tinnitus, dizziness, poor memory, palpitations, insomnia, and mental restlessness.
    C) Dry throat, blurred vision, soreness and weakness of the lumbar region and knee joints, nocturnal emission, tinnitus, and deafness.
    D) Dry throat, constipation, yellow urine, nocturnal emission, soreness and weakness of the lumbar region and knee joints, insomnia, poor memory, tinnitus, and deafness.
    C) Dry throat, blurred vision, soreness and weakness of the lumbar region and knee joints, nocturnal emission, tinnitus, and deafness.
  139. 26) A patient presents with mental confusion and a rattling sound in the throat. Their tongue is swollen with a thick sticky coating and a midline crack reaching the tip (heart crack). Their pulse is rolling. What is this patient�s diagnosis?

    A) Phlegm Fire Misting the Mind
    B) Phlegm-Fire Harassing the Pericardium
    C) Pericardium Fire
    D) Phlegm Misting the Mind
    D) Phlegm Misting the Mind
  140. 180) A patient presents with mental restlessness, insomnia, tongue/mouth ulcers, pain in the throat, deafness, an uncomfortable feeling and heat sensation in the chest, abdominal pain, thirst with a desire to drink cold liquids, scanty and dark urine, burning pain on urination, and blood in the urine. Their tongue is red with redder and swollen tip and a yellow coating. Their pulse is String-taut on the left rear position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Stomach Fire Blazing
    B) Full-heat in the Small Intestine
    C) Damp-Heat in the Lower Jiao
    D) Heart Fire Blazing with Urinary Bladder Yin Deficiency
    B) Full-heat in the Small Intestine
  141. 40) A patient presents with mounting qi distention and pain, binding stagnation of the lesser abdomen that is sometimes severe, sometimes moderate, that is worse with cold and relaxes with heat. They have a white and glossy tongue fur and a deep, string-taut and slow pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Fire Flaming Upward
    B) Small Intestine Repletion Heat
    C) Small Intestine Qi Tied
    D) Small Intestine Qi Pain
    D) Small Intestine Qi Pain
  142. 4) A patient presents with nausea, vomiting and inability to digest fats. They also have hypochondrial fullness, and a feeling of heaviness. Their tongue has a thick, sticky white coating bilaterally in two strips, and their pulse is rolling and string-taut. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Dampness in the Gall Bladder
    B) Damp-Heat in the Gall Bladder and Liver
    C) Damp-Heat in the Gall Bladder
    D) Damp-Heat in the Liver
    A) Dampness in the Gall Bladder
  143. 22) A patients present with palpitations, a feeling of tightness of the chest, thirst, a bitter taste, and insomnia. Their tongue is red, tipper redder and swollen with red points, yellow coating. There may be a midline crack reaching to the tip. Their pulse is abrupt. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver Yang Rising Attacking the Heart
    B) Pericardium Fire
    C) Heart Fire Blazing
    D) Phlegm Fire Misting the Mind
    B) Pericardium Fire
  144. 68) A patient presents with palpitations, and a feeling of distension of the chest. Their tongue is slightly pale-purple on the sides in the chest area. Their pulse is deficient, but very slightly surging on the left front position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Qi Stagnation
    B) Blood Stasis in the Pericardium
    C) Qi Stagnation in the Pericardium
    D) Heart Blood Stagnation
    C) Qi Stagnation in the Pericardium
  145. 32) A patient presents with palpitations, dizziness, blurred vision, insomnia, and poor memory. Their tongue is
    pale, thin, and slightly dry and their pulse is hesitant. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart and Liver Blood Deficiency
    B) Qi Stagnation in the Pericardium
    C) Heart Fire Blazing
    D) Heart Blood Deficiency
    A) Heart and Liver Blood Deficiency
  146. 33) A patient presents with palpitations, dizziness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, poor memory, anxiety, a propensity to be startled, and a dull-pale complexion. They also have pale lips. Their tongue is pale, thin, and slightly dry. Their pulse is hesitant. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Yin Deficiency
    B) Heart Blood Deficiency
    C) Heart Yang Deficiency
    D) Heart Qi Deficiency
    B) Heart Blood Deficiency
  147. 33) A patient presents with palpitations, dizziness, tinnitus, and night sweating. The tongue is red with a redder tip without coating and a midline Heart crack. Their pulse is deep-weak on both rear positions and relatively surging on both front positions. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Pericardium Yin Deficiency
    B) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidneys and Heart Not Harmonized
    D) Heart Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidneys and Heart Not Harmonized
  148. 40) A patient presents with palpitations, insomnia, tiredness, loose stools, and scanty periods. Their tongue is pale and thin and their pulse is hesitant. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver and Heart Blood Deficiency
    B) Spleen Qi Deficiency
    C) Heart Blood Deficiency
    D) Spleen and Heart Blood Deficiency
    D) Spleen and Heart Blood Deficiency
  149. 23) A patient presents with palpitations more prominent in the evenings, insomnia, and poor memory. Their tongue is pale, thin, and slightly dry. Their pulse is hesitant. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Qi Stagnation in the Pericardium
    B) Heart Blood Deficiency
    C) Heart Qi Deficiency
    D) Blood Deficiency in the Pericardium
    B) Heart Blood Deficiency
  150. 182) A patient presents with palpitations, shortness of breath, weak and shallow breathing, profuse sweating, cold limbs, cyanosis of the lips, and grayish-white complexion. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Heart Blood Deficiency
    B) Cold Phlegm Invading the Heart
    C) Heart Yang Deficiency
    D) Heart Yang Collapse
    D) Heart Yang Collapse
  151. 116) A patient presents with palpitations, shortness of breath with inability to lie down, depression, mental restless, a flustered feeling, a feeling of oppression of the chest, stabbing or pricking pain in the heart region that comes and goes and may radiate to the upper back or shoulder, pain is aggravated by exposure to cold and alleviated by heat. They have an expectoration of phlegm, a feeling of heaviness, dislike of speaking, cold hands, sighing, purple lips, face, and nails. Their tongue is purple on the sides in the chest area, swollen with a sticky coating. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Irregularity of the Heart Vessel
    B) Heart Vessel Obstructed
    C) Heart Blood Stagnation
    D) Pericardium Blood Stagnation
    B) Heart Vessel Obstructed
  152. 133) A patient presents with palpitations, stabbing or pricking pain in the chest which may radiate to the inner aspect of the left arm or to the shoulder. They have a feeling of oppression or constriction of the chest, shortness of breath, cyanosis of lips and nails, cold hands, painful periods with dark clots. Their tongue is purple in its entirety or only on the sides in the chest area. Their pulse is string-taut. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Qi Stagnation in the Pericardium
    B) Heart Qi Stagnation
    C) Blood Stasis of the Pericardium
    D) Heart Blood Stagnation
    C) Blood Stasis of the Pericardium
  153. 75) A patient presents with premature ejaculation. This has been going on for about six months now and he is concerned. Whenever this does happen he also gets a terrible ringing in his ears and will get dizzy. He went to his doctor about it, but so far nothing has been able to help. You inquire about other aspects of his health and find out that he's also having problems with his back and knees. When you ask about his bowel movements he doesn't think there's anything all that off about them, but his urination is frequent, clear urination with dribbling after urinating. His tongue is pale with a white tongue fur and a deep and thready pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Kidney Not Absorbing Qi
    B) Insufficiency of Kidney Essence
    C) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    D) Insecurity of Kidney Qi
    D) Insecurity of Kidney Qi
  154. 100) A patient presents with poor appetite, slight abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, lassitude, desire to lie down curled up, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools, a tendency to obesity. They also are feeling cold, cold limbs, and edema. Their tongue is pale and wet. Their pulse is deep and weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Spleen Yang Deficiency
    B) Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency
    C) Kidney Yang Deficiency
    D) Stomach and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    A) Spleen Yang Deficiency
  155. 67) A patient presents with poor appetite, tiredness, and loose stools. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deficient. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Spleen Yang Deficiency
    B) Stomach Qi Deficiency
    C) Spleen Qi Deficiency
    D) Stomach Yang Deficiency
    C) Spleen Qi Deficiency
  156. 13) A patient presents with red face and lips, heart vexation, thirst, short, red, rough, and painful urination. They also have a red tongue body with yellow fur and a string-taut and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Urinary Bladder Damp Heat
    B) Small Intestine Qi Tied
    C) Small Intestine Repletion Heat
    D) Heart Fire Flaming Upward
    C) Small Intestine Repletion Heat
  157. 53) A patient presents with ringing in the ears, dizziness, and they are almost constantly tired. They are hoping that you are able to help them. They also have soreness of the lumbus and weakness of the knees and an overall lack of strength. You notice that their complexion is bright white. It takes them a long time to tell you what's wrong with them and you note that they have a, "laziness in speaking." They suddenly break out into a sweat and have panting hasty breathing, more exhalation and less inhalation. You ask them if this happens often and they explain that their breathing gets worse with any kind of exercise. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Insufficiency of Kidney Essence
    B) Lung Qi Deficiency
    C) Insecurity of Kidney Qi
    D) Kidney Not Absorbing Qi
    D) Kidney Not Absorbing Qi
  158. 48) A patient presents with seizures accompanied by copious sputum, focal distention of the chest, a bitter taste in the mouth, and slight thirst. What additional signs and symptoms would you expect for this patient to present with?

    A) Dizziness, vertigo, nausea or vomiting, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, and indeterminate gnawing hunger.
    B) Headache, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, blurred vision, a sensation of heat rushing to the head, and insomnia with dream disturbed sleep.
    C) Dizziness, nausea or vomiting, palpitations, focal distension and a stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm, coughing with copious, white sputum that is easily expectorated.
    D) Dizziness or vertigo (possibly severe), headache, stifling sensation in the chest, nausea or vomiting, and copious sputum.
    A) Dizziness, vertigo, nausea or vomiting, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, and indeterminate gnawing hunger.
  159. 165) A patient presents with short, red, rough, and painful urination. Their face and lips are red and they ask for something to drink because they are thirsty. They also have a red tongue body with yellow fur and a string-taut and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Small Intestine Repletion Heat
    B) Heart Fire Flaming Upward
    C) Small Intestine Qi Pain
    D) Small Intestine Qi Tied
    A) Small Intestine Repletion Heat
  160. 167) A patient presents with short, red urine and a fever for four days. Now in addition to this they are lying with a huddled body and have pain in the left lower abdomen. The pain is absolutely excruciating with pressure and is described as a scorching heat. Their tongue is red with yellow fur and they have a string-taut and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Large Intestine Damp-Heat
    B) Full Heat in the Small Intestine
    C) Intestinal Welling Abscess Pattern
    D) Urinary Bladder Damp Heat
    C) Intestinal Welling Abscess Pattern
  161. 10) A patient presents with short, red urine. They are also pretty constipated. Their eyes are red, swollen, and painful and they also mention that they have a headache. They appear agitated and admit to you that they have been getting angry over little stupid things that usually don't bother them. They apologize, they haven't been sleeping well lately. They ask if they can have something to drink because their throat is dry and they have a weird, bitter-like taste in their mouth. They have a red tongue with yellow fur and a string-taut and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Ascendant Hyperactivity of Liver Yang
    B) Liver Yang Transforming into Wind
    C) Extreme Heat Stirring Wind
    D) Liver Fire Flaming Upward
    D) Liver Fire Flaming Upward
  162. 49) A patient presents with shortness of breath and a weak voice. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deficient, especially on the right front position. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Lung Dryness
    B) Lung Blood Deficiency
    C) Lung Qi Deficiency
    D) Lung Yin Deficiency
    C) Lung Qi Deficiency
  163. 53) A patient presents with shortness of breath on exertion, lower backache, and clear urination. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is deep, weak, and tense. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Kidneys Failing to Receive Qi
    B) Kidney Qi Not Firm
    C) Kidney Essence Deficiency
    D) Kidney and Spleen Yang Deficiency
    A) Kidneys Failing to Receive Qi
  164. 91) A patient presents with smoky yellow skin. They also have a heavy head, a bland but slimy taste in the mouth, nausea, epigastric oppression, torpid intake, abdominal distention, pain and hypertonicity of the stomach duct and abdomen, preference for warmth, cumbersome limbs and a heavy body. They also have inhibited urination, sloppy stools. Which one of the following would cause this?

    A) Stomach Cold Qi Stagnation
    B) Spleen Yang Vacuity Pattern
    C) Spleen and Kidney Yang Vacuity
    D) Cold Damp Encumbering the Spleen
    D) Cold Damp Encumbering the Spleen
  165. 76) A patient presents with soreness and weakness in the lower back, light-headedness, vertigo, tinnitus, diminished hearing, night sweats, and spontaneous nocturnal emissions. Their tongue is red with little coating and their pulse is rapid and thin. What additional signs and symptoms may they also have?

    A) Generalized edema, loose stools, dizziness, and a heavy sensation in the head.
    B) Sores that refuse to heal and continuous spotting from uterine bleeding.
    C) Hot palms and soles, chronic dry and sore throat, toothache, and wasting and thirsting disorder.
    D) Abdominal masses with recurrent pain, restless fetus disorder, lochioschesis with a firm and painful
    abdomen, and sporadic fever and chills.
    C) Hot palms and soles, chronic dry and sore throat, toothache, and wasting and thirsting disorder.
  166. 88) A patient presents with soreness and weakness of the lumbus and knees, head dizziness, ringing in the ears or deafness, seminal emission, and a thin and emaciated body. They have a vexing heat of the five hearts, heart palpitations, difficulty in sleeping, tidal fever, night sweating, red cheeks, heart vexation, thirst, erosion and scorching pain of the lips and tongue. They also have yellow urine, bound stools, and a red tongue with yellow fur and a string-taut and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Irregularity of the Heart Vessels
    B) Non-interaction of the Heart and Kidney
    C) Kidney Yin Vacuity Pattern
    D) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    B) Non-interaction of the Heart and Kidney
  167. 59) A patient presents with soreness and weakness of the lumbus and knees, head dizziness, ringing in the ears, a bright white facial color, physical cold, cold limbs, puffy edema over the entire body, eyelids like sleeping silkworms, distention and fullness of the lower abdomen, swelling of the lower legs that maintains finger marks after pressing, heart palpitations, hasty breathing, possibly cough and panting or gurgling phlegm, scanty urine, a pale and fat tongue with glossy white fur and a deep, thready and slow pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Insecurity of Kidney Qi
    B) Kidney Yang Vacuity Pattern
    C) Kidney Vacuity Water Flood
    D) Kidney Not Absorbing Qi
    C) Kidney Vacuity Water Flood
  168. 66) A patient presents with soreness of the lumbus and weakness of the knees, head dizziness, ringing in the ears, a pale white or bright white facial color, shortage of qi, laziness in speaking, fatigue and lack of strength, frequent spontaneous sweating, panting hasty breathing, more exhalation and less inhalation, severe panting with exercise, and a pale tongue and a weak pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Insufficiency of Kidney Essence
    B) Kidney Not Absorbing Qi
    C) Lung Qi Deficiency
    D) Urinary Bladder Vacuity Cold
    B) Kidney Not Absorbing Qi
  169. 57) A patient presents with soreness of the lumbus and weakness of the knees, head dizziness, ringing in the ears, seminal emission, premature ejaculation, frequent, clear urination with dribbling after urinating. They have a pale tongue body with a white tongue fur and a deep and thready pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Insecurity of Kidney Qi
    B) Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidney Not Absorbing Qi
    D) Insufficiency of Kidney Essence
    A) Insecurity of Kidney Qi
  170. 91) A patient presents with stabbing chest pain. Their lips are purple. Their tongue is purple in its entirety. Their pulse is knotted. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Blood Stasis of the Pericardium
    B) Heart Qi Stagnation
    C) Qi Stasis in the Pericardium
    D) Heart Blood Stasis
    A) Blood Stasis of the Pericardium
  171. 7) A patient presents with stabbing pain in the epigastrium and vomiting of dark blood that looks like coffee grounds. Their tongue is purple and their pulse is string-taut. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Stasis of Blood in the Stomach
    B) Damp-Heat in the Stomach with Blood Stasis
    C) Stomach Fire
    D) Rebellious Liver Qi Invading the Stomach
    A) Stasis of Blood in the Stomach
  172. 68) A patient presents with sticky, viscous and stinking yellow leukorrhea in large quantities. Their pulse is slow and weak and their tongue is pale with a white, sticky coating. What other signs and symptoms would you expect to see with this patient?

    A) Itching in the vulva, dry stool, and scanty and yellow urine.
    B) Severe soreness of the low back, cold sensation in the lower abdomen, frequent and excessive urine, and loose stools.
    C) Lassitude, shortness of breath, apathy, and anorexia.
    D) Pale or sallow complexion, lassitude, poor appetite, loose stools, and edema in the lower limbs.
    D) Pale or sallow complexion, lassitude, poor appetite, loose stools, and edema in the lower limbs.
  173. 119) A patient presents with stools that are sometimes dry and bitty and sometimes they are loose. They also have alternation of constipation and diarrhea. You find that they are quite irritable, have flatulence, and are always tired. They also complain of abdominal distension and pain. Their tongue is normal colored and their pulse is string-taut on the left and weak on the right. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Food Retention in the Stomach
    B) Liver and Spleen Disharmony
    C) Dryness of the Large Intestine
    D) Liver and Stomach Disharmony
    B) Liver and Spleen Disharmony
  174. 9) A patient presents with sudden, cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea, and a feeling of cold. Their tongue has a thick white coating and their pulse is deep-tense. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Small Intestine Qi Tied
    B) Small Intestine Qi Pain
    C) Large Intestine Cold
    D) Cold Invading the Large Intestine
    D) Cold Invading the Large Intestine
  175. 13) A patient presents with sudden severe abdominal pain, constipation and vomiting. Their tongue has a thick white coating and their pulse is deep and string-taut. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Cold Invading the Large Intestine
    B) Qi Stagnation in the Large Intestine
    C) Small Intestine Qi Pain
    D) Small Intestine Qi Tied
    D) Small Intestine Qi Tied
  176. 66) A patient presents with sudden swelling of face and aversion to wind. Their tongue has a sticky white coating and their pulse is superficial and rolling. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Water
    B) Damp-Phlegm in the Lungs
    C) Cold Phlegm in the Lungs
    D) Invasion of the Lungs by Wind-Cold
    A) Invasion of Lungs by Wind-Water
  177. 61) A patient presents with swelling of the feet. They also have hypochondrial fullness and a bitter taste in the mouth. Their tongue has a thick sticky yellow coating bilaterally in two strips and their pulse is rolling, string-taut, and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Damp-Heat in the Gall Bladder
    B) Damp-Heat in the Gall Bladder and Liver
    C) Damp-Heat in the Liver
    D) Dampness in the Gall Bladder
    A) Damp-Heat in the Gall Bladder
  178. 52) A patient presents with tenseness (not tenesmus), agitation and a tendency to be easily angered. They have a red face and red eyes. They have a headache and distention of the eyes, possibly dizziness, yellow urine, bound stools, and a red tongue with yellow fur and a string-taut and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver Fire Flaming Upward
    B) Ascendant Hyperactivity of Liver Yang
    C) Liver Yang Transforming into Wind
    D) Extreme Heat Stirring Wind
    B) Ascendant Hyperactivity of Liver Yang
  179. 71) A patient presents with timidity, lack of initiative, and indecision. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is weak. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Gall Bladder Deficiency
    B) Dampness in the Gall Bladder
    C) Liver Qi Deficiency
    D) Kidney Essence Deficiency
    A) Gall Bladder Deficiency
  180. 174) A patient presents with tinnitus and dizziness. This started right after he got sick. He's not sure what he had, a flu like, but not really sort of thing. He didn't go to the doctor to get a diagnosis, but since then he has been having some pretty severe attacks of night sweating. Sometimes the dizziness and tinnitus is so severe that he cannot even go to work and just lays on the couch hoping that the ringing will stop. Whenever this attack happens he'll also notice that his heart will just start racing and pounding. He feels like he's going to have a heart attack, but there's no pain associated or involved. His tongue is red with a little coating and his pulse is thready and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    B) Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Hyperactivity of Liver Yang
    D) Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized
    D) Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized
  181. 88) A patient presents with tiredness, slight abdominal distension, and scanty periods. Their tongue is pale, thin, and slightly dry. Their pulse is hesitant. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Stomach and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    B) Spleen Blood Deficiency
    C) Stasis of Blood in the Stomach
    D) Liver Blood Deficiency
    B) Spleen Blood Deficiency
  182. 93) A patient presents with tremor, dizziness, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, dry throat, blurred vision, tingling of the limbs, poor memory, and insomnia. Their tongue is pale and thin and their pulse is string-taut and thready. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Extreme Heat generating Wind
    B) Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver Yin Deficiency
    C) Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver Blood Deficiency
    D) Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Liver Yang rising deriving from Liver Blood Deficiency
  183. 71) A patient presents with uterine bleeding that alternates between trickling and gushing of blood. The blood is very red and may contain dark purple clots. Their tongue is red with a rapid, wiry pulse. What accompanying signs and symptoms are also included?

    A) Simultaneous fever and chills
    B) Sores of the mouth and tongue, low grade fever, and night sweats
    C) A sensation of heat and irritability in the chest, abdominal pain, and dark urine.
    D) Immobile masses in the lower abdomen with pain and tenderness, abdominal spasms and tension, amenorrhea with abdominal distention and pain, dysmenorrhea, and retention of lochia.
    C) A sensation of heat and irritability in the chest, abdominal pain, and dark urine.
  184. 69) A patient presents with violent, boring, and fixed pain. They have a headache on exposure to wind that radiates to the nape of the neck and back. Their tongue has a thin, white coating and their pulse is string-taut. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Invasion of Pathogenic Wind into the Meridians and Collaterals
    B) Deficiency of Qi and Blood with weakness in the Meridians and Collaterals
    C) Liver Qi Stagnation with Liver Fire Rising along the Meridians and Collaterals
    D) Liver Blood Stagnation with Liver Fire Flaring Up along the Meridians and Collaterals
    A) Invasion of Pathogenic Wind into the Meridians and Collaterals
  185. 2) A patient presents with vomiting and diarrhea with cold hands and feet. The patient also has agitation so severe that they want to die. Their tongue is not red, but has a white, slippery coating and the pulse is thready and slow. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) This is weakness and deficiency of the middle burner yang (the root), and yin or cold which is
    ascendant in the interior (the manifestation)
    B) Cold attacking the middle burner
    C) Cold from deficiency of the Stomach and Liver
    D) This is Kidney yang deficiency accompanied by an increase of internal cold
    B) Cold attacking the middle burner
  186. 35) A patient presents with yellow body and eyes, a bitter taste in the mouth, rib-side pain, thirst without a large fluid intake, torpid intake, nausea, fever or alternating cold and heat, yellow, short, and turbid urine, yellow and slimy tongue fur and a string-taut and rapid pulse. They also have damp papules on their scrotum, swelling, pain and scorching heat of the testicles. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Vacuity Vexation of the Liver and Gallbladder
    B) Gallbladder Heat Congesting and Stagnating
    C) Liver and Gallbladder Damp-Heat
    D) Depressed Gallbladder with Phlegm Harassing
    C) Liver and Gallbladder Damp-Heat
  187. 102) A patient presents with yellow urine. They are also pretty constipated. Their eyes are red and distended and they mention that they have a headache. They appear tense and seem to be easily angered. They also mention that they have been getting dizzy lately. Their tongue is red tongue with yellow fur and they have a string-taut and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Liver Fire Flaming Upward
    B) Extreme Heat Stirring Wind
    C) Liver Yang Transforming into Wind
    D) Ascendant Hyperactivity of Liver Yang
    D) Ascendant Hyperactivity of Liver Yang
  188. 6) All of the following are patterns that may cause irritability except:

    A) Liver Yang Rising
    B) Blood Deficiency
    C) Full Cold
    D) Qi Stagnation
    C) Full Cold
  189. 61) Deficiency of Heart Blood often leads to deficiency of what?

    A) Lung Blood
    B) Liver Blood
    C) Spleen Blood
    D) Kidney Blood
    B) Liver Blood
  190. 20) Feeling of Cold, Cold Limbs, Bright-white complexion, profuse sweating on the forehead, listlessness, and a pale-swollen and short tongue with a hidden, slow and scattered pulse indicate which one of the following?

    A) Collapse of Yin
    B) Empty-Wind Agitating the Interior
    C) Heat Victorious Stirring Wind
    D) Collapse of Yang
    D) Collapse of Yang
  191. 16) Headache around the temples and sides does not indicate which one of the following?

    A) Liver and Gall Bladder fire
    B) Interior wind
    C) Jueyin channel disorder, usually from liver Blood Deficiency
    D) Exterior wind
    C) Jueyin channel disorder, usually from liver Blood Deficiency
  192. 11) Retardation of blood circulation due to deficiency of heart qi or weakness of heart yang, may impair the function of the lung in dispersing and descending giving rise to all of the following except:

    A) Cough
    B) Purplish lips and tongue
    C) Shortness of breath
    D) Stuffiness in the chest and a sensation of suffocation
    B) Purplish lips and tongue
  193. 3) Swelling and pain in the ear (or middle ear) is usually due to which one of the following?

    A) Presence of a pathogenic factor: full pattern
    B) Fire in the Shaoyang channel
    C) Extreme exhaustion of Kidney Qi
    D) Deficiency of Qi or Blood
    B) Fire in the Shaoyang channel
  194. 31) What are the signs and symptoms in the first stage of general yin deficiency?

    A) Palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, propensity to be startled, poor memory, anxiety, mental restlessness, uneasiness, fidgetiness, dry mouth and throat, and night sweating.
    B) Dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, poor memory, hardness of hearing, night sweating, dry mouth and throat at night, lower backache, ache in bones, nocturnal emissions, constipation, dark scanty urine, infertility, premature ejaculation, tiredness, lassitude, depression, and slight anxiety
    C) No appetite or slight hunger but with no desire to eat, constipation, dull epigastric pain, dry mouth and throat especially in the afternoon with a desire to drink in small sips and a slight feeling of fullness after eating
    D) Dizziness, numbness or tingling of limbs, insomnia, blurred vision, floaters in the eyes, dry eyes, diminished night vision, scanty menstruation, dull pale complexion without luster but with red cheekbones, muscular weakness, cramps, withered and brittle nails, very dry hair and skin, depression, and a feeling of aimlessness
    C) No appetite or slight hunger but with no desire to eat, constipation, dull epigastric pain, dry mouth and throat especially in the afternoon with a desire to drink in small sips and a slight feeling of fullness after eating
  195. 65) What is the diagnosis if after rubbing a baby's finger towards the body, venules appear only beyond the Gate of Qi?

    A) A serious and life threatening disease
    B) An invasion by an exterior pathogenic factor and a mild disease
    C) An interior and rather more severe disease
    C) An interior and rather more severe disease
  196. 183) What kind of constipation would indicate stagnation of Liver Qi and Heat in the Intestines?

    A) Constipation with small, dry, bitty stool like goat's stools
    B) Alternation of constipation and diarrhea
    C) Stools are not dry, but there is difficulty in performing a bowel movement
    D) Acute constipation with thirst and dry yellow coating
    A) Constipation with small, dry, bitty stool like goat's stools
  197. 195) What kind of eye disorder indicates Toxic heat in the Heart channel?

    A) Photophobia
    B) Pain like a needle and with redness of the eye associated with headaches
    C) Pain, swelling and redness of the eye
    D) A feeling of pressure in the eyes
    B) Pain like a needle and with redness of the eye associated with headaches
  198. 119) What kind of leukorrhea indicates Damp-Heat in the Liver channel?

    A) A yellow discharge with pus and blood in a woman after menopause
    B) A greenish discharge
    C) Red and white discharge
    D) A yellow discharge
    B) A greenish discharge
  199. 114) What kind of menstrual blood indicates Empty-Heat from Yin Deficiency?

    A) Turbid blood
    B) Purple or blackish blood
    C) Fresh-red blood
    D) Watery blood
    C) Fresh-red blood
  200. 98) What kinds of signs and symptoms would you expect to see in a patient with a tongue that has swollen, painful red ulcers with red rims on the surface of the tongue?

    A) Palpitations, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, propensity to be startled, poor memory, anxiety, mental restlessness, uneasiness, fidgetiness, dry mouth and throat, and night sweating.
    B) Dizziness, tinnitus, hardness of hearing, low backache, dull occipital or vertical headache, insomnia, numbness or tingling of limbs, dry eyes, blurred vision, dry throat, dry hair and skin, brittle nails, dry vagina, night sweating, dry stools, nocturnal emissions, scanty menstruation, delayed cycle, and infertility.
    C) Palpitations, thirst, mental restlessness, feeling agitated, feeling of heat, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, red face, dark urine or blood in the urine, and a bitter taste after a bad night's sleep.
    D) Palpitations, thirst, red face, better taste, a feeling of oppression of the chest, expectoration of phlegm, rattling sound in the throat, mental restlessness, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, agitation, incoherent speech, mental confusion, rash behavior, tendency to hit or scold people, uncontrolled laughter or crying, shouting, muttering to oneself, mental depression and dullness, and manic behavior
    C) Palpitations, thirst, mental restlessness, feeling agitated, feeling of heat, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, red face, dark urine or blood in the urine, and a bitter taste after a bad night's sleep.
  201. 106) What kind of sweating indicates heat in the Stomach or Damp-Heat?

    A) Sweating only on the head
    B) Oily sweat on the forehead
    C) Sweating only on the arms and legs
    D) Sweating only on the hands
    A) Sweating only on the head
  202. 131) What kind of vomiting means there is Cold in the Stomach with retention of fluids?

    A) Sour vomiting
    B) Vomiting soon after eating
    C) Clear and watery vomiting
    D) Vomiting that is slow in coming and with a weak noise.
    C) Clear and watery vomiting
  203. 15) Which one of the following indicates Stomach and Spleen Qi Deficiency?

    A) Loose stools with undigested food
    B) Stools are not lose or only slightly loose but are very frequent and the person cannot hold them easily
    C) Diarrhea with mucus in the stools
    D) Diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain and fullness, with undigested food
    B) Stools are not lose or only slightly loose but are very frequent and the person cannot hold them easily
  204. 187) Which one of the following symptoms would be associated with wind-phlegm?

    A) Slight dizziness accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and muzziness of the head.
    B) Severe pain, aggravated during cold and damp weather, alleviated by heat.
    C) Numbness on the four limbs or only hands and feet on both sides.
    D) Numbness of the fingers, elbow and arm on one side only (possibly of impending wind-stroke)
    D) Numbness of the fingers, elbow and arm on one side only (possibly of impending wind-stroke)
  205. 64) You go to the hospital to visit a patient. They have been very, very ill for quite awhile now. They've been back and forth to a lot of different doctors, but nothing has been conclusive. Their pulse has been very deep and very weak. Sometimes, but not always, there will be a missed beat or two. They are very weak and cannot speak. Their tongue is quivering. Which one of the following is the best diagnosis for this patient?

    A) Extreme heat inside, which gives rise to internal wind
    B) Liver heat toxin generating internal wind
    C) Qi and blood deficiency, usually accompanied by Spleen Yang Deficiency
    D) Collapse of Heart and Spleen Qi
    D) Collapse of Heart and Spleen Qi
  206. 74) You make a house call for a patient that has been having a fever with unceasing retching and a horribly bitter taste in their mouth. They have hypertonicity and pain below the ribs. They are constipated and their urine is yellow. Their tongue is red with yellow fur and they have a string-taut and rapid pulse. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Vacuity Vexation of the Liver and Gallbladder
    B) Liver and Gallbladder Damp-Heat
    C) Depressed Gallbladder with Phlegm Harassing
    D) Gallbladder Heat Congesting and Stagnating
    D) Gallbladder Heat Congesting and Stagnating
  207. 118) You visit one of your patients in the hospital. You are saddened and shocked to see that their lips and tongue are so hot and inflamed that they actually look like they are eroding. They are so thin and emaciated. They smile when they see you, but cannot hear you because they have gone deaf. Their wife tells you that have haven't been able to sleep very well and that they are having really terrible night sweats. They are always throwing the covers off because they are so hot and always so thirsty. Their cheeks are red. From the heart monitor you can see that their heart is pounding. His wife also tells you that he's been having soreness and weakness of the back and knees and can't really walk around because he gets dizzy so easily. He's also been having bouts of seminal emission. His urine is yellow and he has been constipated for about 3 days now. His tongue is red with yellow fur and his pulse is string-taut and rapid. What is this patient's diagnosis?

    A) Irregularity of the Heart Vessels
    B) Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency
    C) Kidney Yin Vacuity Pattern
    D) Non-interaction of the Heart and Kidney
    D) Non-interaction of the Heart and Kidney
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Diagnosis Zang Fu.txt
Zang Fu Diagnosis review