
  1. affective disorders
    • major depression
    • bipolar
  2. affective disorders impair:
    • mood (how we feel)
    • affective (how others see us
  3. major depression
    disorder of mood where individual experiences one or more recurrent depressive episodes without signs of mania or hypomania
  4. major depression
    diagnostic criteria
    • depressed mood
    • anhedonia: lack of pleasure or of the capacity to experience it
    • sleep pattern change
    • tiredness
    • unintentional weight change of 5% or more in 1 month
    • agitation or psychomotor retardation
    • worthlessness or guilt
    • hopelessness (suicide)
    • difficulty with thinking/making decisions
  5. depression
    • anhedonia
    • apathetic
    • not eating (weight loss)
    • constipation
    • amenorrhea
    • fatigue
    • not clean (poor hygiene)
    • dejected facial appearance
    • turned inward
    • decreased sexual desire
  6. depression
    nursing interventions
    • no injuries-safety
    • promote independence
    • promote socialization
    • ADL's return to work/school
    • may need to monitor and help at first until they can do it on their own
    • compliance with antidepressant medication
    • explain what the medication is used for
    • teach side effects
    • knowledge regarding symptoms of recurrence
    • encourage client to verbalize and describe emotions
  7. psychotic
    • grossly disordered thinking and behavior
    • hallucinations: sensory impressions without external stimuli
    • illusions: misinterpreted stimuli
    • delusions: false fixed belief (mostly seen in manic patients)

    neurotic: disordered activity; disruption of daily life
  8. bipolar
    • one or more manic episodes with or without alternating major depressive episodes
    • bipolar 1: depressive episodes and full manic episodes (interferes with ADL's/work/school
    • bipolar 2: depressive episodes (causes problems with ADL's/work/school) with hypomanic episodes
  9. diagnostic criteria for mania
    must have 3 present for 1 week
    • grandiose or agitated state
    • sleeplessness
    • pressured speech
    • flight of ideas
    • distractability
    • increased energy
    • exaggerated self esteem
    • poor judgement
    • risk taking
  10. bipolar
    • onset before age 30
    • mood: elevated, expansive, irritable
    • speech: loud/rapid, punning, rhyming, clanging, vulgar
    • grandiose
    • delusions
    • distracted
    • hyperactive
    • decrease need for sleep
    • inappropriateness
    • flight of ideas
    • begins suddenly escalates over several days
    • risk taking
  11. bipolar (manic)
    nursing interventions
    • safety to self and others
    • suicide potential concern
    • safety of others- remind client of others personal space
    • set limits on client's behavior
    • evaluation of personal qualities realistically
    • socially appropriate
    • medication compliance
    • knowledge of recurrance
    • use short simple sentences
    • use distraction: cleaning, exercise, productive activities NO competitive activities
    • provide finger foods
    • protect the client's dignity
  12. bipolar (manic)
    teaching when mania subsides
    • explain about medications and side effects
    • educate about risk taking behaviors and ways to avoid
    • teach about signs or relapse
    • agitation
    • sleeplessness
  13. evaluation and prognosis
    • major depression: stay on medication (up to 2 years) to prevent relapse often times can stop taking medication after that
    • bipolar: stay on medication for life
  14. schizophrenia
    • disorder that is characterized by disturbances in reality, orientation, thought process and social involvement
    • usually diagnosed in late adolescence
    • peak men 14-24
    • peak women 35-35
  15. schizophrenia
    diagnostic criteria
    positive symptom
    holding seemingly contradictory beliefs or feelings about the same person, event or situation
  16. schizophrenia
    diagnostic criteria
    associative looseness
    positive symptom
    fragmented or poorly related thought and ideas
  17. schizophrenia
    diagnostic criteria
    positive symptom
    fixed false beliefs that have no basis in reality
  18. schizophrenia
    diagnostic criteria
    positive symptom
    imitation of the movements and gestures of another person whom the client is observing
  19. schizophrenia
    diagnostic criteria
    flight of ideas
    positive symptom
    continuous flow of verbalization in which the person jumps rapidly from one topic to another
  20. schizophrenia
    diagnostic criteria
    positive symptom
    false sensory perception or perceptual experiences that do not exist in reality
  21. schizophrenia
    diagnostic criteria
    ideas of reference
    positive symptom
    false impressions that external events have special meaning for the person
  22. schizophrenia
    diagnostic criteria
    positive symptom
    persistent adherence to a single idea or topic; verbal repetition of a sentence, word, or phrase; resisting attempts to change the topic
Card Set
Psychological disorders, drugs, nursing intervention