What are the nitrogenous bases? Which are pyramidine and which are purine?
- pyramidine: A, T
- purine: C, G
(nitrogenous --> DNA)
The double helix of DNA is formed by a ladder made of what? What kinds of bonds are present in the ladder between these?
Ladder made of sugar and phosphate. Connected by phospodiester bonds.
What holds complementary base pairs together?
Weak H bonds
What 3 things make up a nucleotide?
- 1 deoxyribose molecule
- 1 phosphate group
- 1 base
How does mutation happen? (2)
Is spontaneous mutation common? How often does it occur?
Not common: rate is 10^-4 to 10^-7 / gene / generation
Where does protein synthesis occur?
What's a gamete?
How is it formed?
How many chromos?
- sperm/egg cell
- meiosis of diploid cells
- 23
- haploid
What's a somatic cell? What else are they called?
How is it formed?
How many chromos?
- non-sex cell, aka autosomes (homologous)
- mitosis
- 23 pairs = 46
- diploid
What is a karyotype?
- Lecture: Orderly display of chromos.
- N. Central: a photomicrograph of the chromos of a single cell, taken during metaphase, when each chromo is still a pair of chromatids. Then the chromos are arranged in numerical order, in descending order of size, with the sex cells last.
What is a chromosome band?
A pattern of stripes that appears on a stained chromo, so that chromos can be ID'd.
Define euploid.
Having the correct # of chromos.
Define polyploidy.
Cell has more than the diploid # of chromosomes
Define aneuploidy.
A cell that does NOT have a multiple of 23 chromos.
Define trisomy. Give an example.
Which are the most common trisomies?
- Lecture: Having 3 copies of 1 chromo.
- N. Central: Having 3 homologous chromos per cell instead of 2.
- Trisomy 21 = Down Syndrome
- Trisomy 13, 18, 21
Define monosomy. Give an example.
Having only one of a pair of chromos.
Ex: Turner's syndrome = only one X chromo instead of the normal pair.
Is Down syndrome related to maternal age? How?
Is Down syndrome related to paternal age? How?
- Maternal: risk ^^^ with age.
- Not related to paternal age.
What is the incidence of sex chromo aneuploidy for males and for females?
- Male: 1 in 500.
- Female: 1 in 900.
What is the chromosomal basis for Turner syndrome? What are signs of the disease?
Aneuploidy of the 23 chromo pair, having only one X (and no Y). 45, X/0
- –short height
- –female genitalia
- –webbed neck
- –underdeveloped breasts, imperfect ovaries
- –widely spaced nipples
- –shield-like chest
What is the chromosomal basis for Klinefelter's syndrome? What are signs of the disease?
XXY = Klinefelter syndrome 47, XXY or 48, XXXY
- –small testes
- –gynecomastia (enlargement of breast tissue in males. moobs)
- –sparse body hair
- –long limbs
Define clastogen.
What are some examples? (4)
Any agent that can damage a chromo.
- radiation - x-rays
- certain chemicals
- extreme changes in the cellular enviro
- viral infections
What are the types of chromo abnormalities?
- Breakages
- Deletions
- Inversions
- Translocations
- Fragile sites
which has more genetic material, X chromo or Y?
- Y has only ~40 genes.
- A zygote w/o X chromo will not survive.
fragile X syndrome
- causes retardation
- second to Down syndrome as cause of retardation
- primarily seen in males
define locus
the place of each gene on the chromo
define allele
the form a gene takes - its nucleotide sequence
define genotype
composition of a gene at a given locus
pedigree symbols:
line thru person
double line connecting parents
half-shaded shape
shaded shape
- circle - female
- square - male
- triangle - sex unknown
- line thru person - dead
- double line connecting parents - consanguinous mating
- target - X-linked carrier
- half-shaded shape - carrier
- shaded shape - affected individual
when enviro factors must be present for a trait to be expressed
multifactorial inheritance
define proband
first person in a family diagnosed with a disease
threshold of liability
threshold of genetic and enviro factors that must be present before they are expressed
polygenic trait
several genes must work together for trait to be expressed
autosomal dominant
both sexes affected?
generations skipped?
- both sexes affected equally
- no generations skipped
- rare
define recurrence risk
prob that subsequent children will have the disease.
(# children makes no diff)
define penetrance, incomplete penetrance
% of individuals w/ a specific genotype that express the phenotype
incomplete: individuals with gene does not exhibit phenotype at all
define expressivity
extent of variation in phenotype associated with given genotype
(w/ variable expressivity, can have complete penetrance of disease but severity varies greatly)
define epigenetics
chem modifications that alter expression of genes
ex: DNA methylation. accts for diff b/w ID twins as they age
what kind of disorder?
males and females affected =
disease seen in siblings, but not usually in parents
lots of carriers
autosomal recessive
autosomal recessive examples?
- CF
- sickle cell
- Tay-Sachs
- Hemochromatosis
- galactosemia
define Barr bodies
how many do normal females have? males?
when is Barr body inactivated?
inactivated X's become condensed intranuclear chromatin, seen in interphase
- females normally have 1, males have 2. (# Barr bodies = # X chromos - 1)
- inactivated 1-2 wks after fertilization
when is sex determined for fetus?
wk 6 of pregnancy
define SRY
sex-determining region on the Y, gene on Y chromo that starts male gonad development
what kind of disorder?
seen more in males than females
never transmitted from father to son
skips generations
X linked
(if father has gene, all his daughters will be carriers)
define sex limited trait, sex influence trait
sex limited: seen in only one sex
sex influenced: more common in one sex