psych 151

  1. Social Smile
    response to a human face at about 6 weeks and by laughter at about 3 or 4 months.
  2. Anger
    evident at about 6 months, usually triggered by frustration.
  3. Stranger wariness
    when an infant no longer smiles at any friendly face, and cries if an unfamiliar person moves too close, too quickly.
  4. Separation anxiety
    expressed in tears, dismay, or anger when a familiar caregiver leaves.
  5. Self-Awareness
    the infant's realization that his or her body, mind, and actions are separate from those of other people.
  6. oral stage - according to Freud
    the mouth is the young infant's primary source of gratification.
  7. anal stage- according to Freud
    the infant's main pleasure comes from the anus.
  8. trust versus mistrust
    Erickson's first psychosocial crisis. Infants learn basic trust if the world is a secure place where their basic needs are met. (food, comfort, attention)
  9. Autonomy versus shame and doubt
    Erickson's second crisis of psychosocial development. Toddlers either succeed or fail in gaining a sense of self-rule over their own actions and bodies.
  10. social learning
    Learning by observing others.
  11. Behaviorism
    emotions and personality are molded as parents reinforce or punish the child's spontaneous behaviors.
  12. Cognitive Theory
    thoughts and values determine a person's perspective.
  13. working model
    a set of assumptions that became a frame of reference that can be called on later in life.
  14. Epigenetic Theory
    every human characteristic is strongly influenced by each person's unique genotype.
Card Set
psych 151
Quiz Note Chapters 7 thru 12