Process for passing a bill

  1. #1
    An Idea
  2. #2
    • writing the bill
    • senator proposes and drafts the bill.
  3. #3
    • Introduction
    • introduces the bill to the house
    • *if it deals with money- starts in house of reps.
  4. #4
    • Assigning Bills
    • assigned title & number (S. 797)
    • then sent to a committee
    • chairperson of committee choses which bills are heard
  5. #5
    • Committee Action
    • standing committee can pass bill w/o changes
    • can pigon hole (ignore & let die)
    • can kill bill by majority vote
  6. #6
    • Floor Debate
    • bill moves to house to be heard
    • discuss if amendments need to be made to the bill
    • riders
    • in senate: senators can "filibuster"
    • only cloture (3/5) can end filibuster
  7. #7
    • voting on the bill
    • (standing vote, voice vote, computerized voting)
  8. #8
    • Moves to the other house
    • if a house wants changes- a conference committee is created
  9. #9
    • Presidents options:
    • veto
    • pocket veto
    • sign into law
  10. #10
    • Challenging a veto
    • congress can override veto with 2/3 vote in each house
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Process for passing a bill