Autonomic Nervous System

  1. Difference in Muscles in the SNS and ANS
    • SNS: Skeletal muscle
    • ANS: Cardiac & smooth muscle and glands
  2. SNS/ANS Efferent Pathway
    SNS: One neuron system

    • ANS: Two neuron system
    • Presynaptic- before synapse
    • Postsynaptic- after synapse
  3. SNS/ANS Neurotransmitter & response of target organ
    SNS: Acetylcholine (excitatory)

    • ANS:
    • Presynaptic neuron- Acetylcholine (excitatory)
    • Postsynaptic neuron-Varies between sympathetic (epinephrine) and parasympathetic (acetylcholine); either excitatory or inhibitory
  4. Autonomic ganglion/Adrenal medulla
    Autonomic ganglion: collection of nerve bodies

    Adrenal medulla: like a ganglion; does not develop axons but still produce epinephrine which has sympathetic effects on target structures
  5. Parasympathetic
    • Routine maintenance
    • "Rest & Digest"
  6. Sympathetic
    • Mobilization & increased metabolism
    • "Fight or Flight"

    More widespread than PNS and the only function not stimulated is digestion
  7. Sympathetic/Parasympathetic origin
    • Symp: thoracolumbar division (T1-L3)
    • Para: brain (CN 3,7,9,10) and sacral spinal cord
  8. Sympathetic/Parasympathetic Fiber Length
    Symp: Presynaptic (short); postsynaptic (long)

    Para: Presynaptic (long-synapses @ destination); postsynaptic (short)
  9. Sympathetic/Parasympathetic Location
    Symp: close to spinal cord (sympathetic chain & prevertebral/collateral ganglia) 

    Para: in/near visceral effector organs
  10. PNS inn.
    • Only innervates internal organs
    • Generally inhibits or slows down body functions
    • Only major body function not inhibited in digestion (turns it on)
  11. Where is the synapse between the pre- & post-synaptic neurons in the PNS
    • Terminal ganglia
    • -Named ganglia (CN 3,7,9 synapse here)
    • -Intramural (near/in wall of organ)
  12. Where do the presynaptic fibers run via in cranial outflow
    Oculomotor n (CN 3): Smooth muscle in eye

    Facial n (CN 7): Lacrimal, submandibular, sublingual glands

    Glossopharyngeal n (CN 9): Parotid gland

    Vagus n (CN 10): Almost every organ in thoracis & abdominal cavity (heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, & proximal 1/2 of large intestine
  13. PNS Sacral Outflow
    • Fibers of presynaptic neurons travel through ventral root -> spinal n -> ventral rami
    • Exit ventral rami as pelvic splanchnic n (S2-S4)
  14. What do the post synaptic fibers inn?
    Distal 1/2 large intestine & pelvic viscera (urinary bladder, ureters, & reproductive organs)
  15. Where is the synapse betwen the pre- & post-synaptic neurons in the SNS
    • Paravertebral ganglia on sympathetic chain
    • Prevertebral/Collateral ganglia on abdominal aorta
  16. Intermediate horn where the SNS neural bodies are
    • Located on both sides of the vertebral column
    • -Extend from cranial base to coccyx

    Paravertebral ganglia joined to spinal nn by white & grey rami communicantes (on/off ramps of highway)
  17. White vs. Gray Rami Communicantes
    White rami (on ramp): presynaptic fibers; found at T1-L2; myelinated fibers

    Synapse on the chain

    Grey rami: postsynaptic fibers; found along all levels of spinal cords; unmyelinated fibers
  18. SNS- Thoracolumbar Outflow
    • Presynaptic fibers exit spinal cord through ventral root
    • -> spinal nn
    • -> White ramus communicans
    • -> paravertebral ganglia on sympathetic chain
  19. 3 different pathways sympathetics can use once presynaptic fibers enter the sympathetic chain
    • 1. Synapse at paravertebral ganglia at same level
    • 2. Synapse at paravertebral ganglia at a different level
    • 3. Does not synapse on chain: will synapse at a prevertebral/collateral ganglia on abdominal aorta (synapse on blood vessels)
  20. Visceral Sensory System
    • Both visceral and somatic sensory fibers enter the spinal cord together
    • Visceral pain may radiate along somatic pathways (referred pain)
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Autonomic Nervous System