MIS Chapter 1

  1. What primary goal does Kroger​ Company's QueVision system help​ accomplish?

    A. Automatically return grocery carts from the parking lot to the store

    B. Manage the number of open​ check-out lanes to adjust to customer volume.

    C. Turn off the lights in refrigerated cases to save energy

    D. Provide​ in-store wi-fi for shoppers

    E. Inform store staff when to end their shifts
    Manage the number of open​ check-out lanes to adjust to customer volume
  2. Businesses in America spent approximately​ ____________ on​ hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment in 2017.

    A.​$2.8 trillion

    B.​$2.8 million


    D.​$2.8 billion

    E.​2.8% of total revenue
    $2.8 Trillion
  3. With new laws requiring the storage of emails and other important​ documents, information systems storage now exceeds approximately 4.7​ ________.


    B. zettabytes

    C. gigabytes

    D. terabytes

    E. yottabytes
  4. When talking about changes related to information​ technology, the text identifies three interrelated changes that are responsible for the bulk of innovations. These include the mobile digital​ platform, the growth of cloud​ computing, and​ ________.

    A.faster networks

    B.improved application software

    C.the Internet

    D.the growing use of big data

    E.home computing
    the growing use of big data
  5. Which of the following is a business driver which focuses on ways to achieve better efficiencies to increase​ profits?

    A. Improved decision making

    B. Operational excellence

    C. New​ products, services, and business models

    D. Competitive advantage

    E. Customer and supplier intimacy
    Operational excellence
  6. If a business competitor introduces an effective product or service​ (i.e., when Citibank first introduced the​ ATM), your need to follow is considered an example of which business​ driver?

    A. Operational excellence

    B. Customer and supplier intimacy

    C. New business model

    D. Improved decision making

    E. Survival
  7. Information systems help achieve many important business objectives. When a manager does not receive​ forecasts, sales​ projections, or appropriate​ dashboards, the business objective of​ ______________ is not achieved.

    A. increasing operational excellence

    B. increasing customer and supplier intimacy

    C. competitive survival

    D. improving decision making

    E. enabling new​ products, services, and business models
    improving decision making
  8. An automobile rental company interested in learning and adapting to the needs of its clients is focusing on which business​ driver?

    A. Survival

    B. Improved decision making

    C. Operational excellence

    D. Customer intimacy

    E. New products
    Customer intimacy
  9. Which is an example of a business using information systems for customer​ intimacy?

    A.​Verizon's web-based digital dashboard

    B.​Walmart's RetailLink system

    C. Apple​ Inc.'s iPod

    D. Mandarin Oriental​ Hotel's customer-preference tracking system

    E.​JCPenney's Supplier Information system
    Mandarin Oriental​ Hotel's customer-preference tracking system
  10. In its simplest​ form, ___________ represents streams of raw facts with limited usefulness until organized.

    A. analyses

    B. data

    C. information

    D. output

    E. instruction
  11. An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect​ (or retrieve),​ process, store, and distribute information to support which of the​ following?

    A. Decision making and control in an organization

    B. Creation of new products and services

    C.IT infrastructure

    D. Analysis of raw data

    E. Communication and data flow
    Decision making and control in an organization
  12. Which term refers to converting raw data into a more meaningful​ form?

    A. Capturing

    B. Feedback

    C. Organizing

    D. Processing

    E. Filtering
  13. Which field deals with behavioral issues as well as technical issues surrounding the​ development, use, and impact of information systems used by managers and employees in a​ firm?

    A. Computer information systems

    B. Management information systems

    C. Information systems management

    D. Information systems architecture

    E. Information systems literacy
    Management information systems
  14. Information​ systems, management information​ systems, information​ technology, information​ management, and computer information systems are often confused with one another. Which of these focuses primarily on hardware and​ software?

    A. Information management

    B. Information technology

    C. Management information systems

    D. Computer information systems

    E. Information systems
    Information technology
  15. Which of the following is NOT an element of critical​ thinking?

    A. Providing iterative feedback

    B. Maintaining doubt and suspending judgment

    C. Being aware of organizational and personal limitations

    D. Testing alternatives and letting experience guide

    E. Being aware of different perspectives
    Providing iterative feedback
  16. Which type of business problem falls under the organizational​ dimension?

    A. Incompatibility of old systems

    B. Rapid technological change

    C. Inadequate database capacity

    D. Outdated software

    E. Complexity of task
    Complexity of task
  17. Which of the following is NOT a step in the​ problem-solving process?

    A. Solution evaluation and choice

    B. Problem identification

    C. Solution analysis

    D. Solution design

    E. Implementation
    Solution analysis
  18. Which of the following is NOT considered a typical people​ problem?

    A. Wrong incentives

    B. Work environment

    C. Difficulties of evaluating performance

    D. Political conflict

    E. Lack of employee training
    Political conflict
  19. The​ problem-solving model consists of problem​ identification, solution​ design, ________________, and implementation.

    A. divergent thinking

    B. systems analysis

    C. summative evaluation

    D. solution evaluation and choice

    E. formative evaluation
    solution evaluation and choice
  20. In the​ problem-solving model, the phase where you identify as many possible solutions as possible would represent the​ ___________ phase.

    A. solution design

    B. solution evaluation and choice

    C. systems analysis

    D. summative evaluation

    E. problem identification
    solution design
  21. The final phase of the​ problem-solving model is the​ ___________ phase.

    A. solution evaluation and choice

    B. solution design

    C. problem identification

    D. implementation

    E. summative evaluation
  22. Accountants rely heavily on information systems to do all of the following EXCEPT​ ________.

    A. manage financial investments

    B. organize data

    C. perform financial analysis

    D. create financial records

    E. summarize transactions
    manage financial investments
  23. Which of the following is FALSE about the information systems occupations through​ 2024?

    A. The information systems field is one of the most​ fast-changing and dynamic of all the business professions.

    B. Software development jobs will grow by 17 percent.

    C. Explosive growth of business information systems is due to the fact that information technologies are essential for achieving business​ firms' key objectives.

    D. There will be a 12 percent growth rate in information systems managers and employees in the U.S.

    E. Offshore outsourcing will decrease demand in the U.S. for managerial IS positions.
    Offshore outsourcing will decrease demand in the U.S. for managerial IS positions
  24. _____________ is the largest single group in the U.S. business labor​ force, and this group dramatically benefits from information to help with the​ decision-making process.

    A. Management

    B. Finance

    C. Engineering

    D. Marketing

    E. Accounting
  25. In the past five​ years, which field has undergone the most change because of​ technology?

    A. Finance

    B. Accounting

    C. Marketing

    D. Psychology

    E. Engineering
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MIS Chapter 1
MIS Chapter 1