OPOTC Private Security Firearms Course

  1. List the first reason for using deadly force:
    a. In Self-Defense.
  2. List the second reason for using deadly force:
    a. In Defense of another person, provided that the other person would have legal justification to employ Deadly Force.
  3. List the first consideration officers should take in any use of force situation:
    a. Harm would come to the officer or to someone else if force was not used.
  4. List the second considerations officers should take in any use of force situation:
    a. The actions taken were necessary.
  5. List the third consideration officers should take in any use of force situation:
    a. The actions taken were reasonable.
  6. List the fourth consideration officers should take in any use of force situation:
    a. The actions taken conformed to employer policy and training.
  7. List the fifth consideration officers should take in any use of force situation:
    a. The officer was precluded from escaping or taking other defensive/control actions and as a result had to use force.
  8. Explain the first of four primary firearms safety rules:
    a. Treat all firearms as if they were loaded.
  9. Explain the second of four primary firearms safety rules:
    a. Never let the muzzle cross anything you are not willing to destroy.
  10. Explain the third of four primary firearms safety rules:
    a. Keep your finger off the trigger and indexed along the firearm’s frame until your sights are on the target and the target is to be engaged.
  11. Explain the fourth of four primary firearms safety rules:
    a. Be aware of your target, around it, and beyond it.
Card Set
OPOTC Private Security Firearms Course
Student Performance Objectives (SPO’s) Written Test Questions & ANSWERS (Student must achieve 100% on the written test) The answers should reflect that the student understands the concepts. The answers do not have to be a word-for-word memorization of the SPO answers. The test shall be conducted using accepted testing procedures, such that students shall provide the answers without coaching, without open book, without open notes, without hints on the blackboard or on overhead projector, etc.