N202 intro and interviewing

  1. Which 4 assessment methods provide all of the objective PE data?
    • PLOP:
    • percussion
    • listening - auscultation
    • observation - inspection
    • palpation
  2. What is the nursing process?
    • ADOPIE
    • Assessment
    • Dx
    • Outcome ID
    • Plan
    • Implement
    • Evaluate
  3. 4 possible types of data collected during the interview
    • Complete: collected during 1st appt with PCP or upon hospital admission
    • Episodic: mini database re: 1 specific prob
    • Follow-up: focused and limited
    • Emergency: rapid and focused, quickly increase/decrease level of suspicion for certain types of prob
  4. What's the difference between the medical dx and the nursing dx?
    • Medical dx used to dx disease/problem.
    • Nursing dx used to dx patient's response to health prob.
  5. Why interview? (6 reasons)
    • 1. Collect subjective data.
    • 2. Assist pt in IDing areas of concern and perceptions of health status.
    • 3. IDs pt's problems and strengths.
    • 4. Established rapport and trust for ongoing work relationship.
    • 5. Provides bridge to PE (esp. important before having pt disrobe).
    • 6. Opportunity to educate pt.
  6. What are the internal factors that affect the interview? (3)
    • 1. Acceptance of others: tolerance for weakness, convey warmth and caring, respect for other's healthcare decisions.
    • 2. Empathy
    • 3. Active listening, giving pt full attn.
  7. What is empathy?
    Conveying understanding for how the pt feels, not feeling how the pt feels (sympathy).
  8. What are external factors that affect the interview? (3)
    • 1. Environment
    • 2. Professional dress
    • 3. Privacy - psychological and physical
  9. What is the normal position and distance from the pt to use when interviewing?
    Why not stand during the interview?
    • Sit 4-5 ft from pt and slightly to the side.
    • Standing implies haste and superiority.
  10. Give examples of aspects of a comfortable interview environment.
    temperature, lighting, noise level, privacy
  11. What distance range is the "intimate zone"?
    0-1.5 ft
  12. What distance range is considered "personal distance"? When is this used during the PE?
    1.5-4 ft. Used for most physical assessment.
  13. What distance range is considered "social distance"? When is this used in the PE?
    4-12 ft. Used for interview (4-5 ft away).
  14. Name 4 cross-cultural considerations during the interview.
    • 1. eye contact
    • 2. hand shaking
    • 3. touch
    • 4. personal space / interview distance
  15. What are the 9 communication techniques?
    Finally, she rapidly exited conspicuously, colorfully imagining extreme suspense.
    • facilitation
    • silence
    • reflection
    • empathy
    • clarification
    • confrontation
    • interpretation
    • explanation
    • summary
  16. What are the downsides of note taking during the interview?
    • impedes eye contact
    • shifts pt's attn
    • interrupts pt's narrative flow
    • hinders our observation of pt's nonverbal comm
    • can be threatening
  17. What are some examples of nonverbal behavior?
    • Physical appearance
    • Posture
    • Gestures
    • Facial expression
    • Eye contact
    • Voice
    • Touch
  18. How should we close the interview?
    "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"
  19. What are the interviewing traps to avoid?
    • -providing false assurance
    • -giving advice
    • -using authority
    • -avoiding difficult topics
    • -distancing
    • -leading or biased questions
    • -interrupting
    • -asking "why" questions
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N202 intro and interviewing
N202 intro and interviewing