Chapter 5. Lymphatic System

  1. lymphatic system consists of what components?
    • lymphatic vessels
    • lymphatic organs
    • lymphocytes
  2. lymphatic vessels contain what?
    contain a fluid called lymph
  3. lymphatic organs include what?
    • lymph nodes
    • tonsils
    • spleen
    • thymus gland
  4. lymphocytes, which include
    B cells and T cells
  5. what are the 2 major functions the lymphatic system has?
    • It drains the tissues of excess interstitial fluid
    • It participates in immunity
  6. Recall that some H2O moves from the blood into the interstitium as cells undergo
    gas, nutrient, and waste exchange with the capillaries
  7. can the H2O in the interstitial fluid diffuse into body cells if neededjQuery112409247848178152336_1528814742426
  8. If there is too much H2O in the interstitium, where does the interstitial fluid drain to?
    the excess interstitial fluid drains into a nearby lymphatic vessel (usually a lymphatic capillary)
  9. what would happen if the interstitial fluid were to stay in the interstitium? 
    what is it called?
    the tissues would swell (edema), which causes tissue damage.
  10. what is the new name that is given to the interstitial fluid once it enters the lymphatic capillary?
    Once inside of a lymphatic capillary, the interstitial fluid is called lymph
  11. what is lymph?
    lymph is any excess interstitial fluid found within the lymphatic vessels of the body
  12. what eventually happens to the excess interstitial fluid that enters the lymphatic capillary/vessels?
    The excess interstitial fluid will eventually make it back to the blood because lymphatic vessels ultimately merge with veins.
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Chapter 5. Lymphatic System
Lymphatic System