History Short Answer

  1. What is the 25th amendment?
    established the process for the VP to takeover leadership of the nation when a president is disabled.
  2. what is the 22nd amendment?
    limits presidents to a maximum of 2 elected terms (FDR elected 4x)
  3. What are the different types of committees?
    • Standing
    • Select
    • Joint
    • Conference
  4. What are the powers of congress?
    • raise & support armies
    • internet laws
    • air force
    • establish post office
    • raise & spend money (taxes)
    • regulate commerce
    • deal with foreign countries
  5. What are the requirements to be in Congress?
    • house: 25 years old & 9 year citizen
    • Senate: 30 years old & 7 year citizen
  6. What are the qualifications to be the President?
    • 35 years old
    • native-born american citizen
    • a resident of the United States for 14+ years
  7. What are some benefits from being President?
    • air force one
    • camp david
    • $400,000 salary
  8. What are the Presidents Constitutional Powers & Duties?
    • Chief Executive
    • Chief Diplomat
    • Commander in Chief
    • Legislative Leader
    • Head of State
    • Economic Leader
    • Party Leader
  9. What are the Presidents tools for foreign policy?
    • Creating treaties & executive agreements
    • appointing ambassadors
    • foreign aid
    • international trade
    • military force
  10. What does the executive office of the President (EOP) look like?
    about 2,000 employees
  11. What is the Cabinet?
    group that heads 15 of the top level executive departments
  12. What ways does the cabinet influence the president?
    they advise the president on issues related to their departments
  13. How is the Federal Court System set up?
    • Supreme court (1 court)
    • Appeals Courts (12 courts)
    • District Courts (94 districts)
  14. President Pro Tempore
    • highest ranking official in the senate
    • most senior senator of the majority party
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History Short Answer