Wk 2: Pronunciation in Malay Part I

  1. Characteristic of Malay language:
    Agglutinative: words and terms are produced by combining various sounds of the alphabets
  2. Vowel
    6 in Malay language
  3. Vowel A
    • A a
    • Pronounce as in aa / ar/ ah
  4. Saya
  5. Mata
  6. Kaya
    • Rich
    • Also a malaysian jam
  7. Image Upload 2
    Pronounce as in eh
  8. Meja
  9. Sewa
    • Sae wah
    • Rent
  10. Image Upload 4Image Upload 6
    • Prounce as in er
    • eg. Emak (mother)
    • Keluar (exit)
  11. Emak
    er mak- mother
  12. Keluar
  13. Vowel i
    • Pronounce as ee
    • Eg. pipi= cheek
    • Kiri= left
  14. Pipi
  15. Kiri
  16. vowel o
    • Pronounce as in ow
    • eg. Bola= ball
    • Kotor= dirty
  17. Bola
    Image Upload 8
  18. Kotor
    • dirty
    • Image Upload 10
  19. Vowel U
    • Pronounce as in Uew
    • eg. guru= teacher
    • Susu= milk
  20. Guru
    • Teacher
    • Image Upload 12
  21. Susu
    • Milk
    • Image Upload 14
  22. Diphthong
    A combination of two vowels and produces a new sound
  23. diphthong ai
    • Pronounce as in eye
    • eg. Misai= moustache
    • Pandai= smart
    • Pantai= beach
  24. Misai
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  25. Pandai
    SmartImage Upload 18
  26. Pantai
    • Beach
    • Image Upload 20
  27. Diphthong Au
    • Pronounce as in aour
    • Eg. Daun= leaf
    • Pulau= island
  28. Daun
    Image Upload 22
  29. Pulau
    • Island
    • Image Upload 24
  30. Diphthong Oi
    • Pronounce as in oy
    • Koir= choir
    • Kaloi= type of fish
  31. Koir
    Image Upload 26
  32. Kaloi
    Image Upload 28
Card Set
Wk 2: Pronunciation in Malay Part I
Wk 2: Pronunciation in Malay