Part 9 Fuel

  1. What are the fuel quantities in the individual tanks?
    • Tanks 1& 3 40700 each
    • Tank 2 65400
    • Upper aux 87100
    • Lower aux 11000
    • Tail 13400
    • FUEL
    • 1. What are the fuel quantities in the individual tanks?
    • total 258300
  2. How is the other channel of the fuel system controller selected?
    • Cycle the fuel system switch to “SELECT” /”MANUAL” and back to auto.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  3. What does the illuminated “SELECT” light on the fuel system switch indicate?
    • The FUEL system should be placed in Manual mode
    • by the crew. (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3
    • FUEL)
  4. What happens if one of the main tank quantities reaches 4000?
    • A “TNK_FUEL QTY LOW” LEVEL 1 ALERT will appear.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL )
  5. What does an illuminated fuel pump low light indicate?
    • The pressure output from that tank is low.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  6. What effect will a loss of all generators have on the #2 engine?
    • #2 will probably flame out.
  7. Which pumps are powered when the ADG is deployed and in the electric mode?
    • #2 tank left aft and the tail tank alternate pump.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  8. When does tail fuel management begin?
    • During climb, with the gear up, flaps up, and slats retracted.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  9. If the fuel quantity test is conducted and what is displayed?
    • 188880 is displayed in each fuel tank quantity indicator window, followed by
    • 10500 on each gauge and a total of 52400.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  10. Where can ballast be carried and what are the limits?
    • The upper aux tank with no restrictions, or #2 tank with 25,000lbs ballast fuel
    • maximum. Tail tank which cannot contain both ballast and usuable fuel. Only one
    • tank can be designated for ballast fuel.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  11. With no external power on the aircraft and an APU start is attempted, how will fuel
    be supplied to the APU?
    • Through the DC powered APU start pump located in tank #2.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 APU)
  12. Describe the normal fuel management schedule with fuel in all tanks?
    • a) Tail and lower aux to upper aux
    • b) Upper aux to mains
    • c) #2 main to #1 and #3 main until quantities are equal
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  13. When operating in the manual mode, turning on the L and R aux tank TRANS
    switches on the fuel panel activates which pumps?
    • Both left and right upper, and left and right lower aux tank transfer pumps.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  14. How is a equalization of tank quantities handled in the automatic mode of operation?
    • The system will equalize tank quantities when tank 2 is below 41,500 lbs and an
    • imbalance of more than 2400 lbs exist between any 2 main tanks.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  15. Explain what occurs when the DUMP switch is pushed?
    • (a) The switch illuminates
    • (b) All fill valves close except the upper aux fill valve
    • (c) All pumps turn on, except tail tank alternate pump
    • (d) Transfer pumps turn on
    • (e) Crossfeed valves open
    • (f) Left and right dump valves open
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  16. Can a malfunction of the Fuel System controller inadvertently cause a fuel dump?
    • No. The dump switch alone controls the wing dump valves.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  17. How can fuel be evacuated from the tail tank with a loss of both transfer pumps?
    • The tail tank alternate pump will feed tail tank fuel directly to #2 engine This
    • occurs automatically if the fuel system is in auto. (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3
    • FUEL)
  18. What is the target CG that is maintained by the CG control system?
    • 2% forward of the aft limit.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  19. What conditions limit tail fuel quantity to 5000 lbs?
    • Tail tank alternate pump inop, engine #2 shut down, put fill/isolation valve failed
    • closed.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  20. What happens to tail fuel when any main tank quantity reaches 11,500 lbs?
    • Tail tank fuel will be transferred to main tanks to maintain 11,500 until the tail tank is
    • empty.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  21. What is the function of the fuel manifold drain?
    • Opens the alternate fill valves when fuel quantity in tank 2 drops to approximately
    • 1,800 lbs. and allows the manifold to drain into tank 2. Fuel transfer and
    • crossfeed valves are also inhibited.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  22. Can CG control be maintained in the manual mode?
    • No.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  23. When is tail tank fuel transferred forward during decent?
    • Tail fuel begins to move forward below 26,750’. If the descent rate drops below
    • approximately 500'/min the tail transfer forward stops until the rate increases again to
    • something more than 500'/min. When the aircraft descends below 19,750’, tail fuel
    • will transfer forward regardless of descent rate until all the tail fuel has moved
    • forward.
    • .
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  24. When operating in the manual mode, if the #2 main fuel tank quantity is less than the
    fuel in tanks 1 and 3, how can transfer from tank 1 or 3 be accomplished?
    • The transfer pump in tank 1 or 3 must be turned on, and the fill valve switch must be
    • held on the receiving tank to accomplish the transfer.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  25. When does cold fuel recirculation begin?
    • a) Tanks 1 and 3…When the fuel temp drops to within 6 degrees of the freezing
    • temp, the fuel is circulated within the tank.
    • b) Tail tank…when the temp drops to within 8 degrees of freezing, fuel is
    • circulated within the tank. If the fuel drops to within 5 degrees of freezing,
    • 1/3 is transferred forward and replaced with warmer fuel. At 3 degrees tail
    • fuel management is terminated.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  26. What level will the fuel automatically dump to?
    • To the FMS dump to gross weight or the un-dumpable level of 11,500lbs if below
    • FMS value.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  27. What is the fuel dump rate?
    • 5,000 lbs/min. Per Western Global Airlines
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  28. How can you reinitiate fuel dumping once the dump has stopped at the FMS dump
    level gross weight?
    • Put a lower weight in the FMS dump to G.W. to restart dump to that valve or, cycle the dump switch off then back on, which will now dump to the low level shutoff quantity.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  29. What does a level 1, FMS Dump Disabled alert indicated?
    Full dump will not stop automatically at the FMS Dump Valve on the Fuel Init page.
  30. What does a level 2 “FUEL DUMP LEVEL” alert indicate?
    • The dump did not terminate at the low level shutoff valve
    • (11,500lbs) level. (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  31. How can the fuel dump be stopped if the switch fails?
    • Push the fuel dump emergency stop switch.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  32. What happens to tail fuel during a dump?
    • It is transferred to the upper aux after the lower aux is empty.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  33. What happens to ballast fuel during a fuel dump?
    • It will be retained if the FSC is in the auto mode.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  34. During auto mode, what happens to the fuel system when a TANK WING OVERFILL
    alert is displayed.
    • All fuel transfer is stopped, the overfilled tank is determined, and the quantity of that
    • tank is kept to a max of 2000-3000 lbs below full for the remainder of the flight.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  35. With a loss of all generators, how is fuel used from the tail tank?
    • The tail tank ALT pump will be powered by the ADG when the ADG is deployed
    • and the ADG/ELEC position is selected.
  36. At what point will the fuel automatically transfer from the tip to the main tanks?
    • When the outboard and the inboard quantities are equal.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
  37. What are the consequences of a “TNK_TIP TRAPPED LEVEL 1ALERT”?
    • Tip fuel will not be available. (REFERENCE: FCOM
    • Volume 3 FUEL)
  38. What will happen if an overfill of the tail tank occurs?
    • First time: Fuel is transferred out until the quantity is below 12000 lb. The tail tank is
    • then limited to 12,000 lbs.
    • Second time: Fuel is transferred out until the quantity is 10,000 lbs. The tail is then
    • limited to 10,000 lbs.
    • Third time: Tail tank fuel management is terminated and a Level 1 “TAIL FUEL
    • FWD” alert will be displayed.
    • (REFERENCE: FCOM Volume 3 FUEL)
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Part 9 Fuel