1. Negative plate consist of what?
    sponge lead
  2. Positive plate consist of what?
    lead peroxide
  3. Purpose of the vent plug?
    prevent splashes, allow gas to escape, one-way valve.
  4. Specific Gravity formula.
    weight of certain volume / same volume of water.
  5. Specific Gravity of water.
  6. Specific Gravity of sulfuric acid.
  7. S.P. of mixture of sulfuric acid and water.
    1 - 1.83
  8. S.P. of electrolyte in lead-acid battery.
    1.350 or less
  9. S.P. of electrolyte in standard battery.
    1.210 - 1.220
  10. S.P. of electrolyte in new batteries.
    1.400 - 1.830
  11. Electrolyte in fully charged batteries.
    38% sulfuric acid by weight27% by volume
  12. What happens of battery is discharged?
    sulfuric acid depleted, electrolyte turns to water.
  13. Two types of hydrometer
    Type A - for submarinesType B - portable storage and aircraft. Scale: 1.100 - 1.300
  14. Is specific gravity is affected by temperature?
  15. what happens when electrolyte is heated?
    it expands, less dense, and lower reading
  16. What happens when electrolyte is cooled?
    it contracts, denser, and higher reading.
  17. What temperature is used to correct S.G?
    80 degree F
  18. How to correct S.G.
    add 1 point to the reading for each 3°F above 80°F subract 1 point to the reading for each 3°F below 80°F
  19. What can you do when it reaches 40°F and below
    increase the S.G. to 1.280
  20. Never add acid with a S. G. above what?
  21. What can be used to stir electrolyte?
    non metallic rod
  22. What type of electrolyte is authorized onboard.
  23. How is battery capacity measured?
  24. How to calculate ampere-hour capacity.
    current in amperes (times) time in hours
  25. Ampere-hour capacity depends on what?
    size of the cell
  26. How is bettery rating determined?
    by rate of discharge and ampere-hour capacity.
  27. How are most bettery rated?
    according to a one 10-hour rate of discharge.
  28. If a fully charged battery is completely discharged during a 10-hour period, It is discharge at what rate?
    10-hour rate
  29. Battery can deliver 20 amperes for 10 hours, what'sthe rating?
    200 ampere-hours
  30. Whats a low-voltage limit?
    which very little useful energy can be obtained from battery
  31. What happens to a batt when discharged
    dropped to 150 pts, 1.75 per cell, electrolyte 1.060, acid decreases.
  32. What happens to a batt when charged?
    2.4 -2.6 volts per cell
  33. 70 a/h at 10-hour rate, what is the drop in S.G.
    105 pts (70 x 1.5) or 40 a/h (60/1.5)
  34. What are the types of battery charges?
    1. Initial, normal, equalizing, floating, and emergency charge
  35. What is an initial charge use for?
    new battery, plates uncharged, and use long-low initial charge.
  36. What is a normal charge?
    complete S.G. is within 5 pts or .005 of equalizing charge. Check S.G. hourly, use nameplate data for start/finish rate.
  37. What is an equalizing charge?
    an extended normal charge at the finishing rate, read every half hour, continue until S.G. shows no change for 4 hour.
  38. What is an emergency charge?
    use for the shortest possible time with higher rate than normal,
  39. Where is the battery charging rate found?
    Where is the battery charging rate found?
  40. When to test discharge a battery?
    after 4 years, S.G. not within 10 pts, low output, and cells are less than normal voltage.
  41. Capactiy formula
    C=Ha/Ht X 100: Ha - hours discharge, Ht-
  42. What can be use to treat acid burns?
    water, petroleum, boric, zinc or lube oil.
  43. Discription of 24-302-BN batter charger
    115VAC + or - 5%, 60Hz + or - 5%, 1 phase, 20 a
  44. What are the only moving parts of the charger?
    adjustable resistors, rheostats, and meters
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Storage Battery