ECU Music in Life 2

  1. The Motet
    A polyphonic vocal style of composition. Popular in the middle ages, when it consisted of a tenor foundation upon which other tunes were added. The texts of these voices could be sacred or secular, Latin or French, and usually had little to do with each other
  2. A Capella
  3. Ars Antiqua
    French sacred polyphonic musical style of the 13th century Troubadors and Trouvers
  4. Ars Nova
    French musical style of the 14th century
  5. Church Modes
    A form of scales used in Gregorian Chant
  6. Word Painting
    Writing music which imitates the text
  7. Drone
    2 or more long notes accompanying a melody
  8. Estampie
    One of the oldest surviving purely instrumental forms of the 13th and 14th centuries.
  9. Gregorian Chant
    A melody set to sacred Latin texts and sung unaccompanied
  10. Melismatic Chant
    Many notes per syllable. Used to emphasize text.
  11. Monophonic Texture
    Music that is written for only one voice or part
  12. Neumatic Chant
    2-3 notes per syllable
  13. Polyphonic Texture
    A style of composition that has many voices, each with its own melody
  14. Sacred Music
    Music performed inside the church
  15. School of Notre Dame
    Pioneered the usage of measured rhythm
  16. Secular Music
    Music performed outside of the church
  17. St. Thomas Aquinas
    Influential priest, wrote Summa Theologica
  18. Dante Allighieri
    Wrote Divine Comedy- 1st to write in language other than Latin (vernacular)
  19. Syllabic Chant
    One note per syllable
  20. Terpsichore
    Greek Muse of Dance
  21. The Divine Office
    the official set of daily prayers prescribed by the Catholic Church to be recited at predetermined times by the clergy
  22. The Madrigal
    A piece set for several solo voices set to a short poem, usually about love
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ECU Music in Life 2
ECU Music in Life Medieval and Renaissance Terms