Joint Targeting

  1. What is a target?
    An entity (person, place, or thing) considered for possible engagement or action to alter or neutralize the function it performs for the adversary
  2. What determines a target's operational importance?
    Planned operations and the commander's objective(s)/end state
  3. What may targets include?
    • Facilities
    • Individuals
    • Virtual realm
    • Equipment
    • Organizations (FIVE-O)
  4. What are the Target Characteristics?
    • Physical
    • Functional
    • Cognitive
    • Environmental
    • Temporal
  5. What are the 4 principles of targeting?
    • Focused - Achieving JFC's objective
    • Effects-based - Produce specific effects (physical, functional, or psychological)
    • Interdisciplinary - Operations, intelligence, legal, geospatial, etc.
    • Systematic - Achieve effects in a systematic manner
  6. How is a target's importance determined?
    A target's operational importance is determined by planned operations and the commander's objective(s)/end state
  7. What is the joint targeting cycle?
    A six-phase, iterative process that methodically analyzes, prioritizes, and assigns assets against targets to create effects that will contribute to the achievement of the JFC's objectives.
  8. What is the Joint Targeting Coordination Board (JTCB)?
    A group formed by the JFC to accomplish broad targeting oversight functions.
  9. What is a High-Value Target (HVT)?
    A target the enemy commander requires for successful completion of the mission.
  10. What is a High-Payoff Target (HPT)?
    A high value target whose loss to the enemy will significantly contribute to the success of the friendly course of action
  11. What is a Time-Sensitive Target (TST)?
    A target requiring immediate response because it is a highly lucrative, fleeting target of opportunity or it poses (or soon will pose) a danger to friendly forces.
  12. What are Critical elements of a system?
    Those elements a system requires in order to enable enemy capabilities and/or actions which are the focus of the commander's objectives and thus the source of the desired direct and cascading effects on the system
  13. What are Critical Requirement within a system?
    They often enable the functioning of several interrelated parts of the system, and so affecting them in the right way can disable several components, or even cause cascading system-wide failure.
  14. What is a Critical vulnerability of a system?
    An aspect of a critical requirement which is deficient or vulnerable to direct or indirect attack that will create decisive or significant effect
  15. What are the two general targeting categories?
    • Deliberate
    • Dynamic
  16. What are the 4 target scheduling methodologies?
    • Scheduled
    • On-call
    • Unplanned
    • Unanticipated
  17. What is deliberate targeting?
    • prosecutes planned targets known to exist with engagement scheduled to create effects which support JFC objectives
    • Scheduled
    • On-call
  18. What is dynamic targeting?
    • prosecutes targets of opportunity and changes to planned targets or objective
    • Unplanned
    • Unanticipated
  19. What is a scheduled target?
    A target which will be prosecuted at a specific time
  20. What is a on-call target?
    A target for which actions are planned, but not for specific delivery time
  21. What is an unanticipated target?
    A target that is unknown or not expected
  22. What is an unplanned target?
    A target that is known to exist in operational environment but which is not prosecuted at this time
  23. Who Coordinates, maintains, and disseminates FSCMs within the OA?
    Joint Fires Element (with Joint Force Commander's approval)
  24. What are the five functions of Target development?:
    • Target Analysis
    • TGT vetting
    • TGT validation
    • TGT nomination
    • ID intel gaps
  25. What is Target System Analysis (TSA)?
    An all-source examination of potential target systems to determine relevance to stated objectives, military importance, and priority of attack
  26. What is the Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List (JIPTL)?
    A prioritized list of targets approved and maintained by the JFC
  27. What are the characteristics of the Joint Targeting Cycle?
    • Not time-constrained nor rigidly sequential
    • Steps may occur concurrently
    • Provides an essential framework to describe the steps to conduct joint targeting
  28. What is the definition of Endstate?
    The military end state is the set of required conditions that defines achievement of all military objectives for the operation.
  29. What are CDR's objectives?
    Objectives are the basis for developing the desired effects and scope of target development, and are coordinated among strategists, planners, and intelligence analysts for approval by the commander.
  30. What methods can be used to prioritize targets?
    JIPOE helps target developers prioritize an adversary's target systems
  31. When is the JFE formed?
    When the JFC assigns a J3.
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Joint Targeting
Joint Targeting